Any "unplanned" people out there?

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My sister and I were definitely unplanned. My parents didn’t want kids at the time, maybe never. Back then there was no effective birth control (my parents were not even religious much less Catholic) and my mom told us we were both rythmn babies. I suspect had we been conceived after Roe v Wade I wouldn’t be typing this note. My parents were very very pro abort. When a friend’s daughter got pregnant she stayed with us for the abortion. Of course my parents didn’t tell us WHY she was there, just she needed “minor surgery.” Funny thing when we figured out what happened they were embarrassed that the girl was pregnant, not that she’d had an abortion. Two of my best friends were adopted because their teenage mother couldn’t care for them and thankfully allowed a nice couple to adopt. I can’t imagine either of them not being here on earth.

Makes me wonder how many wonderful people were washed down a sink in a clinic.

Lisa N
What an amazing collection of stories!! This thread should be sent out to all of our family/friends to read.

My own story? I was definitely a “you’ve got to be kidding me” baby, but was most certainly wanted! My mom was 40 when she had me, and I am the youngest of 4 – when I was born my siblings were ages 22, 21, and 19!!

My brother, the next one up, was just beginning his freshman year in college. One of my sisters was married, and pregnant at the same time as my mom was with me, and my nephew was born 4 months before I was (he was my “driver” for 4 months until I turned 16 and could get my own drivers license). My oldest sister postponed her wedding until after I was born and still reminds me of that fact! 😛

The amazing thing? A few years before I was born my mother had a tubal ligation – the “cut n’ burn” variety, the permenant sort. Yet, somehow they ended up with me anyway! (Today I tell my mother that I was her punishment from God for trying to thwart Him like that :D)

My parents were Catholics, not really strong from what I can tell, but I don’t think they were very well educated in the faith either – the whole Vatican II thing threw them completely and my Dad is still attempting to reconcile the Church he grew up with what he sees today. 😦 Due to mom’s age and the fact that there was a tubal ligation, the doctors wanted her to abort me – thankfully my Mom said absolutely not! She then wanted to reverse the tubal but was not able to, and then she had at least two miscarriages after she had me 😦 (So I guess I have five siblings at least, that I know of).

I agree with one of the earlier posters, I’m 23 now and my parents are 63 & 67, but I think I’ve kept them young! 😉

My mother was 16, pregnant, and her mother wanted her to have an abortion. I was born in 1973, and abortion had just been legalized. My mother chose to have me, and I am very thankful that I have had the chance to live my life . . . a very good life.
Some of us might have been intended by our parents but technically speaking all of us are unplanned because conception cannot be guaranteed to occur, even under laboratory in vitro fertilization processes.

We are co-created by God with our parents. If we are given up to others to raise, that is still in God’s wondrous and mysterious plan.
I was wondering if there are others out there whom society believes should never have been here?
Me - I’m a Catholic Charities baby. :bounce:
My mom has told me and my brothers that she and her siblings were not really wanted (her mom is Catholic, and my grandpa converted to Catholicism after he married her). I’m sure this has had some effect on my mom’s temperament and attitude, as she has many many problems (some of which have passed on to her children)…however, she has made sure to assure me and my brothers that we are loved and wanted. Also, any children of Luke and I will be welcomed into our family and raised to the best of our ability in the Catholic faith, if we have the means to do that. In any case, we will accept what God gives us. (I only added the ‘means’ part because I doubt my abilities as a possible future mother and Luke and me aren’t exactly parent material)
My Step-mom and my Dad have been married for 40 some years and I am only 26 (tomarrow) You do the Math.🙂

My husband and his twin brother were put up for addoption by his 16-yr-old mother in the late 70s.

We have been blessed with 5 wonderful babies! Imagine if one of our mothers had decided to have an abortion.😦
funny i have 4 little one under the age of 9. 3 out of 4 were “oops” baby. There were never unwanted and definately never unloved.

i was young (18) when I had my first and I was 22 when I had my second, 23 with my third and 26 with my fourth.

my baby is my “faith” baby. When i got pregnant we barely could afford our three. but with the 4 we get by. i’m living proof God provides.
I was also a ‘unplanned’ baby, and alough my grandparents are very Catholic, they wanted my mother to abort me. But she didn’t. And even though the father said I was ’ not needed’ she fighted for me, and she lived many years alone without support from my family. But than she met a wonderful man (my dad) who loves her more than anything. I often wanted to ask her why she didn’t and I have yet to ask. she is the strongest women I wil ever know.
God bless you, Rayne, I do adopt the unplanned – and am waiting on one who has been abused – he is four and a half years old.

I love my unplanned kids. I love them even though they don’t look just like me – our sons are bi-racial and we are just plain vanilla. 😉

I know that the argument you put forth is junk. I agree that unplanned and even one concieved during a rape. and she is a tremendous, wonderful, woman who makes a strong case for life.

Keep on speaking up. I think that adoptees are perhaps some of the most valuable pro-life voices we have. Mine are too young to reach as many people.

Yes, even the abused are not abused for their entire lives. There is still value. Please pray for us and Lovell – we are still waiting on him, but I know we will have some interesting days getting to know each other.
All of my husband’s siblings were unplanned. According to today’s thinking the world would be missing a Ph.D. chemist, letter carrier, physicist, graphic artist, mathematician, electrical engineer, and molecular biologist. I too am an adoptee and am thankful for my mother (who was a teen at the time) doing the very courageous and heartbreaking thing for her by giving me up for adoption so that I could have a better life.
I was unplanned. My parents were planning to stop at four children. I’m number six of seven. 👍
I am a convert and my first marriage was annulled.I was awful as a teenager and got pregnant and married to give the baby a name,and got pregnant again and found out my"husband" didn’t want to be married and in a rageful drunk wanted me to abort,when I told him I wouldn’t because that would be murder he said it would be a "HOLY’ murder.Needless to say I have that child-a boy and he was born December 28th,the feast of the Holy innocence.That to me was not an accident,I am glad that even though I didn’t deserve it God gave me these unplanned miracles:)
ALL my 3 excellent sons were completely unplanned. It doesn’t matter at all. They’re the best. ❤️

By the way…I and both my brothers were unplanned since my folks were told they couldn’t have any children and Mom miscarried at least once that I know of. 😃
My parents certinally didn’t plan me I came less than a year after they were married…my mom was on the pill for almost two months before she knew about me…my mom was thrilled…when I was little things were good…then as I got older not so much…beginning with the fact she said she wish she could of waited…
I am 100% unplanned, but 200% wanted.

My mother was 17 when she had me, she and my father married sometime between conception and birth.

Although the circumstances and timing of my arrival were not as my mother had planned or wished, I have NEVER felt that I was unwanted or a mistake.
umm, what’s a planned baby?
I had 3 by the time I was 21 and hubby took off - too many of those unplanned babies! 😦
But they were ALL wanted, by me at least, and loved, loved, loved! They are all my joy in life. :love:
My youngest sister was “unplanned.” My parents didn’t particularly want another child, but they didn’t particularly NOT want another child. Many, many years have past, we all the siblings agree that this “surprise baby” is Mom’s favorite.
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