Any old-timers here? (Greetings from Peter J.)

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Keep coming back, Richard! We need all the people we can get who tell it like it is and remain true to themselves and true to their teachings, without facades, without malice. Welcome back! Stick around and take pleasure in just being you with us! No pomp and circumstance—just you!
Yes!! Stick around. You’re now part of CAF & CAF is part of you. We’ll hit some sour notes, and some sweet ones, but there will be more harmony than cacophony. Stay for the concert, Maestro! ❤️❤️❤️
Yes, the topics do, sometimes, go on & on—but they’re always human voices echoing human hearts. How can you turn away? It IS, sometimes, a chore to wade through it all, but we’d hope others would do the same if we cry out. Don’t go; you’re part of us, now. Lol! Just think of the patience brownie points! 🤣🤣🤣
Been across the old/new dividing line 2-3 years now. Posts on the old board were around 13.5k, over roughly 12-14 years. About 3k here, now.

Seems I’m about on track, so far.

Though I must say that on the old board, I remember threads drifting all over the place. Often I aided and abetted. I think.
I was on the old forum around 2004-2005, if the creaky memory is functioning. And was on it until the new forum opened. And when I tried to transfer, shortly after, it happened as I related. No idea. Kept the old password, too. But obviously it let me in as a “new” member with a new (modified) name in 2017.
Same happened to me, so I lurked until late summer.
The system wouldn’t let us continue, no matter how we tried to adapt to its requests, and simply refused entry if we continued to try to use our old names. It was extremely frustrating. I lurked until late summer, then tried with a new name. Now, I can’t even remember my old name! I wish I’d written things down, but I have a gazillion scrambled notes already. This computerized age in which we’re living spoils us when it comes to categorizing and compartmentalizing and maintaining a filing system. For those of us who weren’t fastidious at it, it can be catastrophic! 😂🤣🤣
March 2012. I thought it was longer ago than that. Oh well.
It was different. And I always like same.

And I was tired.
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If you can recall thread topics from those days of yore, search for those topics using the magnifying glass. Then, scroll just slowly enough to see the avatars, while you hunt for yours. Lol! Good luck, though, if you’ve frequently changed your avatar! However, if I’m remembering correctly, you were among the first to use a photo. Also, I can sometimes do better at digging into those old threads by googling topics, than by using our magnifying glass. Good luck! If I come across your name from before the change, I’ll let you know. ❤️

I frequently come across old names of banned users who are active now under new names, but I’ll never squeal because I don’t believe anyone except anti-Catholic users should be banned.
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I don’t know how you identify the banned posters from the old system to
new usernames here.

I have suspicions about some, but have no way of proving it and will not waste my time anyway. I will leave that to the moderators.
I can’t see how to get to my personal information to ascertain my join date, but it was just a couple weeks after it started up, May or June 2004.

I just read through the thread again and realized that your user name has never changed. In my first response to you, I was somehow mistakenly thinking that you were one who had had to slightly change your name, but had kept your avatar. Just click on your name. You’ll be transported to a first page of info. Touch your name on that page, and you’ll be transported to a second page.
I call that good advice. Just so long as we remember the old in-but-not-of principle. 👍
Hi Peter, I was around in the dinosaur days of the old forum and joined anew on the new platform.
I miss some of the old crew who never joined the new platform, or joined and were banned eventually.
Sorry, haven’t been on for a few days so a belated thank you for appreciating my work. The website is ancient and in need of complete updating with new work.
Sorry, haven’t been on for a few days so a belated thank you for appreciating my work. The website is ancient and in need of complete updating with new work.
I finally checked out the artwork at your website just now. 👍
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