- Tar did not ask if she should get married.
- Nor did she ask if it was ok that they are living together.
She has made up her mind, this is the man she will spend her life with.
Now, what i would advise is always be open to things that can improve your marriage. A marriage encounter weekend for you 1st anniversary would be great. Even if you have a great relationship there’s always room for improvement.
I would seek out marriage enrichment through out your married life. Good marriages don’t just happen, it takes lots of work.
The book Men are from Mars, Women are Venus was great in understanding how men and women relate differently, I wish I would have read that book earlier in our marriage.
Greg Popcak books are great, the book the 5 love languages is good also.
I try to think of my husband as a friend first, husband second. Before people get upset what I mean is we cut our friends alot more slack, we allow them to be who they are. When our friends make mistakes we don’t rant at them we usually lend a sympathetic ear.
It is good you are aware of your contol/mothering issues. It must be something you keep at the fore front of your mind. It may not bother him now but trust me it eventually will. Work on encourageing (not nagging) instead of controling-be positive. If you feel like you are going to be critical bite your tongue, he will not retaliate because he is passive (it may not even seem to bother him) but you will be storing up hurts that can be very distructive.
I’m married to a passive guy and after 7 years of not complaining he rolled over in bed one night and said “I don’t think I want to be married to you anymore.” Granted we had other problems, but they were his issues (alcoholism-he was in recovery at this point). I was willing to stick by him. I was horrified and thought my God I’ve stuck with you through all this and your leaving ME! My strong will went into over drive and I fought like hell to save my marriage. We did Retrouvaille and what I found was I needed to make some major changes in my ownself to save my marriage. And with the grace of God we are very happily married today.
At least you guys are starting off better than we did. We were just out of highschool. Didn’t marry in the chuch. We aren’t living together but I would have, I didn’t see any problem with it at the time. The reason why the divorce rate is higher is because generally speaking those who don’t live together tend for one to be more religious. Also they tend to see marriage as a permanent relationship, not something to experement with first by trying it out. That doesn’t mean that you feel that way.
Marriage is tough at times, divorce rate is high. What people are advising you is to give yourself the best odds possible.
When I got married my cousin (10 years my senior who lived in another state and I only saw less than once a year) told me over the phone the week before I got married I was breaking my parents hearts and would probabley end up divorced. Well he married seven years after I did and divorced after one year and my husband and I are still going strong.
You sound like a fighter, your both walking into this marriage with your own issues. Do not be closed off to counseling if you run into difficulty, after all what ever helps your marriage- that is the most important thing. Right now your so excited to be married and share your life with this man. Remember there will be days when get up in the morning and think what the heck was I thinking. That doesn’t mean you don’t love him or you have a bad marriage. There will always be ups and and downs.
And remember when you walk down that aisle, it’s forever, forkeeps, no looking back. You have to both believe that divorce is simply not an option. Then you’ll realize it’s better to compromise then be right. Trust me I’ve been there. God bless!