@EllieC Welcome!
@amazingcatholic @rosepeach I’m in my junior year at a very secular, liberal college; the concern is real and valid. However, I’ve found that everyone who’s tried to talk me into something I don’t agree with (ranging from sex to porn to simple stuff like “God loves everyone and Hell isn’t real”) usually pushes me harder than I would push them. That is, they demand that I turn away from what I know to jump into this new train of thought that
doesn’t give them peace. I don’t care how happy they are on the surface, somewhere there’s a deep sorrow, a deep ache that they want filled, and thus fill it with other, temporary things.
Basically what I’m saying is, the pressures will be there, and they will be constant. I’m sorry to hear your sister accepts her behaviors as normal along with her belief in God…I really don’t know what to say there and it’s not my right to comment either. My point is, though, that consequences are a thing, and I’d rather have good consequences after a hard battle (e.g. not having STDs at age 20) than bad consequences after a questionable or bad thing.
Another thing: college can be extremely isolating. The Catholic group at my college is underwhelming, and it’s hard to hold to what I know and love - if I feel like others don’t like what I like, it’s hard for me to want to keep it, y’know? But, I have a very good family and a good supportive group of
real friends - friends who, even if we disagree, will support me and encourage me to stay true to my soul and my God. They know how much it means to me and how much it affects who I am, and they won’t let me ditch it just because I feel bad one day. Don’t give up, be brave, and don’t be afraid to talk to strangers
God is with us always! The battle is constant but so is His love and grace