Which one: Bill de Blasio?
No, it’s not “perfectly acceptable”. We are permitted, though, to support partial measures against abortion as long as our ultimate goal is total elimination of abortion, at least as enshrined in law. (There will always be illegal abortion, always has been, always will be, until that day when Our Lord harvests the wheat and burns the chaff.) I believe the American bishops, and perhaps Rome herself, have stated this, though I don’t have a direct quote.Yes, a moderate position on abortion would be perfectly acceptable. Don’t kill the baby entirely; just yank off a couple of limbs. Or don’t kill 500,000 this year; just kill 250,000.
Yes, De Blasio has a black son.After watching the debates it looks like Trump has this in the bag lol
“I have a black son.” Really?
ACA is not perfect, and we should all hope and pray for an equitable solution to the Sisters’ dispute. It does, however, make affordable insurance available for those who need it, and that is a good thing.continuing the Affordable Care Act,
Unfortunately, comprehensive, ACA-compliant health insurance that conforms entirely to Catholic principles doesn’t exist, or if it does, I’ve never heard of it.
Supposing it did? Would Catholics be standing in line to jettison the coverage they already have, and replace it with health insurance that doesn’t cover contraception or abortion?
Trump already had it in the bag. It’s just a matter of who the next one to take a good old beat down from him will be.After watching the debates it looks like Trump has this in the bag
I would have to agree with the original comment; both parties have become extremist which is creating a great divide on the ability for them to come together on issues.But the reality now is that the Republican party stands about where the Dem party was in most things when I was a kid growing up, other than civil rights. I don’t think I would characterize it as “far right” except to the extent that the Dem party has moved far to the left, and therefore increased the distance between the parties in the last couple of decades.