Anti-Catholic web-site

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There is an interesting quote by St. Agustine where he warns christians to not speak of science from the bible accusing others (unbelievers who are scientists) of being wrong about the way creation works. He says we look foolish to them and they will laugh and scorn at us (I forget the exact quote, but I have it in a book on St. Agustine).

Already, Athiests laugh at six day literalists, I can’t even imagine what they think about all the denominations of our day. It causes a stumbling block toward the world for Christianity.

Martin Luther and some other Protestants were aware of the dangers of church divisons as well, now look at what has happened. Perhaps we really need top study our church history.
I looked at 3 pictures defaming our Holy Father and shut the window. I don’t need to spend any more energy looking at garbage.
I think it is good to listen to RFK here. I have read all of these posts and decided, in spite of my curiosity, to not even go there. It could be a near occasion of sin. If anyone is interested, please join me in one for Bernie:
Hail Mary, full of grace…
Ever notice that all of the Protestant anti-Catholic sites offensively attack Catholic doctrine while the Catholic anti-Protestant sites are just there to DEFEND those Catholic doctrines against the Protestant attacks? Occasionally you will see a Protestant position criticized by Catholics, but this is always a counter-attack in the context of a Protestant/Catholic debate in which Catholics are on the defensive.

There aren’t any offensive Catholic anti-Protestant sites that I know of.
Ok, then, I suggest you talk to Scott Hahn, Tim Staples, Marcus Grodi, and just about everyone he has on his show (The Journey Home, EWTN, 8:00 p.m. eastern time, every Monday), all of whom, upon seriously investigating Scripture, LEFT PROTESTANTISM AND BECAME CATHOLIC!! I guess you’re just way smarter than all of them, and they don’t know what the Bible actually means.
I tried to talk to Scott Hahn. I never got past his administrator. If you know him, tell him to give me a call on my cell phone --****.

I read his book. I have some respect for him. I would like to ask him how he can swallow Indulgences and pergatory, or he may be one of those ex-Protestants who became Catholics but don’t really believe it all, just like the “cafe” catholics you complain about. I think I know, after reading his book, what caused him to join the Catholic Church. It’s all the religious “show” (Cathedrals, incense, etc). Ever wonder why TV shows, when they have an anti-Christ character, always have the Catholic church in there, but not a baptist, etc? I don’t think it’s because Catholicism is the best representation of Christianity-- it’s because it’s the most pompous and showy. It’s all quite contrary to the life of Jesus, John the Baptist, and even Mother Theresa.

I listened to a tape by Tim Staples. He’s an embarrassment to your cause. For example, he once talked about how he would mislead in teaching things he didn’t really believe as a Protestant. With a character like that, who knows if he’s changed? … and never heard of Marcus Grodi.

Have you seen the former Priests and nuns on the video “Catholicism: Crisis of Faith”? It’s at: . It’s very insightful and even entertaining…

Do you expect nescient individuals that left the Church…to speak positively of Catholicism? The truth is…they weren’t true knowledgeable Catholics…or else, they would have known more about their faith.
Ex-Father Bennett knew catholicism very well. I believe he was a Priest for over 20 years. He even traveled/studied at the Vatican. Unless you’re a Priest, I’m sure he knows catholicism much better than you.


Keep studying! You will eventually discover the inadequacies of Protestantism, and the circular logic of Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide.

Private interpretation of scripture has splintered the christian churches more than any other influence.

I will pray for your return to the Catholic Church.
The New Testament is a collection of letters written directly to people, not to Priests or theologians to figure out and explain! How sad that you are told not to read, study, and be convicted/encouraged by the Lord directly, but must go through some other forms of mediation or mediators between you and God:

1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

Can you understand this verse? Can your Priest explain it to you? (Not what it “doesn’t mean,” but what it does mean. Many times Priests spend time talking about what things “don’t mean” because they know it conflicts with Catholicism, yet they never explain what it does mean.

I know, I know, the favorite Catholic theologian statement: “It’s all a profound mystery”…

The New Testament is a collection of letters written directly to people, not to Priests or theologians to figure out and explain! How sad that you are told not to read, study, and be convicted/encouraged by the Lord directly, but must go through some other forms of mediation or mediators between you and God:

1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

Can you understand this verse? Can your Priest explain it to you? (Not what it “doesn’t mean,” but what it does mean. Many times Priests spend time talking about what things “don’t mean” because they know it conflicts with Catholicism, yet they never explain what it does mean.

I know, I know, the favorite Catholic theologian statement: “It’s all a profound mystery”…

So what are you trying to say ? did Jesus say “Peter upon this rock I shall build my Church and the Gates of Hell Shall not prevail against it” ?

So how many Churches did Jesus establish 33, 000 or more, if so wouldn’t he have used the plural ?:ehh: Churche’s.
The New Testament is a collection of letters written directly to people, not to Priests or theologians to figure out and explain! How sad that you are told not to read, study, and be convicted/encouraged by the Lord directly, but must go through some other forms of mediation or mediators between you and God
The term “private interpretation” does not refer to “reading, studying, and being convicted by the Lord.” Private interpretation refers to some Protestant coming along and saying (for example), “When I read the verses in John 6, I think Christ was speaking strictly figuratively about the bread and wine being his true body and blood.”…when the Church that Christ founded had taught all along (even before there was a Bible), that Jesus was and is truly present in the Eucharist. The doctrines and dogmas of the Catholic faith have a historical consistency of over 2000 years, with **nothing ** being added, subtracted, or changed (traditions, however, are subject to change over time and have done so).

Catholics do not “invent” new beliefs (nor can they). Protestants do as their own “infallible” minds see fit whenever they “interpret” the Bible differently than the very Church that put the Bible together.

It is my sincerest hope and prayer that you learn what Catholicism really teaches about it’s own beliefs before making claims like the one I quoted here, and then try to prove that it isn’t Christian truth. God Bless You.
Regarding “where did the Bible come from,” I need to do more research. It may be fair to say that it was compiled by the Catholic Church councils over many years. Of course, your Bible is different than mine, since yours includes more books, so in this way the Protestant Bible was not from the Catholic Church, unless you want to say it’s the same Bible and that Catholics recognize more books in the Bible than do Protestants. Do you know when your Catholic Bible was authoritively compiled? It certainly wasn’t in the first few hundred years of the Church…

Did you ever hear of Tyndale? He started translating the Bible into the common tongue. The Catholic Church pursued and killked him. The Catholic Church wants to keep everyone in the dark about the Bible: “You can’t interpret it-- leave it to the Church”. How ironic-- Paul wrote to the people directly, not to someone to have it interpreted for them!

…Bernie :hmmm:
Um EXCUSE ME :mad: but the Bible (Catholic Bible as you call it, and, I’ll be quick to add, the protestant bible you know today) most certainly was authoritatively compiled in the first few hundred years of the church. The final ratification was around 397 A. D. or so. It went undisputed for nearly 1100 years until Luther **a man, **decided he wanted to start his own little following.

Catholics have more books in the bible because Luther , a man, took the books out. Probably to twist it to fit his own teachings. For you to say that in this way the proTESTant bible is not from the Catholic Church is incredibly weak (and shaky) at best.

No I’ve never heard of Tyndale but you can bet I’m going to find out because I’m certainly going to take everything you say from now on with a HUGE grain of salt - you certainly do need to brush up on the history of the bible. The Catholic Church has nothing to hide and keeps nothing in the dark. Did you know that the entire Mass is bible based? Probably not.

“…leave it to the Church” huh?? Sounds like a really good idea to me. **1 Tim 3:15:thumbsup: **

Bernie, anyone is welcome to post their views here but the theme is love and charity. I find your approach to be a little offensive and nasty. To quote an apologist I once heard, “We are here to spread light, not heat.”

My apologies to anyone else reading this for my little outburst. I am now going to cool off, ask forgiveness, and buy a new keyboard. Mine’s a little beat up now.
He didn’t leave Catholicism, then find the gospel; he left Catholicism because he found the gospel… just like I did. When I was a Catholic, I had to study the Bible more so I could dispute the Protestants, but the more I learned, the more I saw that Catholicism was in contradiction with Biblical teaching… such nonsense such as missing mass is a mortal sin (loss of salvation), and the other man-made rules that are made up and passed off as “from God.”

Bernie, We may be spiritual cousins, I did the Same thing…in reverse! I studied my way out of protestantism into the Church. I discovered that I had many parts of the faith, and began my search to put it together into a coherent Whole that recognized the Spiritual aspects of Man in light of “The WORD made flesh”. I discovered a Faith that ministers to the whole man, not the Spirit vs the flesh or a spirit trapped in flesh, but a creation endowed with both spiritual and corporeal aspects. It is the corporeal that Protestantism so often forgets or even tries to escape.

To be coherent, we must understand the nature of our creation. For our faith to be coherent, it must minister to that same nature, which is the value of Sacramentality. Christ could heal us with only his will, but he chooses to use spit and the dust of the ground to give us sight. He uses the Physical aspects to heal and show the dignity of our spirit.

Keep studying, and I will do the same. Pray that God leads us both into the truth no matter where we must go to find it, and I will be praying with you.

Pax et Hooah.
Bernie, I know you are just loving all the responses to your posts. I believe that a lot of it is you trying to best us at our own game and feel superior because you have seen the light. Your pridefulness is what stands out the most in your posts. You have done what every protestant denomination has done since the original protestant Luther. You put yourself and what you choose to believe over the good of the church which is Christ’s Body. He is the one mediator between God and man and He is only to be found in His one true church through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. We are not to read the Bible and decide for ourselves, Timothy warns us of listening to only those who tickle our ears, in other words tell us what we want to hear. The eunich asks Philip to help him when he is reading Scripture because he does not understand. ST. Peter says in his first letter that prophecy is not for individual interpretation. The church did not hide the Bible from us, it protected us from private interpretation for exactly the reasons that have caused the establishment of too many protestant denominations to count. Not to mention the fact that most people could not read and could not afford to own individual Bibles. The church protected the Bible, handing it down as it was given to it through hand copies which took years of devotion by monks and religious. We are all one in Christ, we deny ourselves and take up the cross to follow Him even when we are ridiculed, persecuted and hated for it. The church is not perfect, it has done things that were wrong: sometimes for what it felt was for our salvation and sometimes because the leaders at the time were not of Christ but of this world. In spite of this, She still stands, proclaiming Jesus and bestowing His Grace on all who would believe in Him and receive it.
So what are you trying to say ? did Jesus say “Peter upon this rock I shall build my Church and the Gates of Hell Shall not prevail against it” ?

So how many Churches did Jesus establish 33, 000 or more, if so wouldn’t he have used the plural ?:ehh: Churche’s.
Maybe Jesus did establish his church with Peter, but that doesn’t have to equate to the modern Catholic Church. Case in point, eating fish on Friday. Is that a mortal sin or not? It depends when you ask, it used to be in the USA, not anymore, although I hear it still is in other countries. Please don’t tell me this is not a doctrine-- if it affects your salvation, it is just as serious as any “doctrine.”


“What I think happened is that a generation became confused and the Enemy took full advantage of that confusion. One day it was a mortal sin to eat meat on Friday - the next day it was not. So maybe the other commandments of the church about matters that are not civil crimes can also be relaxed?”

Please explain this nonsense… are people in hell now because it used to be a mortal sin? Try answering this one…

You put yourself and what you choose to believe over the good of the church which is Christ’s Body. He is the one mediator between God and man and He is only to be found in His one true church through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.
Have you ever heard your Catholic friends call Mary a Mediatrix? You have more than one Mediator-- Mary also plays that role, contrary to the teaching of Scripture.

(Read the catholic response there and think for yourself whether the answer is honest or not.)

…Bernie :hmmm:
Bernie, We may be spiritual cousins, I did the Same thing…in reverse! I studied my way out of protestantism into the Church.
Timothy- I don’t understand… what do you have as a Catholic that you didn’t have as a Protestant? Please be specific…

…Bernie :confused:
Little Mary:
No I’ve never heard of Tyndale but you can bet I’m going to find out because I’m certainly going to take everything you say from now on with a HUGE grain of salt - you certainly do need to brush up on the history of the bible. The Catholic Church has nothing to hide and keeps nothing in the dark. Did you know that the entire Mass is bible based? Probably not.
Hi Mary-

Glad to see you studying up and learning about Tyndale. Please tell me you viewpoint about him when you’re done. Why was he so evil that the Catholic Church participated in persecuting him? It’s hard to imagine that translating the Bible into a native tongue is such a griveous sin…

Please see:

and from: (near the bottom)


"(a) William Tyndale was the first to avail himself of the new opportunities furnished by the press and the new learning. Tyndale went early to Oxford, thence to Cambridge; he was ordained priest, and professed among the Franciscan Fathers at Greenwich. In 1524 he went to Hamburg and from there to Wittenberg to visit Luther. Assisted by William Roye, like himself an apostate Franciscan from the monastery at Greenwich, he translated the New Testament, and began to have it printed in Cologne in 1525. Driven from Cologne, he went to Worms where he printed 3000 copies, and sent them to England in the early summer of 1526. The fourth edition was printed at Antwerp (1534). In 1530 Tyndale’s Pentateuch was printed, in 1531 his book of Jonas. Between the date of Tyndale’s execution, 6 Oct., 1536, and the year 1550 numerous editions of the New Testament were reprinted, twenty-one of which Francis Fry (Biographical Descriptions of the Editions of the New Testament, 1878) enumerates and describes (see Westcott, “Hist. of the English Bible”, London, 1905). "

…Bernie :hmmm:
Catholics do not “invent” new beliefs (nor can they).
Of course Catholics invent new beliefs as they went along… The official belief in the “assumption of Mary” was only about 50 years ago! If it was from the beginning, then why did the Pope have to make an official declaration of it? There are numerous others…


“By promulgating the Bull Munificentissimus Deus, 1 November, 1950, Pope Pius XII declared infallibly that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was a dogma of the Catholic Faith.”

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