Any Americans on here with Irish ancestry?

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Dad was first generation American. Grandad was born in Ireland.

Honestly, I’m American. Yes, I have Irish roots. But I’m American.
Sinn Fein are extremely nationalist…not in any way liberal, so you are just plain wrong on that point. People that have different views than yours are not communist. Ireland is not a communist country…so stop saying that…it is a lie…a sin for a Catholic to do. The mainstream media are bound by ethics. I read the rreports by this “new” newspaper and they sound extremely racist and anti-immigrant (particularly against muslims). I presume they are racist against non-whites too (though I didn’t read enough to get that far). Their headlines read like a white power review in the US…dispicable is how I would describe it…so that’s what’s wrong with the “new” news site. It doesn’t reflect the views of the Vatican and it certainly doesn’t reflect my views or the views of the majority of Irish.
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You are not voiceless. You can write letters to the press. You can vote… you can stand on a soapbox in the middle of the street. You really mean that the world won’t change to fit your views…answer us this…did you vote? Did you write to newspapers? How many times? did you advertise? did you stand out in public or attend rallys to speak out? I suspect not…
Scotch-Irish. What that means to me is that the Irish in me would be a lush, but the Scotsman is too cheap to buy the drinks.

A semi-interesting anecdote: Somewhere in the 90s, there was a Titanic exhibit in town. As a point of interest, the admission tickets were a facsimile of the Titanic boarding passes. Each bore the name of a passenger on the ill-fated ship. When I got my ticket, I was taken somewhat aback. The ticket was for a man with my name! The only difference being an “a” rather than an “e” in the last name.

Did a little research. Quite surprisingly, that man was portrayed in the film as the one who pleaded with the deck hand to unlock the gates and allow the women up to the lifeboat level. There is a monument to him in County Longford.
I wasn’t saying Sinn Fein…I was saying this newspaper…they
don’t like muslims, they don’t like immigrants, etc, etc…
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I am a bit concerned with your views on African/Asian/Muslim migrants, but I agree that it is terrible how Ireland is majority pro-choice and is led by a man with rather un-Christian views.

I am a New Zealander. All of my grandparents are/were English except for one who was born in NZ but is of English ancestry. My late English grandmother had Irish blood and that is how the Catholic faith has been passed down. If it was not for my 1/8th Irish ancestry I would not be a cradle Catholic.
With all due respect you really don’t get it. No-one hates immigrants! The Government are forcing uncontrolled immigration into Ireland just like the rest of Europe, how are you not aware of this??
Who represents me then? What party? What TD? There is no opposition in Dáil Eireann any longer.
The press? Mainstream media in Ireland are pro Government and push a certain narrative.
Yes I did vote, and I know where you are going with this answer. Bottom line is you don’t live here to see the change, an unasked for change. When was the last time you visited home?
Why are you judging me when you don’t know me? You really have no idea.
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We are not all American here, as this is a Catholic site and hence is universal.

Ireland now is doing very well, but we do have our problems. People are leaving the Church, as is happening elsewhere. We have some (few) excellent Catholic politicians, and I am fortunate to live in a great parish. We also have a Catholic political party, which I gave my first preference to in our recent election (Aontu).

I am grateful to those posters who said they pray for Ireland.

I am reminded of two quotes:

I met with Napper Tandy and he took me by the hand
And he said, “How’s poor old Ireland and how does she stand?”
"She’s the most distressful country that ever yet was see

Here in 1798 poetic licence may have been used, but is not Ireland today.

Also I am reminded of Dickens, whose words reflect not only Paris and London during the French revolution:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
Sinn Féin are “extremely Nationalist” how long have you been away again?

Sinn Féin are now a fake Nationalist party who have said Bobby Sands died for gay rights.
Sinn Féin are pro abortion and support unrestricted uncontrolled immigration into Ireland.
Sinn Féin fully support the EU and have said Ireland needs to change the flag and anthem.
I didn’t say Ireland was a communist country, I said some parties in the Dáil now follow communist idealogies.
No-one is racist, just people who love Ireland and do not want this forced plantation part two! You have no idea what’s happening here, your comments alarmingly state that.
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First I’m not judging you. I’m thinking you are misleading yourself as to the extremity of the problem. Are you isolated and alone? Do you socially interact with the people of your parish? If so, why don’t you talk with them and figure out what they think. I suggest you show the link to that newspaper to your priest and ask him to spend some time reading the articles and see what he says… peace!
OK, if you just meant the newspaper I can’t comment on that as I haven’t read it as I mentioned above in my comment. Doesn’t sound like the paper is run by Sinn Fein in any event.
You actually are judging me, and you keep doing it. I live here, I see what is happening in Ireland around me, I am allowed to question things. Why would I be isolated and alone??
The newspaper I linked is by a good Catholic young fella who cares deeply about Ireland and saving our culture and identity before it’s to late. You are judging the website and paper also without knowing or researching the full picture. Making out like it’s a bad thing, when really this paper is only trying to create awareness, when the mainstream media won’t tell us the truth. You don’t know how bad it’s got here, it’s heartbreaking to see Ireland being destroyed before our eyes and feeling powerless to stop it. Our ancestors didn’t suffer and struggle for Ireland to be given away.

I bet you think “Ireland belongs to the Irish” is racist also. Pádraig Pearse said that, some here in Ireland think that’s “racist” that’s how bad things have gotten.
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