The pictures are not so bad, it’s the lies that are written beneath them that make my stomach turn! :whacky:I looked at 3 pictures defaming our Holy Father and shut the window. I don’t need to spend any more energy looking at garbage.
Iv’e been on these so called Christian websites before, makes me more resolved to stay Catholic, actually not worth talking about
Bernie,By the way, here’s some info on that book:
Far from Rome, Near to God: The Testimonies of 50 Converted Catholic Priests compiled by Martin Buckingham and Richard Bennett. Second Edition is major revision of this important collection of 20th century testimonies. Witnesses to truth of the Bible as the factor, which converted, each priest from Roman Catholicism to true faith in God through Christ Jesus. The converted men show articulately the lie that they had been taught, the form of the lie that they had lived, and the truth, which has set them free. For Catholics and Evangelicals alike. 2nd ed. $11.00; 1st ed. $8.50; Spanish ed., $15.
I had to laugh when I saw this photo. I always like to look at Pictures of the Week on MSN and if I am not mistaken, that is where I have seen this photo before. At any rate, the original caption of this picture was talking about nuns learning about computers and the internet. Isn’t she the cutest thing? I actually saved this pic on my computer a while to show my family. As for this “iconbuster” website, these are sick people who will someday know the truth and it might be too late.At least check out this picture, it kind of is funny:
AMEN and AMEN!I was studying the Bible too and I was considering Protestantism. I am still Catholic, but I understand you, because Satan attacked me the same like he attacked you (but he failed in my case Thank you Jesus!). This was something like that:
Satan: Do you have to go to church every day?
*Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden? (Gen 3,1) *
Me: No. We have to go to the Mass on Sunday. Not going to Mass on Sunday is a mortal sin.
We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’ (Gen 3,2-3)
Satan: Do you believe is such nonsense such as missing mass is a mortal sin (loss of salvation). Of course it is ridicules.
You will not surely die (Gen 3,4)
Satan:You can read the Bible and decide yourself what you need to do to be saved.
For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil (Gen 5,4)
If you read the Bible you know rest of the story. There are thousands of protestant churches, every teaching differently. You can read many theologians (much more holier and educated than me) who can “prove” from the Bible that you cannot lose your salvation and many theologians (much more holier and educated than me) who can “prove” from the Bible that you can lose your salvation. The only thing Protestants agree is that Catholics are wrong. So when Protestants finds out that their theology is naked (Gen 3.7).
If you believe that you cannot loose your salvation whatever you do, what do you think about all Christians killed in first centuries by roman emperors. They already were saved so what difference it was to incense an altar of emperor? They had families, wives, children. They knew they are saved (is was first centuries before Catholic Church corrupted everything), did not they?.
And because is started form a web-page do you really believe that we Catholics keep mummified Mother Teresa and that popes takes $1,000,000 for baptism? I think that this web-page is just evil. As you can see in Luke 4 devil can quote the Bible in a pretty clever way (so can this page).
Well said Newvert.I think we need to ask ourselves just why someone would put up such a website. To seek converts? To open up others’ hearts to the truth of Christ? To show honestly believing Catholics the error of their ways?
Of course not. The site could only serve to repel any honest seeker after Truth- Catholic, Protestant, or other. The site’s authors only wish to vent their anger and exhibit what they appear to believe is high satire, but is in fact utterly juvenile. All the while they can claim to be doing the Lord’s work.
As a fairly recent revert, I have little fear or even real disgust at such things and the reason is simple- they had a hand in leading me back to the true Church. There were other, more positive reasons of course; the prayer and testimony of friends, the example of the Holy Father, Grace… But the fact is, after a long time spent in more evangelical churches, it began to dawn on me that in all my younger years as a Catholic, I had never heard a priest launch an unmitigated, verbal assault on Protestantism. Meanwhile, many a minister had done the reverse. Sometimes, it was a head shaking sadness for those “poor, rule-laden souls,” other times the attack was downright wrathful. It could be dripping with mockery or with just a hint of a smirk at the clearly small-minded papists. You could even hear them speak about Catholicism as an irrelevancy. Though why they would so often speak ad nauseam about an irrelevancy is hard to imagine.
In the end I think we must remember to be charitable in debate, even when our most cherished beliefs are being trounced, remembering always that the offense is not to us, but to the Lord and forgiveness is the order of the day. We can use humor and we must at times disagree forcefully . But in my case, it was the calm argument and loving example that brought this son back to the Church, and I believe it is the far more effective, and Godly, course.
I had the same problem too , with this web site. .I looked at 3 pictures defaming our Holy Father and shut the window. I don’t need to spend any more energy looking at garbage.
Do they realize she is laughing at THEM?At least check out this picture, it kind of is funny:
Found the Gospel? Where and by what authority? Sola Scriptura has been disproven time and again as an invalid position. I drive past two different baptist and one presbyterian church to get to my parish church. If the Holy Spirit is incapable of teaching error, then how can all these 33,000 ( I heard this number within the last couple weeks on Catholic radio) protestant denominations all have the truth and claim the Holy Spirit led them to it? Modern Protestant Christianity is a disunified train wreck. Every time an individual decides he/she disagrees with their current pastor, they form their own denomination. Jesus is shaking his head at this behavior while Satan laughs. The protestants are playing right into Satan’s hands.He didn’t leave Catholicism, then find the gospel; he left Catholicism because he found the gospel… just like I did. When I was a Catholic, I had to study the Bible more so I could dispute the Protestants, but the more I learned, the more I saw that Catholicism was in contradiction with Biblical teaching… such nonsense such as missing mass is a mortal sin (loss of salvation), and the other man-made rules that are made up and passed off as “from God.”
ACtually Bernie, such laws are Biblical. God said to keep holy his day. The way to keep it holy is to go to mass. Why mass? Because Christ gave Peter (the pope, and the title of Peter is passed on) that whatever he made to be binding on earth would be binding in heaven. Matthew 16:18-19He didn’t leave Catholicism, then find the gospel; he left Catholicism because he found the gospel… just like I did. When I was a Catholic, I had to study the Bible more so I could dispute the Protestants, but the more I learned, the more I saw that Catholicism was in contradiction with Biblical teaching… such nonsense such as missing mass is a mortal sin (loss of salvation), and the other man-made rules that are made up and passed off as “from God.”