Any old-timers here? (Greetings from Peter J.)

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I’ve been on CAF since September 2013, and indeed I miss the old days. I didn’t get to enjoy it for long enough! Ever since the update, it’s been so cold and unfamiliar. And the topics haven’t been very interesting, either.
What were the old interesting topics about. I find that I skip over a lot of topics that seem to be scrupulosity related and I think there should be a private forum for addictive sexual sins. Also I’m disheartened that so many people now want to Pope bash. I really hate those threads.
Been here since three cancers ago. Sadly, many others, cancer or not, are no longer with us.
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  1. I am surprised there are so many in the 10+ year range. I, too, almost left after the format change, for various reasons. Now I will post every day for a while, then disappear for a while. After so long there are so many repeat threads, and you can only “discuss” the same topics so many times…
Yet another familiar person that I didn’t “recognize”. I’m beginning to think we need an alias roster, a la “the Deacon formerly known as (name removed by moderator)” 😁
I’ve actually been feeling like the biggest change from the “old forum” is all the name changes. 😃
Hey, there you are! 👋
Have You Ever Met Another CAFer? Casual Discussion
Yes, twice. Or once and a half, at least. And both with respect to the Before Time of the Old CAF. The half time was that I had referred an internet friend (whom I had met years prior) here with a question. I think she posted once and no more. The other was one of our diocesan deacons who had his photograph attached to his account, so I recognized him, and had occasion to introduce myself once or twice. He had been fairly active on the forum, but seems not to have returned since the forum cha…
(Hope your time here among the New-Name Gang has been to your benefit, or at least: Not to your detriment)
I find a definite change in the “feel” of the board. Without being able to be more explicit.
Using CAF, I was able to learn so much about the Catholic faith that I never knew regarding the Mass, the sacraments, Church organization and history, you name it. There were great conversations on different topics in the news. I mean, if you go to the News category right now, there hasn’t been a post since 2017 and that’s a tragedy. There was an Ask an Apologist section for pressing questions. We used to play fun games all the time that would literally go on for 100s and 100s of posts. We used to be able to share our favorite quotes, role models, and interests on our profiles. We used to have a fun community that cared about one another, and we could actually be friends with other members. And the format of the forums was both way easier to use and way easier on the eyes. I miss those days and have not enjoyed CAF since then.

May God bless you all! 🙂
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Indeed you’re correct. I was looking in the wrong place. Either way, though, I feel like the old topics were way better than anything on here now. Sorry!
Member since Sept ‘06. I recall back in those early years the real hot topics were centered which bible translation to use and how to defend Catholic beliefs from Protestants.

It’s funny in a way, because the most divisive issues usually centered around why the Douay Rheims was superior to other Catholic translations and how the Vulgate was still better then the Nova-Vulgata.

I’m not sure exactly when things began to shift but perhaps over the last 6-7 years, the discussions seemed to have centered on more internal issues and Pre vs Post Vatican II changes.
Indeed you’re correct. I was looking in the wrong place. Either way, though, I feel like the old topics were way better than anything on here now. Sorry!
You are still correct in essence. There seems to be less real discussion and it feels like fewer posts. Fewer news posts, in particular. Lots of posts on the same topics over and over, also. Less deep discussion of theology and Scripture, more shallow argument of the “I’m know I’m right, so you are probably a heretic” variety.
And it seems a lot more scrupulous; mentally, emotionally or spiritually disturbed; depressed people who should know better than to seek help on an open Internet forum.
I joined in 2004 under the handle Lion of Narnia, but that got lost in the re-do of the site.

Been back under this handle a little less than a year
I’ve also noticed that when I look at the list of threads, I can’t see who started what (until a click on a thread). Though it’s possible I’m missing something.
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