Another Senseless Death of a Black Man: Why Did It Take So Long to Launch Probe?

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Can you prove they are randomly shooting innocent black people for absolutely no reason whatsoever?
What?? I never made that claim.

You’re claiming that the data includes white people who didn’t “get in trouble.” The database is right there on the website. Can you point me to cases where this is true?

Editing to add that they did gather data from police reports and body cams. Or are these sources not “objective” enough for you?
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There is no ‘pattern’ that shows black people are being targeted by the police for being black.
Yes, in none of the cases I’ve seen has there been a clear racial component. What emerges is overzealous tactics or incompetence tipped a situation into serious harm. I think there is room for broad police reform, but we also should retain perspective.

There were just over 10,300,000 arrests in 2018, which was a low year in the USA. This breaks down to a daily number of just over 28 thousand arrests.

The number of arrests that cause death or serious harm like the OP are the rare exception, perhaps one in twenty thousand. I think I’m being generous with this since we have a handful of stories, not 500+ a year. I’m not including arrests where the person is armed and combating the police.

This equates to 5 deaths per 100k arrests. For comparison, you have twice the odds (10/100k) of committing suicide.

I think we need police reforms, which can reduce the number of these senseless deaths. However, we should to not lose our perspective. 99.995% of arrests do not end up with a headline like the OP.
You know what blackforest, I think it is time for me to call it a day with the discussion on this topic with you. I can see you are on a mission to find any arguments to suit your hypothesis that the police force is racist. You’re mind is made up and I don’t think anything I say or any stats I present will change it.

I am not arguing there is definitely no racism in the police, in fact I suspect there is, but I don’t see any serious evidence to suggest the police are racist in general.

Have a good day.
Too bad anyone would think in a way Gardner is alleged to think.
That Gardner was raised by racist parents and still expresses some of those views doesn’t strip him of his second amendment rights, or right to self defense.

One person jumped him from behind, trying to take his gun. I doubt Gardner knew the reason he was attacked, if it matters.

Then another person immediately jumped him. This person was shot after he tackled Gardner.

There was no need to look through Gardner’s life history to asses what crimes were committed and who is at fault.
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That Gardner was raised by racist parents and still expresses some of those views doesn’t strip him of his second amendment rights, or right to self defense.

One person jumped him from behind, trying to take his gun. I doubt Gardner knew the reason he was attacked, if it matters.

Then another person immediately jumped him. This person was shot after he tackled Gardner.

There was no need to look through Gardner’s life history to asses what crimes were committed and who is at fault.
I read about this when it happened but the facts were unclear then.

I don’t want to see the board have every story on racism…so, here is a shocking story that happened in Milwaukee. Difficult to discern what the story here may be.

This is almost too graphic to post, pardon to the moderators. How could any firefighters have done something like this??

Fire chief: 12 firefighters face internal charges over hanging fetus doll​

Two firefighters have retired during investigation​


One dozen Milwaukee firefighters are in trouble for a hanging fetus doll found at a firehouse.

That fetus doll was hung on a bulletin board in February inside the fire station at James Lovell and Wells Street. The fire chief said it was a shameful mistake.

A firefighter at Milwaukee’s Station 2 at the department’s headquarters downtown, admitted he hung the black fetus doll with a pink ribbon around its neck.
I hope we can find out what the motive was here.
Just read that the cops were fired because they found a picture of them apparently mocking his death
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