My dear husband and I were talking about this new forum last night, and something he said really struck me, and was something I never thought of before but find quite important to consider.
To have, on a Catholic forum, a place for “traditional Catholics”, when we are ONE holy, catholic, apostolic faith, does this not create a schismatic divide in the Church, or at least the appearance of one?
Yes, there are some who have a preference for certain things, but to pull apart the “traditional” into their own camp, are we not saying that we are now two churches? Those who practice the Faith in a “traditional” way, and those who don’t.
I have to agree with him that it lends the appearance of divisiveness in the Church to those who don’t know and come here seeking answers. Much of the discussions could probably just as easily fit into the other already existing forums on the board, and a “hot house” debate forum could be used for the truly heated issues.
I’m not telling CA how to run this place, but as a member, and a Catholic, I feel that we have to be absolutely above question when it comes to any appearance of division in the Church.
To have, on a Catholic forum, a place for “traditional Catholics”, when we are ONE holy, catholic, apostolic faith, does this not create a schismatic divide in the Church, or at least the appearance of one?
Yes, there are some who have a preference for certain things, but to pull apart the “traditional” into their own camp, are we not saying that we are now two churches? Those who practice the Faith in a “traditional” way, and those who don’t.
I have to agree with him that it lends the appearance of divisiveness in the Church to those who don’t know and come here seeking answers. Much of the discussions could probably just as easily fit into the other already existing forums on the board, and a “hot house” debate forum could be used for the truly heated issues.
I’m not telling CA how to run this place, but as a member, and a Catholic, I feel that we have to be absolutely above question when it comes to any appearance of division in the Church.