My emphasis added
According to science, miracles are impossible No, just that there isn’t good evidence for them, science doesn’t say things are impossible only unproven or undemonstrated
as is life after death again no, this is now how scientists speak, this is how people criticizing what they don’t understand speak
God doesn’t exist again hasn’t been demonstrated to exist, not doesn’t
prayer is infantile superstition individuals may think this, but that’s not ‘science’. The most science can do is study the claims made by those who believe prayer has an effect in the world
only an idiot would believe that the words of some fool priest changes bread and wine into the flesh and blood of a dead man in the sky to be fair transubstantiation uses a different definition of ‘changes’ than common usage. If I claimed I’d transubstantiation your cat into a dog you’d likely not believe me without evidence, science simply asks you to do the same
matter cannot be created from nothing Depends on your definition of nothing but within the laws of the universe this appears to be the case. Demonstrate the opposite and collect your Nobel award and prize money
creatures don’t “poof” into existence Again, demonstrate it and science will jump on that in a heartbeat