Why do you suppose that Americans want to change the Church and make it more “democratic” in light of the fact that US Catholics make up maybe 5% of the world’s Catholics??? In order to be truly fair democratically speaking, Americans should only have about 5% of the total say. Any thoughts on undemocratic democracy (i.e. US Catholics wanted the Universal Church to bend to their wims)??? Thanks and God Bless.
Actually I am going to disagree with your initial premise; it is not simply that Americans wish to change the church – it is an endemic movement which has swept through the Americas and Europe primarily.
It’'s root cause is that instead of man being made in the image of God, these men wish to remake God in the image of man. From this poison has flowed dissent, separation of church members, one from the other, from congregations and last, but certainly not least, the plague of national councils of bishops.
When bishops spoke for their individual dioceses, everyone knew who they were and what they said; under the national councils, it is a nameless faceless bunch of bureaucrats, backed up often by staff, who are the point guard for all kinds of “man made” theology.
In Germany for instance, the numbers of “progressives” are calling for far more progressive change than most here in the US-- in France, they really don’t pay any attention at all; and as the Celtic Tiger has grown in economic strength bringing prosperity to the Irish, many of them have fallen into the trap of the “modern phillosophies”. The country of Spain has within the past 12 months, striven hard to completely disassociate itself with its own Catholic history and heritage and in Canada, well, we’ve discussed much of here in this very forum. Then we have South and Central America - where marxists and communists seek to use Jesus and the gospels for their social agendas, trying to disguise it as “godly” And I am ashamed to say, that these political and social radicals are often led and fueled by members of our own clergy from at least three different orders, once known for their glorious service to God. A pox be on them and on their houses.
Yet, there are streams – small streams carrying the words of the water of life, of strong Catholic faith, of families who seek something better and the young, who are already disenchanted with the being fed stones instead of bread. For years now, many of us have cried out with the Magdalen, "Oh where have they taken my Lord, I know not where they have laid Him…JPII the Great and now Benedict the Blessed have answered those questions, it is up to us, now to pick up our responsibilities and move forward with them.
As for those who wish to take any means to self flagellate themselves or their countrymen, you are no better, but certainly no worse than your continental counterparts. Greed, corruption, the dissenters, the refusal like Lucifer to say aloud, the plain truth, it is not that we cannot serve, it is that we will not serve.