Anti-Catholic web-site

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The more people attack the Catholic Church, the more I am convinced of its being the one Holy and apostolic church.

I can just imagine satan prodding these people on.
You will need a strong stomach when viewing this web-site.
Another anti-Catholic web-site operated by Dokimos, who would like to show Catholics they are not Bible Christians.
Why would I want to waste my time visiting anti Catholic sites? I would rather spend my time deepening my knowledge of God and my faith than to listen to lies. It only makes me angry and does not give glory to God.
I got caught up in it once before, waste of time and energy. You can’t change the mind of the arrogant and bigots. I can only give a good example and focus on how I live my life in His service.
As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. Listening to anti Catholic trash doesnt’ serve God but the devil.
The web is full of all kinds of garbage, don’t get too upset, its just 1 person voicing their own misdirected free-will 😉 .
How sad this site is. If I weren’t a solid Catholic and believer in the faith, it would be easy for these sites to lead me away. I am a recent revert and spent much time reading and looking into other Christian religions. There is no question in my mind and heart of the authenticity of the Catholic Church. Read ST. Justin the Martyr’s recounting of the faith and mass in the first century. How can anyone reading it deny that this is the truth and that the Holy Spirit never abandoned us and would never let us be led into sin and apostasy. I agree that these sites are a supreme waste of time and energy. I would rather grow in my faith and use that faith to pray for these misled people. Every time one of these sites is hit, it encourages them more. I would also like to add that The Catholic Church is the only faith to stand firm against contraception, abortion, divorce, and homosexuality, because the Truth cannot be changed and those who stray do themselves harm. The proof of this is in the problems of society not only in this country but throughout the world. The best we can do is to live the truth, teach the truth, and pray for all who would reject it. Jesus said anyone who rejects you, rejects me and the One who sent me. Thank God for your faith, nurture it and share it by your daily living.
He didn’t leave Catholicism, then find the gospel; he left Catholicism because he found the gospel… just like I did. When I was a Catholic, I had to study the Bible more so I could dispute the Protestants, but the more I learned, the more I saw that Catholicism was in contradiction with Biblical teaching… such nonsense such as missing mass is a mortal sin (loss of salvation), and the other man-made rules that are made up and passed off as “from God.”…
Gods peace be with you Theophilus,

Strange??? Bernie, I was an adult protestant for 27 years. When I started actually studying the Bible – not just what the preacher (miss) quoted (out of context)– I discovered it was totally 100% Catholic! It was written by Catholics for Catholics with 100% Catholic Dogma in it. I have also never found the Catholics to violate what it says unlike the protestant churches I was in (Baptist and Lutheran). (Please note, there are ‘evildoers’ in all churches. Just because the Catholics have had the opportunity since 33 A.D. to have some in His Church does not make His body wrong or in error, just the ‘evildoers’.)

I still attend BSF International Bible study, which is a protestant group. It never fails to amaze me how in my groups everyone often interprets a verse differently and often in contradiction to the ‘CONTEXT’ it was written or in violation of other verses and everyone just smiles and says, “Good job, great interpretation!” What good is a Bible study if they don’t “teach” what the Scripture is? 33,000+ protestant sects since 1517 A.D. proves my point.:whacky: No truth leads to anarchy and contradicting ‘opinions’ on what Jesus commanded. I can only quote Scripture as a “Student” but the instructors often quote outside the Bible from heretics like Calvin and others!:banghead:

Needless to say, when the ‘scales’ were lifted from my eyes and I was able to ‘see’ Scripture for the first time I crossed the Tiber and now I am home in the RCC. I even believed the garbage and hate ‘spewed’ out by sites like these:

I challenge anyone to go to Mission To Catholics at and find the very well hidden lies! It took me months to find them when I was still on my journey to Christ’s body, His Catholic Church. Now I can find the lies in the hate that is ‘spewed’ out there but I also now know the truth too. Can anyone reading this find the lies on those pages?:confused: It is the slickest best-camouflaged anti-Catholic hate site I have found yet. It almost kept me a protestant. If you (RC’s) cannot find the lies there then you need to study, study, study because you don’t know your Faith or Christ’s truth.:bigyikes:

Bernie, could you tell me the ‘alleged errors’ you found in the RCC? I would like to know since I have not found any in the ‘Faith and Morals’ or Dogma. Please answer them here or perhaps start you own thread on it so that we can see the ‘alleged error’ that exists? I really would like to hear more from you on this subject. You sound like a good man with some good information to share.:yup:

A prisoner of Christ
He didn’t leave Catholicism, then find the gospel; he left Catholicism because he found the gospel… just like I did. When I was a Catholic, I had to study the Bible more so I could dispute the Protestants, but the more I learned, the more I saw that Catholicism was in contradiction with Biblical teaching… such nonsense such as missing mass is a mortal sin (loss of salvation), and the other man-made rules that are made up and passed off as “from God.”

Where did the Bible come from Bernie?
Why would I want to waste my time visiting anti Catholic sites? I would rather spend my time deepening my knowledge of God and my faith than to listen to lies. It only makes me angry and does not give glory to God.
I got caught up in it once before, waste of time and energy. You can’t change the mind of the arrogant and bigots. I can only give a good example and focus on how I live my life in His service.
As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. Listening to anti Catholic trash doesnt’ serve God but the devil.

They will come after you!

They will hunt your children!

They will prey upon your spouse!

They pluck away “pew warmers” and others in our Church like a plague!

They ‘burn out’ Christians or those who might otherwise have been!

You are right when you say we shouldn’t waste our time on those hate monger sites. Unfortunately our Church is easy prey for those groups. We lack clergy and religious and loose them every day as they retire. Without an effective response, our Church can barley perform its function - teaching Gods Word, celebrating mass and other key functions. There is no good organized counter to these groups in our Church. (No large scale effective response I have seen anyway) The only way we can stop them is to help each other learn the truth and thus see the lies in what they spew out. We also need to teach our family about these lies during our family Bible study time. You do have Bible study or some kind of religious education weekly in your home don’t you? (Addressed to everyone reading too)

This web site and others like it are a good defense to the hate mongers and evildoers in our society. You being on this site is also good but there are many Catholics that just go to mass on Sundays and don’t even know we read Scripture in it! (See other threads!) You may not need to go to those web sites but others do. We need to let Catholics know what lies are being spread and how they are made up from half-truths and misleading statements. You have been to those sites and seen the lies. Others go to those sites or get the tracts and start to live those lies.:whacky:

You must know your enemy to defeat him as I was told in the military. To effectively counter this threat, we must first admit its there, admit the weakness in our Church to it, formulate a response and execute it. I talk to RC’s who don’t think there is a problem and at the end of last year lost between 200-300 families to protestant sects in their parish alone! That’s entire families that were registered members and does not count the ones that don’t join the parish but do attend mass.:bigyikes:

Without more clergy and religious our Church has a serious problem in it. It is not an issue with the teachings of the Church but with a lack of manpower to combat the lies. Perhaps married clergy is the answer? Perhaps more deacons? More volunteers? Who knows? Forums are a start. (Just a note, our 2,000 year old Church moves slowly and has faced problems in the past and overcome them. Have Faith in Her, She will never let you down. She is Christs’ body with whom He has assured us He will be with untill the end of time!:bounce: )

Lets all get involved in our parishes to help our clergy and other religious. We are the Church and the Church needs us to help spread the truth and Gods Word so that others don’t ignorantly fall for the lies of hate mongers and evildoers. Volunteer and have home religious education with your family. Your children deserve it. God loves it.:love:

A prisoner of Christ
Little Mary:
Where did the Bible come from Bernie?
Yes, Bernie … where did the bible come from? I would be interested in hearing your answer!

The problem with all of these cathoilic to protestant conversions is the word I. I studied the Bible. I Interpreted, I found out, I, I, I,
THe holy spirit did not lead you to canonize the Bible. Did not lead you to define the Godhead etc etc. THe holy spirit cannot lead to thousands of different protestant denominations and interpretations.
The church the Bible describes is one faith, one lord, one baptsim. within protestantism there are many creeds, even a basic sacrament like baptism that never lead to confusion in Catholicism is chaotic in protestantism it is disagreed upon in adminstering and formula in protestant denominations. THis is not the one church described in the Bible. But the competing false churches, False prophets and wolves the Bible talks about. All plural. THe church is singular by the way. Led by one holy spirit into one truth. Not contradiciting interpretations.

“First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God” (2 Peter 1:20-21).
Bernie, could you tell me the ‘alleged errors’ you found in the RCC? I would like to know since I have not found any in the ‘Faith and Morals’ or Dogma. Please answer them here or perhaps start you own thread on it so that we can see the ‘alleged error’ that exists? I really would like to hear more from you on this subject. You sound like a good man with some good information to share.:yup:

A prisoner of Christ
As for errors in Catholic theology, the one that finally made me leave the Catholic church was 1 John 5:11-13:

**1 John 5
**11And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life."

I had thought, as a Catholic, that we can never really know for sure whether we will make it to heaven. We should just hope for the better. I thought this parable taught this: . We should be “humble” rather than “prideful” that we will go to heaven. As a Catholic, I had misapplied the parable to my Catholic worldview. Even the Council of Trent puts an anathema on anyone who believe 1 John 5:13 (that they know for sure they are saved), in response to the protestant Reformation.

But then I learned the truth from the Bible-- God wants us to be sure! When we believe, we cross from death to life-- it’s really quite simple! It’s not a matter of adding all the other man-made rules, as catholicism does, to “earn” salvation by being good. Are good works important? Yes! Can they have any part in saving us? No! This is where catholicism is very confused (to add to the confusion of earning salvation by works, throw in the huge shortcut with a Plenary Indulgence).

After I left the Catholic Church, I scrapped all the man-made religious rules, and searched the New Testament for rules to live by. Were were they? There are none! Wow- there really is freedom in Christ (and I don’t mean freedom to live in the sinful nature, but freedom to love God as a child of God, and have a relationship with God instead of a relationship with rules or with Saints).

…Bernie :hmmm:

(Sorry it took so long to respond-- I find this message board difficult to navigate (find my messages and responses)).
Gods peace be with you Theophilus,

Bernie, could you tell me the ‘alleged errors’ you found in the RCC? I would like to know since I have not found any in the ‘Faith and Morals’ or Dogma. Please answer them here or perhaps start you own thread on it so that we can see the ‘alleged error’ that exists? I really would like to hear more from you on this subject. You sound like a good man with some good information to share.:yup:

A prisoner of Christ
Regarding “where did the Bible come from,” I need to do more research. It may be fair to say that it was compiled by the Catholic Church councils over many years. Of course, your Bible is different than mine, since yours includes more books, so in this way the Protestant Bible was not from the Catholic Church, unless you want to say it’s the same Bible and that Catholics recognize more books in the Bible than do Protestants. Do you know when your Catholic Bible was authoritively compiled? It certainly wasn’t in the first few hundred years of the Church…

Did you ever hear of Tyndale? He started translating the Bible into the common tongue. The Catholic Church pursued and killked him. The Catholic Church wants to keep everyone in the dark about the Bible: “You can’t interpret it-- leave it to the Church”. How ironic-- Paul wrote to the people directly, not to someone to have it interpreted for them!

…Bernie :hmmm:
And someone in the Liturgy forum complained about petitions at Mass for more devotion to Mary?? The horrendous blasphemes against Her and Her Son call down God’s judgement on our earth. Lord Have Mercy!

And yet Our Lady continues to come in Medjugorje (23 years now!) to plead with us to come back to Him through prayer, penance, fasting, monthly Confession, the holy Mass! Such a tender loving mother so offended by ungrateful and hateful human beings!
People see “Mary” on the sides of buildings, steet signs, etc. How do you know “Medjugorje” isn’t the same hallucination? Why is it impossible to capture it on film?

It reminds me of this Bible verse (see esp. verses 18-19):
(from )

**Colossians 2

** 4I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments. 5For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is. 6So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
8See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ…

16Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. 18Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions. 19He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
20Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: 21"Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"? 22These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. 23Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

…Bernie :hmmm:
I came across this web site a couple years ago and I still love the irony of a group that calls itself icon busters that uses flash animations to present their views. It is sad that people can believe this **** but their presentations are unintentionally hillarious.

Back when I first saw the site I had critiqued it on my web site. I found later that they had posted my review of them under their letters section. They also started to email me whenever they had a new presentation.

They don’t only hate Catholics, they also go after well known protestant figutes who don’t fit in to their very narroy fundamentalist views.
If you do have the Son then you will have eternal life. If you are walking with God then you will go to heaven. The Catholic can answer the he/she has been saved, is in the process of being saved, and has the hope of eternal salvation. It’s the fact of not knowing the future, for if you will turn away from God is why the teaching “you cannot “know” for sure, without a dought, if you will go to heaven.”

If you are walking with Christ, staying away from sin, and are in a state of grace the yes if you happen to suddenly die you will go to heaven (possibly through Purgatory first, unless you have no pride and are completly holy). But if you are not in a state of grace, well that’s a whole other story.

Countless mis-conceptions of Catholicism are so sad. I was Protestant once to the extreme! I studied Catholicism WHOLE-HEARTEDLY and UNBIASLY and I saw the truth in it.

Ever read “Catholic and Christian” by Allen Schreck or “A Biblical Defense Of Catholicism” by Dave Armstrong (a former Protestant)? Even “The Development of Christian Doctrine” by John Henery Cardinal Newmen and “The Spirit of Catholicism” by Karl Adams?

Check out “Catholic Answers Library” website or “More Biblical Evidence For Catholicism” website.

God bless.
When I was a Catholic, I had to study the Bible more so I could dispute the Protestants, but the more I learned, the more I saw that Catholicism was in contradiction with Biblical teaching

Yes, studying the Bible on your own can lead you somewhere else rather than your intended destination.

That’s why Sola Scriptura is inadequate and unbiblical. You need to be guided by Apostolic Traditions.

If you study the Catholicism, you’d find that all of it is biblical.
This a a good teaching website about the errors of catholicism:

This one offers an excellent book on the same topic:

…Bernie :hmmm:
Hello, so your going the old Bible first thing like all the other denomations, I say denomation because the Catholic Church is not a denomation, it didn’t break away from anything.
It is a living Chruch not just stuck in the Bible, that may I say other denomations have changed to suit their own religion.
You yourself have said it up above that there are books missing in the pro-test-ant Bible.
When you quote Genesis you say “you will not surley die”, that was the words of the serpent, God told them that they would die.
Other faiths are stuck in the Bible ours is alive with the Holy Spirit, the Pope is the successor to Peter, and the birth of the Church was after Holy Thursday when they turned from frightened men into,brave preaches of the word of God.
Ok pick and choose at scripture the way most other demonations do, and what will happen if you have a fall -out there ? move on to another Church ? or maybe do as hundreds have and start your own ?The Catholic Church is going through a great trial, and I feel sorry for the converts to Catholicism, because you are in for a rough time, your eyes will be open after you have to endure a lot of insults.
I for one aint leaving, and anyway where would I go, if I think this is the true Church why would I leave to join a false one ?
Jesus has to endure it all again alone in the Tabernacle, like when the Apostles fell asleep, he is having to suffer the indifference from many of his followers, he has to suffer abandoment again, and remain in His Church.
Will we not watch with Him one hour ?

Goodbye and goodluck Bernie :tiphat:
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