Anger issues, anger issues

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I pray the Jesus prayer. The eastern churches pray it while breathing in and out. Breathing in while praying “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God” then out while praying “have mercy on me a sinner”. It brings not only prayer into my life, but calmness. The body and soul.
Hate him or hate him, he and his adminstration have done more for the Catholic Church than any president in history.

I find that, in politices, the goals are often similar, but the means of achieving those goal are radically different.
Hate him or hate him, he and his adminstration have done more for the Catholic Church than any president in history.

I find that, in politices, the goals are often similar, but the means of achieving those goal are radically different.
And regardless of the good things accomplished under his Administration, he’s also perpetuated some brazen falsehoods and openly engaged in other behaviors that have put egg on the face of any Christians who support him. The things that he says and tweets can’t be blamed on an unfair press, after all. He’s put his Christian supporters in a position of looking like hypocrites for being willing to support him. That is not good, either.

Really, it is hard to find a “center” to stand on without writing in candidates and watching the parade of power go by. Maybe this won’t last, though. One can never tell what will happen in politics.

The main thing, with regards this thread, is to do what has been suggested, which is to avoid those things which tempt us towards personal sin and to try to have a merciful attitude when dealing with others who seem to be seriously in need of fraternal correction or at least good-faith questioning of their choices and the rationales behind them.
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OP good that you are reaching out and recognising there is a problem. Many go through life unaware or unwilling to make changes.

Advice to avoid the temptation is not particularly helpful when the OP has made it clear he has lots of triggers. He can’t stop driving, working, interacting with people etc.

OP do you have children? Unfortunately they do tend to pick up our bad habits despite our good intentions. Do you blow up at them?

Have you considered seeing a counsellor to perhaps guide you? I had a friend whose husband did cognitive therapy for anger issues. Apparently it is helping quite a bit.

If you have a family I strongly suggest outside help in addition to the prayer. Neuron elasticity is a thing and absolutely can be trained to make alternative pathways.

Good luck.
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Imagine that every person you’re angry with is a saint, or else Jesus himself.
I respectfully disagree. I see nothing that Trump has done to help the Catholic Church. He has talked a lot, but has not really done anything.
Like so many Republicans, I believe Trump uses Catholics and the good folks who practice other religions. He tells them what they want to hear and then either does nothing or does the opposite.
And Trump’s language and personal conduct are not things I would want my children or grandchildren to emulate. He seems crude and nasty to me.
I pray that our country is able to survive his presidency.
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