Unsure whether I can communicate this, here are my :twocents: on what is being discussed:
Our lives are eternal in three senses:
- God creates time. He thereby exists in all time and transcends it. Who we are and what we have done is immutably known to God.
- We are able to observe time as an ongoing movement in the present because we are, albeit finite, in God’s likeness, eternal beings, also outside time.
- It has been revealed that our souls continue after our death and that we will be resurrected.
The laws of physics can be said to be eternal in that they underlie the vagaries of the physical universe.
For example, unchanging and lasting forever is the relationship between energy and mass. It remains the same all the time.
Spiritually there exists good and evil, ultimately based on the will of God, which is love.
To the degree that we do not love, we are separated from God, who is Goodness, Beauty, Truth and Life.
Suffering cannot but ensue from this separation.
Hell is an eternal condition of unending movement in the moment away from God.
It had a beginning in time with the fall of the angels.
It is perpetuated in man through individual decisions made during our lives, which are grounded outside of time.
What is involved are not blind forces but living states of being; this movement away from God can then also be understood as His judgement.
God who is all merciful, knowing and understanding, forgives us.
In order to enjoy the benefits of that forgiveness, we must repent.
We must move back towards God; we must follow the Way, who is Jesus Christ.
Once we die, we die; it is over. This is complicated, however.
We are judged on what we have done with our lives, whom we have become given God’s graces.
If we have given ourselves over to truth and charity, that is who we are in eternity.
If our lives are a lie, bringing harm to others and ugliness into creation, that is whom we have made of ourselves.
I believe we will all be given an opportunity to repent.
As many angels became demons, many persons will apparently choose like-wise.
As we grow in the Way, towards greater life and freedom,
we alternatively, can sink into oblivion.
God brings us forth into creation and we return it all, losing ourselves in joyous communion with Him.
Creation as the breathing in and out of the Spirit.
At the other extreme, He brings us into being, seen as the person we are, in all our unrepented wickedness.
Existence here is torture, from which we seek refuge in nothingness.
As we may eternal bathe in the Beatific Vision, we may find ourselves perpetually running from the Light.
When I go up on a ladder to fix something, I do not look down. There is so much to do in this world, what a waste it is to not look upwards and try to fix it!