My sister and I were definitely unplanned. My parents didn’t want kids at the time, maybe never. Back then there was no effective birth control (my parents were not even religious much less Catholic) and my mom told us we were both rythmn babies. I suspect had we been conceived after Roe v Wade I wouldn’t be typing this note. My parents were very very pro abort. When a friend’s daughter got pregnant she stayed with us for the abortion. Of course my parents didn’t tell us WHY she was there, just she needed “minor surgery.” Funny thing when we figured out what happened they were embarrassed that the girl was pregnant, not that she’d had an abortion. Two of my best friends were adopted because their teenage mother couldn’t care for them and thankfully allowed a nice couple to adopt. I can’t imagine either of them not being here on earth.
Makes me wonder how many wonderful people were washed down a sink in a clinic.
Lisa N
Makes me wonder how many wonderful people were washed down a sink in a clinic.
Lisa N