Any young earth creationists out there?

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However, like it or not, it is a fact that we are allowed to believe that the theory of evolution is correct, as long as we follow the limitations stipulated in Humani Generis. The Vatican has permitted this, and no Catholic suffers any penalty, or even sin of impiety for obeying the Vatican when following their conscience.
But macro-evolution - molecules to man - is not empirically proven.

Humani Generis allowed for the exploration. We explored, and found the evidence lacking.
But macro-evolution - molecules to man - is not empirically proven.
Nothing is ever proven in science. However, the Vatican fully allows for Catholics to hold to the theory of evolution.

There is no scientific evidence that supports creationism. I have respect for those Catholics and Eastern Orthodox who out of simple piety and respect for the Church Fathers hold to a belief in a young earth, but I think the idea that it can be scientifically supported an indefensible position.
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It is disheartening to hear that many in the Church today want the monitum on his writings lifted. But not surprising.
T. de Chardin was one of Satan’s Little Helpers, imo. What a bad omen that many Catholics continue to partake of his poison. No, it’s not surprising - I remember many Catholics (including my demented late uncle, who was a priest) greatly admired the outrageously heretical views of “Bishop” Shelby Spong. Where is their discernment?
Glark has once or twice mentioned cricket. Not so much recently, for some reason.
The wind accidentally blew a piece of sandpaper into the hand of an unwitting Australian cricketer while he was fielding in South Africa and look how it was thoroughly misinterpreted. Life is cruel and weird sometimes.
Thank you for the lovely compliments. But why are you being “Mr. Nice Guy” all of a sudden? Are you going to hit me for a loan?

On a certain atheist site, someone once described me as “one of the real fruit cakes” - a very sweet compliment which I shall always cherish.
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Believe Scripture, or do violence to it based on man’s reasoning of provisional science. Our modern society is increasingly taking the scientism position. This is the modern error and philosophically untenable.
Exactly - the god of Scientism strikes again. Can you imagine how the Church Fathers would react to hearing that some Catholics are officially promoting the lunacy that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are symbolic? They must be turning in their graves.

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears they accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths” - 2Tim 4:2-4

“When you see the ‘abomination of desolation’, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” Matt 24:15-16
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What bass guitar do you play? i have a Fender Mustang (30"), a 34" Warmouth and a 32" Yamaha (hybrid). Aguila amp. My favourite music is anything anti-evolution
“1950 – On August 12, Pope Pius XII issues the encyclical Humani Generis which addressed false opinions that were threatening to undermine Catholic doctrine. The pope, in echoing St. Augustine and Providentissimus Deus, declared that the modern exegete’s desire to depart from a literal interpretation of Scripture in favor of a non-literal interpretation was foreign to Catholic teaching: “Further, according to their fictitious opinions, the literal sense of Holy Scripture and its explanation, carefully worked out under the Church’s vigilance by so many great exegetes, should yield now to a new exegesis, which they are pleased to call symbolic or spiritual” (no. 23).”
There is no scientific evidence that supports creationism
… except thousands of years of intensive animal and plant breeding by humans, which suggests kinds don’t evolve into other kinds. Oh, and Gould stated that the fossil record is characterised by sudden appearance and stasis. Then there is the tell-tale lack of transitional fossils.
What bass guitar do you play? i have a Fender Mustang (30"), a 34" Warmouth and a 32" Yamaha (hybrid). Aguila amp. My favourite music is anything anti-evolution
I hear that Lancelot Link and the Evolution Revolution were able to strike up some mean tunes back in the day!

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Good one!

The Vatican forbade de Chardin from writing or teaching on matters philosophical, banned his work, L’Energie Humaine, and prohibited him from publishing at least two other works. In 1957 the Church forbade any of his works from being held in any Catholic library, institution or bookshop and prohibited any of them from being translated into other languages. A decree of the Holy Office dated 30 June 1962, under the authority of Pope John XXIII, warned that “… it is obvious that in philosophical and theological matters, the said works [Teilhard’s] are replete with ambiguities or rather with serious errors which offend Catholic doctrine. That is why… the Rev. Fathers of the Holy Office urge all Ordinaries, Superiors, and Rectors… to effectively protect, especially the minds of the young, against the dangers of the works of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin and his followers”.

P. T. de Chardin was also implicated in the Piltdown Man hoax.
Some only believe science. The Bible, especially Genesis, was written by a bunch of ignorant/bronze age sheep herders and should be ignored
Moses didn’t even know how to use a microwave!
Quite some time ago I put your attempts at humour down to a kind of deflection. As in ‘Look guys, this is all just so wierd. I mean, microbes and men and…oh, I don’t know. It’s all so…amusing’.

Rather than exhibiting wit it serves to indicate a lack of it.
The wind accidentally blew a piece of sandpaper into the hand of an unwitting Australian cricketer while he was fielding in South Africa and look how it was thoroughly misinterpreted. Life is cruel and weird sometimes.
Oh, we’ve moved on from there. Far from Australian cricket still being held to account for that unfortunate unwittingness, Australian Cricket has now been … now what’s the word? Oh yes … whitewashed.
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