An Issue With "Traditional"

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Such an attitude – there’s no such thing as traditional Catholicism… only Catholicism – is ultimately naive. There are many Catholics who are much more spiritually nourished by the old Rite than the new. Why shouldn’t they be allowed to identify themselves, especially when you consider that what we have to sometimes fight tooth and nail for was the normative Mass for 1,500 years? No one accuses Byzantine Catholics of being divisive for having a different theological, devotional, and liturgical tradition. Why shouldn’t Catholics who love the Latin Mass receive the same courtesy?
I would say that what is being debated here is the benefits of calling those who prefer the older rites of the Catholic Church traditional because a Byzantine Catholic is defined by their rites, and byzantine has no bearing on legitimacy, but traditional seems to give more legitimacy to those who prefer the traditional worship styles. In reality, there is one Church, but different ways to worship. I believe that the people on this thread are arguing semantics and nothing more, as the semantics may mislead some into believing that post vatican 2 rites are not valid.

A lone Raven
Nice post.
Such an attitude – there’s no such thing as traditional Catholicism… only Catholicism – is ultimately naive. There are many Catholics who are much more spiritually nourished by the old Rite than the new. Why shouldn’t they be allowed to identify themselves, especially when you consider that what we have to sometimes fight tooth and nail for was the normative Mass for 1,500 years? No one accuses Byzantine Catholics of being divisive for having a different theological, devotional, and liturgical tradition. Why shouldn’t Catholics who love the Latin Mass receive the same courtesy?
I guess the fact that I am a protestant convert to Catholicism isn’t enough proof. First hand accounts is not proof enough?
It may be true of the particular church you were in, but not generally true of others. I’m assuming you were using hyperbole with some of your terminology describing their liturgies, which is really not the norm. Have you spoken to Marcus Grodi and Scott Hahn? I listen regularly to EWTN, and never heard a Protestant convert state the things you describe. They are truly not the norm in their liturgies, as they are not the norm in ours.

I’m all for a truce, Sonny, and every time I think there is one in place and extend the olive branch, it is short-lived. I also sent an apology in a pm to one member and it was rejected with more of the same nastiness. How do we learn to respect one another’s deep feelings on either side without demeaning them personally? If we could solve that, this throat-cutting would end.

I think the reality is that both sides are most passionate about their worship of God in whatever setting they feel comfortable. That is admirable, yes?

May God’s peace and joy be evident among us!
With all due respect…whether or not it is confusing you, it doesn’t erase the fact that there are modernist trying to tear the Church apart.
Agreed - and there are many people who call themselves Traditionalists who are doing exactly the same. I have met these people.
Lizanne has made a post that is completely way off target, because she is wrong in her statements towards traditionalists.
I do not agree - I think that her initial post is correct. You have an elitism which seeks to raise those who stick to a rite which has now been suplemented by the generally accepted one to a superior position. Bear in mind that the Indult for the TLM says it can only be granted if the NO is accepted as valid, and that the NO is celebrated as “standard”.
the whole premise of this thread is either a lie or a misunderstanding…only the OP knows this.
I have just deleted about five responses this, as they would betray a lack of charity. But suffice to say if you were in front of me right now I would have had to leave the room or I would have done something which would probably be illegal. Don’t ever dare even suggest my wife is a liar again. Keep a civil tongue in your head.
but ignoring facts doesn’t make it go away.
What facts are being ignored here? The only fact is that the Church is under attack from revisionist modernism. That the TLM is a form of defence against that is not a fact - it is an opinion expressed by a group who are (in my experience both on and off this board) acting as an elitist group who seem to consider themselves above the rest of the Church.
for example, look at how the Clinton administration handled the problem with Al-Qaeda, state sponsored terrorism, and Bin Laden…point proven.
Your point is not proven at all. You use the words “for example” and then give a completely unrelated example which contains the emotive subject of terrorism. This example is not connected in the slightest with the subject under discussion. It is not even worthy of a respose, save this dismissal. It proves nothing save the low quality of that as an example.
there are a certain group of people within The Catholic Church who are being attacked for holding on to Traditions
Who has attacked you? Really? And have you really been attacked for holding onto traditions which have been replaced by entirely legitimate Church Councils? Or have you been attacked for promoting an elitist and divisive attitude?

Speaking personally, I have attacked no-one. If I had attacked you, you would really know about it. I am not a subtle man. But my reasons for opposing you are not because you cling to traditions (which have now been legitimately replaced) but because your group is elitist and divisive.
then being slandered by post like this
“Slander” is the action of saying something which is untrue. Please, demonstrate what is demonstrably untrue about any of the statements made. All have been couched in terms of personal opinion inviting debate. Slander is a legal term - tell you what, PM me and then we can have our attorneys talk if you think this is really slander. That laughter you can hear is the pre-emptive humour of the courts.

Don’t use a term inacurrately, I really don’t admire it as a tactic. You are using the term in order to cause an emotive response.
even being told there is no more room for us within our own Church.
While this may be true, this has not been said on this thread or by anyone here. Hence, you are using an example from an external source and attempting to apply it here in order to gain sympathy and so forth. This is another very poor debate tactic and one which I have no admiration for.
…try to look past all this nonsense, because there truly is one true Church…you have found it…the individuals within it are flawed…that is what you are seeing…the Church herself, is perfect.
Finally, we agree. And that one true church held a Second Vatican Council, where she proscribed . . . what about the Novos Ordo?

That is is valid. Always, without exception. The TLM is valid under an indult.

The original point of Lizaanne’s post was that calling something Traditional Catholicism implied a division - and we are seeing it here. I made the additional point that calling something “traditional” gave validity to the concept of “modern”. I feel both our pointsstand - especially as you have fallen foul of Godwin’s Law. Although this site is not an adherent to many of the internet’s “rules”, you make like to read that article and understand that - in certain circumstances - you are considered to have automatically “lost” the debate.

Yes, there is an edge of sarcasm here. It is the only thing that keeps the violence out of my posts. You treat my wife with a little more respect.

As I have said before, charity and the distance between us renders any further comment futile and inappropriate. But if we do ever meet face to face, choose your words far more carefully.
I for one am going to make an honest effort to stop and call a truce.
Was this before or after you accused Lizaanne of slander? I forget.
I am tired of arguing about this stuff…we are all hard headed and won’t change.
Ah, the classic argument - you say “Well, I’m tired of arguing because I realize that nothing will be achieved!” Not so tired when you thought you could win, we’re you?
Come to my restraunt, I will buy you all a beer. 🙂
I wouldn’t drink with you were I dying of thirst. In fact, I wouldn’t even kneel next to you to take the cup of Christ. I couldn’t - the anger in my heart over what you have said would make a mockery of it.

Right now, that is how I feel. If you want to call a truce, go ahead - but I never drew blade against you. I have been civil all the way. What you are doing is saying that you want to stop attacking others - which I consider all well and good. But that is not a truce - a truce requires both sides to stop fighting.

I never started - although I did have a fair degree of provocation. At the moment, my anger colors my words. I suggest you back away, slowly, making no sudden moves. Put the attitude down and no-one gets hurt.


Do that, and I might calm enough to be considered a Christian in my heart again.
. I also sent an apology in a pm to one member and it was rejected with more of the same nastiness.
Sharing something from a PM …vaguely recall something about Forum rules;)
Now I will do my best to remain charitable…even after being threatened physically in two consecutive posts from you…Let me first start off by saying, after 4 years at The Citadel…your idle threats don’t even make me sigh…I have seen it all and been through it all…stuff that makes Gitmo and Abhu Ghraib look like the daycare we send our children to…so please, don’t threaten me ever again…I wouldn’t do it to you and I would hope out of Christian charity you wouldn’t attempt to harm me physically if we were to meet…I mean, afterall…aren’t educated people supposed to be able to debate eachother without violence occuring?

With that said…I apologize if you are upset with some of the things said by me in my post…but for the record, I never did the things you claim I did…you read too much into what I was saying and got your own interpretation.

Now in closing…I would like to quote the scripture I quoted earlier:
“Guard against foul talk; let your words be for the improvement of others, as occasion offers, and do good to your listeners, otherwise you will only be grieving the Holy Spirit of God who has marked you with his seal for you to be set free when the day comes. Never have grudges against others, or lose your temper, or raise your voice to anybody, or call each other names, or allow any sort of spitefulness. Be friends with one another, and kind, forgiving each other as readily as God forgave you in Christ.” Ephesians 4:29 - 32
But if we do ever meet face to face, choose your words far more carefully.
I am going to start praying for you right now…you are in much need of prayers.
I wouldn’t drink with you were I dying of thirst. In fact, I wouldn’t even kneel next to you to take the cup of Christ. I couldn’t - the anger in my heart over what you have said would make a mockery of it.

Right now, that is how I feel. If you want to call a truce, go ahead - but I never drew blade against you. I have been civil all the way. What you are doing is saying that you want to stop attacking others - which I consider all well and good. But that is not a truce - a truce requires both sides to stop fighting.

I never started - although I did have a fair degree of provocation. At the moment, my anger colors my words. I suggest you back away, slowly, making no sudden moves. Put the attitude down and no-one gets hurt.


Do that, and I might calm enough to be considered a Christian in my heart again.
I also sent an apology in a pm to one member and it was rejected with more of the same nastiness.
Sharing something from a PM …vaguely recall something about Forum rules
You still love to stir the pot, huh Karin? Minutes after attempts at a truce! Minutes after inferences of divisions on this thread … :mad:

I revealed NOTHING of the content, nor who said it. This is not against forum rules. Go read.

4.Do not post others’ e-mail addresses, private messages, or private e-mail sent by them * unless they give you permission to do so.*
You still love to stir the pot, huh Karin? Minutes after attempts at a truce! Minutes after inferences of divisions on this thread … :mad:
Calm down, please - she posted a little smilie after it! It was clearly meant as a joke! I thought it was rather funny.

If there is any pot stiring going on, it is certainly not Karin who did it in that little exchange. Your failure to appreciate Karin’s joke could be seen in that light.

Please, shall we all try to see that there are jokes here and that there are things which are unreasonable here? A light-hearted comment about forum rules followed by a smilie clearly falls into the former category!
Calm down, please - she posted a little smilie after it! It was clearly meant as a joke! I thought it was rather funny.

If there is any pot stiring going on, it is certainly not Karin who did it in that little exchange. Your failure to appreciate Karin’s joke could be seen in that light.

Please, shall we all try to see that there are jokes here and that there are things which are unreasonable here? A light-hearted comment about forum rules followed by a smilie clearly falls into the former category!
thank you…but no need to defend me to joysong.
she has this idea that I am some others are out to personally attack her, at her every turn…
what i posted was in jest as something similar had been posted by her in another thread…I thought she would see the humor…guess not!
It would be the tendency to consider that certain instructions from Rome are “optional” - so, for example;

i) Catholics practicing barrier methods of birth control within marriage because their (uninformed) conscience says it is okay.

ii) Catholics voting for pro-abortion politicians

iii) Holding hands during the Our Father

iv) The belief that the Catholic Church is just “another denomination” rather than “the one true faith”.

Modernism is a product of the modern world, and there are many examples of it. It is, essentially, the neglecting (if not the outright rejection) of core Catholic doctrines because they are inconvenient or don’t fit with the modern world. It is the creation of a “Catholicism-lite”.

Saint Pope Pius X was a big foe of modernism.
I could be wrong (and often I am) but I don’t think Pius X listed most of these things when he condemned Modernism. He might have addressed the issue of #iv above, I have not looked at it in a long time.

I also don’t see how holding hands could be considered Catholicism-Lite.

I’m not going to touch any of the bickering that’s been going on in this thread, but I wanted to throw my thoughts out there.

I once interviewed Ralph McInerny, a relatively well-known Thomist and Catholic theologian on the faculty of my university. I asked him a question about the effect he saw of liberals and conservatives in the Church.

His response?

“There are no liberals or conservatives in the Church. Such labels are not helpful for the One Body of Christ. The only labels are orthodox and heterodox. Either you believe what the Church teaches or you don’t.”

Those who are “liberal” to the extent that they disagree with the essential Church teachings on faith and morals are not merely liberal, they are heterodox. They are not in communion with the Holy See…they are not Catholic, and should not pretend that they are.

But by the same token, “Traditional,” “charismatic,” “ecumenical,” and other labels for Catholics don’t label a ‘brand’ of Catholicism or a type of heterodoxy–they are names for specific *spiritualities *which are all within the orthodox practice of the One True Faith. To bash others (which is my perception from many of the posts on this particular forum) as ‘modernists’ or ‘not really Catholic’ simply because their particular form of practice is not the same as yours does not treat others with the charity which they are due as your brothers and sisters in Christ.

I suggest everyone read Pius X’s syllabus of errors regarding modernism… that is what we need to worry about, what we are up against. Disagreements about headcoverings, handholding, and receiving the Eucharist in the hand really pale in comparison to the problem of modernism. While they might be its symptoms, we should first address the root causes of the problem. People will reject us outright if we just go after symptoms.

I’m not advocating here a wholesale acceptance of any type of ‘Catholicism’ outright. The important thing is that every Catholic believes what the Church teaches–I would love for the Church to be is diverse in practice, but in which every member fully follows Church teaching regarding morality, service to the poor, etc. That is how it should be.

The truth of the matter is that there are many orthodox individuals who feel closest to Christ at a lifeteen Mass with music that most of us don’t prefer (not to mention might find irreverent). As long as they hold and love the Catholic faith, and as long as the Mass follows the GIRM, who are we to say that they are wrong or any less Catholic? Same goes for those of us who prefer a reverent NO to a TLM Mass. I am well aware that there are huge liturgical abuses out there which need correction… but I think that handholding during the Our Father is a tiny ‘problem’ compared to widespread dismissal of Church teaching and Masses with liturgical dancing, heterodox homilies, and invalid substances being used for the consecration.

My two cents. Open for charitable comment/correction!
I’m not going to touch any of the bickering that’s been going on in this thread, but I wanted to throw my thoughts out there.

I once interviewed Ralph McInerny, a relatively well-known Thomist and Catholic theologian on the faculty of my university. I asked him a question about the effect he saw of liberals and conservatives in the Church.

His response?

“There are no liberals or conservatives in the Church. Such labels are not helpful for the One Body of Christ. The only labels are orthodox and heterodox. Either you believe what the Church teaches or you don’t.”

Those who are “liberal” to the extent that they disagree with the essential Church teachings on faith and morals are not merely liberal, they are heterodox. They are not in communion with the Holy See…they are not Catholic, and should not pretend that they are.

But by the same token, “Traditional,” “charismatic,” “ecumenical,” and other labels for Catholics don’t label a ‘brand’ of Catholicism or a type of heterodoxy–they are names for specific *spiritualities *which are all within the orthodox practice of the One True Faith. To bash others (which is my perception from many of the posts on this particular forum) as ‘modernists’ or ‘not really Catholic’ simply because their particular form of practice is not the same as yours does not treat others with the charity which they are due as your brothers and sisters in Christ.

I suggest everyone read Pius X’s syllabus of errors regarding modernism… that is what we need to worry about, what we are up against. Disagreements about headcoverings, handholding, and receiving the Eucharist in the hand really pale in comparison to the problem of modernism. While they might be its symptoms, we should first address the root causes of the problem. People will reject us outright if we just go after symptoms.

I’m not advocating here a wholesale acceptance of any type of ‘Catholicism’ outright. The important thing is that every Catholic believes what the Church teaches–I would love for the Church to be is diverse in practice, but in which every member fully follows Church teaching regarding morality, service to the poor, etc. That is how it should be.

The truth of the matter is that there are many orthodox individuals who feel closest to Christ at a lifeteen Mass with music that most of us don’t prefer (not to mention might find irreverent). As long as they hold and love the Catholic faith, and as long as the Mass follows the GIRM, who are we to say that they are wrong or any less Catholic? Same goes for those of us who prefer a reverent NO to a TLM Mass. I am well aware that there are huge liturgical abuses out there which need correction… but I think that handholding during the Our Father is a tiny ‘problem’ compared to widespread dismissal of Church teaching and Masses with liturgical dancing, heterodox homilies, and invalid substances being used for the consecration.

My two cents. Open for charitable comment/correction!
Beautiful post.

A lone Raven

This thread is now closed. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion.
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