He was not talking about the Barretts. He was talking about the Scalia family. Here’s what he said:Whether he meant it this way or not, it came across as his asserting the superiority of genes that produce attractive, blond, fair-skinned, intelligent white people. Commenting upon a family’s “good genes” is awfully tone-deaf where some of the children are obviously adopted, regardless of their race.
“And we are honored to have his wonderful wife, Maureen — where is Maureen? Maureen Scalia — with us today. (Applause.) Thank you. And our great Secretary of Labor, thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Secretary. (Applause.) Very good genes in that family, I will say. Very good genes.”
And there’s nothing wrong with being blond or fair, but Antonin Scalia, of Italian extraction, was neither.