I constantly have to listen to arguement from so called pro-choice people (what they really mean is pro abortion) that is better for a child not to be born than to be “unwanted”. They could suffer abuse ect.
I was adopted. My biological mom was an unwed young women. My husband was concieved out of wedlock and his father tried to pressure his mom into an (at the time illegal) abortion, she refused. They married and his father was abusive. My best friend’s mom was 15 when she was born and she was raised by her grandmother. (She in turn gave birth to her 1st child at 17, married the father and had 2 more kids & they’re still happily married 15 years later.)
Even though my husband was abused was that a reason not to be born? He has overcome alot and is a wonderful loving father and husband & I can’t imagine life with out him. I was born with a life threating heart condition which has required surgeries and life long treatment (including a eventual need for a heart transplant) does that mean because I wasn’t perfectly healthy I shouldn’t have born?
I was wondering if there are others out there whom society believes should never have been here?
I was adopted. My biological mom was an unwed young women. My husband was concieved out of wedlock and his father tried to pressure his mom into an (at the time illegal) abortion, she refused. They married and his father was abusive. My best friend’s mom was 15 when she was born and she was raised by her grandmother. (She in turn gave birth to her 1st child at 17, married the father and had 2 more kids & they’re still happily married 15 years later.)
Even though my husband was abused was that a reason not to be born? He has overcome alot and is a wonderful loving father and husband & I can’t imagine life with out him. I was born with a life threating heart condition which has required surgeries and life long treatment (including a eventual need for a heart transplant) does that mean because I wasn’t perfectly healthy I shouldn’t have born?
I was wondering if there are others out there whom society believes should never have been here?