Yes. Multiple times and it is hurtful. I love everyone an ld accept everyones unique way of beliefs, values and thoughts. But I never attack someone with my religion. So when I am under attack, do to what other “Catholics” do, or just cus they believe they are smarter then me just because I believe in a “book” filled with stories and no scientific proof. It hurts. It hurts alot because my faith is something that is a part of me. They are attacking something I cherish the most. But in situations like this I think of how Jesus would react. What would he do, argue? Even tho what others are saying is false, Jesus would bite his tongue and say nothing. And if they feel they have won the argument because you did not fight back. Then you stay calm and let it be. Cus the last thing Jesus said on the cross when he knew the Jews were wrong and he was God, he said “God forgive them”. Instead, bite your tongue and say a prayer “God. Please forgive their ignorance to my faith. Please help them one day to open their hearts to you and truly see who you are.”. I also want to add that: although they might be smart and know much about the world. That doesnt make their hearts smart. Its like knowing the recipe to millions of cakes, but carrot cake, not even taste it before and yet feel the privilege to critque it. They can talk all they want about that carrot cake. But YOU know the recipe and you have tasted it before. But because they know the recipe to millions of more, regardless of what you say, you will never change their minds because they feel above. Yet in the end, that only makes them look more ignorant then what they really are. To be smart isnt just to know about alot, but to allow yourself to learn about more then what you already know, even when you are wrong.
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