Do you ever read an entire post or use logic whenever responding to a post??? Where on this forum or on God’s Green Earth have you ever found someone who claimed Catholics who prefer the TLM never sin??? Or that All people who attend the Novus Ordo are deficient and incapable of doing good??? No one I know of, that is in full communion with The Church…has ever attacked the Novus Ordo Mass itself…however, they attack the numerous abuses that are allowed to run rampant in them by the priest and the bishops. Is that so hard for you to understand???
The implication seems to be that those who are in the TLM movement never do these things. Beg to differ on that! Like nobody ever used birth control who were in the age of the old mass? And they don’t do this now? Clearly a delusion. Sin is sin, and all Catholics are subject to commiting it, not just those who attend the Pauline mass.
It is not the normative mass celebrated universally, and I agree that it certainly lends an idea that there are two normative masses which one may attend according to personal preference.