Another parental notification issue

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I am terrified at the idea that if a 13 year old decides to get contraceptive pills she can do so without her parents finding out. In fact, she can do so even if her parents do find out and object.

The problem isn’t as much when you are ok with your child being alone with the doctor, the problem is when you aren’t ok with it and you cannot do anything about it.

This makes it even more difficult for a parent that does want to be responsible (like if we didn’t have enough problems already). Parents can put the 101% in raising their children, but even with that, some children still do the wrong thing, or can be mislead or succumb to other pressures. If the government takes away part of the parents’ control in the situation, that is a threat to parental authority.

This thread highlights the importance of interviewing a doctor on his or her personal convictions concerning any strongly held beliefs the patient has before employing the doctor’s services. This is routinely recommended to first time moms who are looking for an obgyn (what is his view on c-sections, pitocin, epidurals, etc) and pedi (what is his view on breastfeeding, co-sleeping, etc), but not spoken of after that.

When I was a late teen, I was estranged from my family for a while (long story, but not typical–the parents were the problem). I had a terrible urinary tract infection and, after downing bottle after bottle of cranberry juice, tried to get medical care. I had to have my parents’ permission no matter where I called. They ALL referred me to Planned Parenthood. I went so far as to call and make an appointment but couldn’t bear the thought of walking into such a place and cancelled. I finally found out online that I could go to the hospital which had to treat me even if I couldn’t pay. So I went. The rest of the story is, in the hospital rep’s words, “We have to treat you even if you can’t pay, but that doesn’t stop us from trying to collect from you.” I found this out when I enquired about the mark on my credit report–I hadn’t heard a peep (you don’t even have a credit report until 18!) and found it on my own years later. Only now, as an adult, am I aware of the other options–like the free clinic that is held twice a month. You better believe I tried my hardest to find out info like that and no one provided it to me–they all said to go to PP. This is the situation that parents who are active in their children’s lives face as well. The doctors, much like the courts, do not stick to the realm of medicine. They surpass that and step into the realm of parenting and instruct the children on matters of morals, with obviously skewed agendas themselves. When the child tries to find out more and is only told one side of the story from the medical establishment, it can be very damaging. And not just to credit reports.
First of all some of you make me sound like a pervert for being present at my teenage boys exams! With my own pediatrician she always asked me to step out of the room for a few seconds when the genital exam took place, which is pretty quick for boys. I have learned from experience to always be present during everything to do with their health. These are my boys and until they are 18 years old they are my responsibility. I had to take a 1/2 day off work to go to this physical because he can’t be treated without me there but I’m not able to know what went on in the exam!?!? Actually I asked the doctor to look at some suspicious moles - I have no idea whether he looked at them or not (I asked him about this during the lecture on sunscreen usage). What if he forgot? What if in another 6 months those moles are found to have a problem? What if my son didn’t mention the fact that he had been complaining about his knees again, which he had surgery on one year ago, because he doesn’t think it is a big deal?

Also, I have always been very frank with my kids when talking about sex. We discuss consequences of actions including pregnancy, STD’s etc…we discuss that abstinence is an expectation until they are married which is very important since society (and probably the doctors) are telling them that is unrealistic. However, I don’t care how good of an “open, honest” relationship" you have with your kids they will not tell you everything. This is especially true with boys in my experience. I always thought that when the kids were young it took all your time and energy but teenagers are a whole different deal. I have to be on my toes and vigilant at all times to lead them down the right path - especially with the secular society we live in!

I have a call into my regular pediatrician to discuss these issues. If this is going to be the practice then I need to know what their views are on moral issues that are important to me. Also, I need to know about those moles and if he needs to see anyone about them.

And no, I am not present at sacramental confession and would not even put this into the same category. I have FAITH that if my son admitted to sexual activity, he would be counseled according to the teaching of the Catholic church, not what the doctor thinks he should know!
This has been going on for a while. When my girls went for their first gyn exams, I told them up front that the doc would probably ask if they were on, or wanted to be on, birth control. I figured they should be prepared for the question. Both say they told the doctor no and no and she respected that. —KCT
It’s called HIPPA.I am not sure of the exact age, I believe it is minor children, that a physician doesn’t need permission to discuss things with a parent. But after a certain age, the physician must have permission to talk to a parent. And I know as far as pregnant teens, they are considered “emancipated minors” and do not need to divulge ANYTHING to their parents.

I am not saying I agree with this.Just that this is the law.

~ Kathy ~
It’s called HIPPA.I am not sure of the exact age, I believe it is minor children, that a physician doesn’t need permission to discuss things with a parent. But after a certain age, the physician must have permission to talk to a parent. And I know as far as pregnant teens, they are considered “emancipated minors” and do not need to divulge ANYTHING to their parents.

I am not saying I agree with this.Just that this is the law.

~ Kathy ~
I don’t agree with it either especially pregnant teens, for the simple fact they are carrying another life. When the Doctor washes their hands of this, the teen either gets an abortion or has no prenatal care until the pregnancy can’t be hidden any longer (like my young sister) or the they show up in an emergency room to give birth or the worst case senerio…we find that baby in a trash bag. If the child fears her parents to the point they may abuse her, or it was incest, get her right away in a safe house or foster care. Otherwise a gentle talk with Mom and Dad about the situation most caring parents will help their daughter through this diffcult time.
I don’t agree with it either especially pregnant teens, for the simple fact they are carrying another life. When the Doctor washes their hands of this, the teen either gets an abortion or has no prenatal care until the pregnancy can’t be hidden any longer (like my young sister) or the they show up in an emergency room to give birth or the worst case senerio…we find that baby in a trash bag. If the child fears her parents to the point they may abuse her, or it was incest, get her right away in a safe house or foster care. Otherwise a gentle talk with Mom and Dad about the situation most caring parents will help their daughter through this diffcult time.
I have been a Maternity tech for 23+ years and it is not uncommon to see 13 or 14 y/o having babies. Mom comes in all incensed and the doctor has to tell her to talk to her daughter. Law may not be right, but it is the law.

A few years ago when I had surgery, I had to give my surgeon permission(by signing a paper) to talk to my BF.
~ Kathy ~
I took my almost 16 year old son to his annual physical. We weren’t able to get in with our regular pediatrician but what I thought was a worthy replacement. After 40 minutes of being taught how to parent (I’ve only been one for 17 years or so) I was asked to leave before the exam. This is the first time this has happened.

At first I didn’t think anything about it but then my brain kicked in after the fact and I called the office asking what is the doctors responsibility on telling me if he divulged any information regarding sexual activity, drugs, alcohol use etc…to my surprise they told me the law is that at the age of 12 the child has to give PERMISSION to release that information to his parents. I asked what the policy is if I had refused to leave the room and again the child has to give PERMISSION. (Kansas and Missouri laws or so I’m told - on a brief internet search all I could find was information on parental notification and abortion - thanks ACLU and NOW!) :mad:

What has been running through my brain all afternoon is not only why this information for a minor is being withheld but what was discussed. Was he instructed on condom use? Was he instructed that sexual activity is normal part of being a teenage boy? Did he admit to masturbation and told that it is perfectly normal? Did he talk about possible thoughts about being gay and being told that is also perfectly normal. That’s my territory and I don’t know this doctors moral values.

I plan to call my pediatrician tomorrow when she comes back in but I just wanted to alert this forum.
Lukefan…I have to apologize. I must of had the BIGGEST BRAIN FART yesterday. I re-read your original post since I missed something during my brain fart…I totally agree this is a problem…how is it that doctors can not share medical info with parents of a MINOR child??? Uhh something is terribly wrong and I am sure going to chat with my sons doctor before the next check-up I will also make sure during that chat that she knows where our family stands on certain issues (std’s, condoms etc.)

The law in Kansas and Missouri is 12 years old.


No problem - brain fart, brain fog - it’s all part of life!

I wonder what would happen if I refused to sign the permission to treat my child or the permission to bill my insurance!

The law in Kansas and Missouri is 12 years old.
Wow. Any list of the 50 states’ laws all compiled in one place? I think that would be good info to know.
I wonder what would happen if I refused to sign the permission to treat my child or the permission to bill my insurance!
They be on your back like flies on molasses, I love to have the nerve to say…Bill him…see how much money you can get out of a teen.😃 That’s my point too, my child, my insurance, my money where are my rights!
Here is a link to the health “rights” of minors in California. It appears that ANY age may do ANYTHING related to pregnancy, contraception, or abortion without parental notification or consent. 12 is the next step up with outpatient mental health, STDs, AIDS testing or treatment, drug/alcohol abuse, and rape all with no parental notification or consent. But you must be 15 and living on your own to consent to regular medical care. Go figure…

California parental notification and consent laws
Isn’t this a riot! In my googling I happened across a FERPA page. Someone previously mentioned the federal HIPPA laws that restrict a parent from seeing his/her minor child’s medical records. FERPA deals with a parent’s ability to see school records. What a comparison!
A parent is entitled to:
  • Access a child’s records including attendance records, test scores, grades, disciplinary records, health records, student evaluations, and reports of behavioral patterns.
  • Review teaching materials, including textbooks and aids.
  • Review each test the child takes after it is administered to the child’s class.
A parent must consent in writing before a school employee may conduct a psychological examination, test or treatment (except with regard to investigation of child abuse), or make a video- or audiotape of a child (unless the recording is to be used only for safety purposes, co- or extracurricular activities, purposes related to regular classroom instruction, or media coverage of the school). A parent may remove the child temporarily from a class or activity that conflicts with the parent’s religious or moral beliefs.
So I reviewed the HIPPA laws concerning minors. It appears that it is federal law (and therefore applicable across the entire US) that:

Minor’s right to consent to certain treatment. A minor who is over the age of twelve (12) may seek and receive the following types of health care services independently from his/her personal representative. (Parental consent is not required.)

  1. *]HIV/AIDS testing and treatment;
    *]Testing and treatment for venereal and sexually transmissible diseases;
    *]Pregnancy and pre-natal care;
    *]Chemical dependency services; and
    *]Mental health outpatient services.

    The minor’s personal representative does not have the right to the minor’s PHI [Protected Health Information] if the minor alone consented to the treatment, unless the minor authorizes the release.

    It only goes down hill from there depending on the state of residence.
And if this same minor commits a crime such as vandalism, the parent is held responsible (to replace or repair) because he is just a “child” He is to young to be sue or held accountable for his actions because he is just a child, yet the are “old” to make medical decisions.
Another point and I’m am so angry with this (as you can tell;)) We bring our children to Doctors because we want the best for them, pay for their medical care. Yet as “consumers” we don’t have the right to know what we are paying for? I am in no way putting a child on the same level as an object…this is just as consumers point of view OK so please don’t attack;) just an example. Would you pay to have a house built, but because of a new law, you are not allow to invade the rights of the builder and can not ask what type of materials he is using to build your home or what the workers are doing. Of course in the end you have your home, but you have no idea as to what is going on. And no right to find out. How many people would stand for that?
Another point and I’m am so angry with this (as you can tell;)) We bring our children to Doctors because we want the best for them, pay for their medical care. Yet as “consumers” we don’t have the right to know what we are paying for? I am in no way putting a child on the same level as an object…this is just as consumers point of view OK so please don’t attack;) just an example. Would you pay to have a house built, but because of a new law, you are not allow to invade the rights of the builder and can not ask what type of materials he is using to build your home or what the workers are doing. Of course in the end you have your home, but you have no idea as to what is going on. And no right to find out. How many people would stand for that?
None, but enough people allowed this to be made into law…what does that say??
None, but enough people allowed this to be made into law…what does that say??
It says to many people in this Country like to elect “Liberal Officials” that feel parents are to stupid to raise their own children. In fact these are usually the same people who feel the Goverment should take care of them, with no effort on their part.
It says to many people in this Country like to elect “Liberal Officials” that feel parents are to stupid to raise their own children.**

That is pretty DARN SAD!!!

In fact these are usually the same people who feel the Goverment should take care of them, with no effort on their part.
That is even SADDER…but I have to agree, to many people feel that they deserve handouts
doctors should encourage gals to talk to their parents. I think a priest would… Do we think we are so holy it will only happen to other peoples’ children. The child may simply not want her parents to know what she has been upto OUT OF SHAME. Victims of our sense of shame include innocent babies, killing to cover up. Sex outside marriage is a sin, not pregnancy or babies. Perhaps a sense of shame is used by the enemy…and accounts for a lot of evil.
i had 4 internal exanimations by 4 docters and i was cold waiting for ages with my legs in the air. pregnant and unmarried 17 in '78. have to be made to pay for it somehow. sex abuse in the uk, sadistic is a term that i would use to describe my treatment at the hospital. next time i had my babe, my blood pressure x3, usuallly low. why do we trust docters? More than Eve tusted God, i think. The nhs owns us, where are the catholic doctors and can i pay and go private
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