If he made “tons” of calls and you “know” it’s a open shut case, then why did it take two years of waiting on his part to know anything? Did he not talk to his advocate? Did he not ask questions? Seriously, that is a long time to just wait.Yes he made tons of calls, why are you immediately uncharitably jumping to judging my fiancé and implying he’s not really on board here? Why would your response to this stressful situation be to try and plant seeds of doubt there?
I’m not being uncharitable, I’m pointing out some huge flaws in your thought process here.
You have assigned blame on the Church, the tribunal, the Diocese, the ex, and whoever else for your issues when clearly you take absolutely zero responsibility for yourself.Although you want to try to assign blame here, and insult us, the best advice isn’t always to constantly harass a bureaucracy to move faster. we did as much as possible with prudence, but no raising it to the level of harassment when we were told the “process was happening” wouldn’t be a good idea, you are just trying to pass the responsibility rather than think critically here about this situation.
The church broke protocol by waiting 2 years for the spouse to respond and ignoring
You first claimed your fiance made “tons” of calls and now state he did not. Which is it? This huge crisis you’ve created didn’t warrant attention before this? After 3 years it is urgent? I’m sorry, I just don’t buy it.
How do you know the Church broke protocol? Because someone on CAF said so?
If you have spoken extensively to canon lawyers, you would have the answers to your questions. You wouldn’t be here ranting about how horrible the Church is being to you and messing with your fertility. I really don’t care if you heed my words. Given your responses to most of the posters here, I would guess the only response you want is one that would commiserate with you, telling you all the words you want to hear, affirming your anger. In other words, keeping it all about you.What I know if canon law is my own research and speaking extensively to canon lawyers. Why are you castigating me for looking for answers on an ANSWERS forum and implying that’s stupid and yet of course I am to take all your words on this forum to heart I am sure you think.
I think it is time you and your fiance have a heart to heart about his marital situation. He is the one in control of it, not you.