Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis or Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales?
Never heard of either, so I can’t choose.

Defunct airlines: Pan Am or TWA?
Pan Am (btw the old TWA terminal in JFK airport is turning into a hotel 🏨)

Haagen Daz or Baskin and Robins?
I’m retired now, but selling it back was never an option for me…I’d end up taking time over the holidays at the end of the year.

Ice cream or gelato?
Potato chips by themselves, tortilla chips are f with guacamole or salsa.

Laptops: Windows or IOS?

(There are laptops that run iOS? 🤔 Tablets, yes, but I thought Apple’s laptops run macOS…)

Sheep 🐑 or pigs 🐖?
This one is hard because Anthony Bourdain passed away. His birthday is coming up. Andre Zimmern was his friend.

So sad. 😦

Coffee with cream or black?
With cream. And sugar (unless it’s a flat white). :coffee:

Beard and/or mustache or clean-shaven?
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I’ve had a beard and mustache for 45 years…can’t imagine being clean-shaven.

Outdoor cooking: charcoal or gas?
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