Why not ask the question, why is blackforest so concerned only about the lives of people one colour? It’s concerning to me when I see people protesting or defending people of one race or ethnicity only.All because blackforest talked about one issue and not the other.
Blackforest posted a topic about another senseless killing of a black man by the police. But the police in the USA kill about the same amount of black and white people, in proportion to the black and white cases they deal with. So why is the focus only on people of one race being killed? It seems a bit racist to me.
Imagine if there was a group of people standing somewhere. Say there were 20 of them, and 10 of them were black, 10 were white. Another group then showed up and killed all of them. Imagine if I then said ‘it’s such a shame about the white people who were killed. What a senseless act’. It wouldn’t be out of place for somebody else to ask me ‘why are you only noticing the white people who were killed? Why not all of the 20 people?’