Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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Weak (assuming this means light roast), as it actually has more caffeine than strong coffee (assuming this means dark roast)

Salad dressing: store-bought or homemade?
Whole bean, but I’ll still grind it before brewing 😝

Cake frosting: buttercream or fondant? 🍰
Mystery. :female_detective:🔎

Blonde :man:t3::woman:t3: or brunette :man:t2::woman:t2:?
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Brunette…at one time, it was blonde…then I met my brunette wife…

Small shops or big box stores?
I couldn’t possibly choose one over the other.

Cheddar or Swiss? 🧀
I choose wheat most of the time, but opt for rye now and then, when I have the chance (rye bread as it exists in the US isn’t available here). If there were a whole wheat/rye combination in a single loaf, that would be the ideal 😀

Clock display: analog :mantelpiece_clock: or digital?
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Analog…it’s what I grew up with…I can remember when being able to ‘tell time’ was a rite of passage…

Meat loaf: all beef or a combination of different meats?
Combination of different meats. I usually find 100% beef meatloaf to be rather hard. Adding at least ground pork makes it more tender.

Gold: yellow or white?
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“One Bread, One Body” or “I Am the Bread of Life”?
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