i was just hoping for some tips on being a good wife to my husband. i have a hard time with letting go of control of things and i know that i need to do that in order to be a good wife. how can i learn to trust my soon to be husband with my future. i love him there is no doubt in my mind about that. however i come from a long line of divorce, all of my mothers ex husbands left her high and dry, she had to mother them and i often catch myself mothering my fiancee, and i dont trust men period with most things. i trust my fiance, however at times i dont want to let go of control over things like finances and whatnot. hes a wonderful man and i love him very much, but i just dont know how to turn off the distrust i was raised with towards men, and turn on the loving supportive wife. any advice?
Do you ever make mistakes? Are you able to live with the fact that you make mistakes, forgive yourself, even laugh about it, and go on without beating yourself up? Because if you can’t even love yourself unconditionally and give yourself some slack for being only human, your goal is, to some degree, hopeless.
If you want to find a man you can trust who will never make mistakes, never let you down, never fail to meet your expectations, just don’t even marry. No one deserves to live like that.
Once you have come down to earth and matured in your view of what a human being is and is not capable of, then you still must marry someone you respect and admire, not just someone you love. This is a person whose mistakes you are going to be willing to weather, and if possible, without an “I told you so.” If you give in on a difference of opinion over how to do things, you have to go out and get on board, anyway. If you turn out to be right, you want to be able to say, “Hey, we decided, we live with the outcome. There will be no ‘I told you so’.” And you have to feel that you’ll at least usually get the same from him. I think that’s the ideal, meaning you can expect you will both fall short of that from time to time. Nevertheless, you want be each other’s support system, not just one more person whose judgement you need to fear.
The other thing I think everyone deserves from their spouse is the expectation that they are a competent adult, capable of making some of their own decisions and capable of living with the consequences. Becoming one body is not total mutual immersion. An adult can pick out their own clothes in the morning. Support, yes… mothering, usually not. (Chicken soup when they’re sick and a ridiculous level of support and comfort when they’ve really screwed up but admit it are exceptions!)