Any young earth creationists out there?

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No, but I’m glad you aren’t. So some of those things came about through what, natural processes? Like the surrounding mountain? The sky? The trees?
Evolution understood within the perspective of classical theism would consist of innumerable events where God working as First Cause ordains, as only God can, the course of every contingent event in evolutionary history. He would do this by working through the individual and contingent things as individual and contingent causes, whether they are molecules, cells or organisms, that He has brought into existence at particular times and places, as particular contingent kinds of things. God can design through chance.
In regard to the distinction of things and the role of chance,
St Thomas Aquinas explicitly addresses the question in the Summa Theologica Pt. 1, Q.47, art. 1 ‘Whether the Multitude and Distinction of Things Come from God?’ Here he answers in the affirmative eliminating various possible second causes such as matter, chance, and essentially secondary agents or causes altogether whether angelic or mundane (earthly, corporeal).

St Thomas addresses the cause of the distinction of things also in the Summa Contra Gentiles but in a more detailed manner (in 7 chapters 39-45, Book II: Creation) considered from a multitude of arguments deriving from second causes (creatures) and considered from a multitude of angles. His investigation here commences with the consideration in nine points whether chance is the cause of the distinction of things. He eliminates this argument as the cause of the distinction of things except perhaps in regards to certain individuals of particular species.

His third point reads:
“Moreover, chance is found only in things that are possibly otherwise; and the source of this possibility is matter and not the form, which indeed determines the matter, reservoir of multiple possibilities, to one. It follows that those things whose distinction from one another is derived from their forms are not distinct by chance, although this is perhaps the case with things whose distinction stems from matter. Now, the distinction of species is derived from the form, and the distinction of singulars of the same species is from matter. Therefore, the distinction of things in terms of species cannot be the result of chance; but perhaps the distinction of certain individuals can be the result of chance.”

Chapter 40 is an interesting read concerning the material cause or matter.

In chapter 43, points 9-10, St Thomas remarks:
“It is therefore absurd to say that the formation of things is the work of anything other than God the Creator of all.
So it is that in order to cast out this error, Moses, after saying that God “in the beginning created heaven and earth” (Gen. 1:1), went on to explain how God distinguished all things by forming them in their proper species. And St. Paul says that “in Christ were all things created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible” (Col. 1:16).”
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Perhaps you are right and the error is mine. If so, you may be able to help me see the light - please consider the following two paragraphs from the CCC:

337 - “God himself created the visible world in all its richness, diversity and order. Scripture presents the work of the Creator SYMBOLICALLY as a succession of six days of divine ‘work’ …” (emphasis mine).

362 - "The human person, created in the image of God, is a being at once both corporeal and spiritual. The biblical account expresses this reality in SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE when it affirms that “then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being” (emphasis mine).

Regarding 337, if the “six days” are presented “symbolically” in Scripture, how can they be interpreted literally? How can the word “symbolically” also mean “literally”, when their meanings are mutually exclusive and perfect opposites of each other?

Likewise in 362: If the verse in question (Genesis 2:7) is written in “symbolic language”, how can it be interpreted literally? How can the word “symbolic” also mean “literal” when their meanings are mutually exclusive and perfect opposites of each other?
It is a meaningless slogan, invented to misrepresent even Catholic Scientists as apostates
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find “Catholic” scientists who are as religious as the dog next-door. Ticking the “Catholic” box on a census form is as Catholic as they may get … oh, except when there’s a wedding or a funeral or a baptism and they find themselves in strange surroundings - a Catholic church.
(I once knew a “Catholic” biology student who went to Mass every Sunday, but who admitted to me that he was an atheist. Bizarre but true.)
… and to misrepresent all Scientists as atheists.
You know this is not true. No one on this forum has ever claimed such a thing.
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How can “man” in Genesis 5:1 be translated as "mankind? It appears to me to refer to one man, Adam.
How can the word “symbolic” also mean “literal” when their meanings are mutually exclusive and perfect opposites of each other?
Bit of a sideline, but are the two words exclusive and opposite? Many donkeys have a dark cross on their backs. Literally. This is often used as a symbol of the donkey’s part in the Palm Sunday procession of Christ to Jerusalem. Symbolism can be found in nature everywhere, from the Robin’s red breast to the Haddock’s “thumb print”, to the three-leaved clover, so beloved of St Patrick, and the red berries of Holly.

It is easy to take things that really exist and make them into symbols. It is less easy to take symbols and pretend that they really exist. Archaeopteryx, which really existed, is also a symbol of the success of evolution as the best current theory of the development of life. Noah’s ark, which is really a symbol, did not actually exist.
It interesting how belief in evolution automatically opens the door to the potential of belief in aliens. It therefore wouldn’t surprise me if aliens feature in the worldwide deception wrought by the Antichrist when he comes. Indeed, I believe the ground-work for such a deception has been in place for several decades already.

It’s also interesting that a someone like Dawkins seriously entertains the possibility that aliens seeded the earth with the first life-forms*. Bizarre, but hardly surprising - I’ve always said Darwinism is biology for space-cadets.

*See youtube for his interview with Ben Stein.
Earth has been here for five billion years [ 5,000,000,000 ] , give or take.

Our Bible goes back 3,000 years?
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Our IQ is limited.

Soooo … we don’t understand “Divine Physics”.

Where do cosmic rays and gravity waves come from?

WHAT is “dark matter”? After all, dark matter accounts for 80% of what is “out there”? [We can only guess at the other 20% and are barely collecting data.][We are barely above the “cargo cult” … fighting over who has the best data … and faking it to make our points.]

WHY is planet Earth so perfect for “our form” of life? [Distance from our star, atmospheric composition, diameter & volcanic & tectonic activity, WATER!!!, rotation & the wobble, edible plants, ]

NASA comes up with more and more questions.


James Webb Space Telescope

Tesla gave us a few places to look and new disciplines of physics.

How free is “free energy”?

Our planet is 7,000 miles in diameter; we have only drilled down a very few FEET!

Underground deposits of oil mysteriously refill and we cannot figure out how.

We have the Pacific Ocean “gyre” that concentrates garbage in one place, but we cannot figure out how to pick up the trash which has been neatly collected for us!

What happened the last time that the Earth’s magnetic field flipped its poles? How long ago was that? What will happen the next time? When will that take place? [There is a complete geologic record in Hawaii.]

Why do the continents drift? What will happen when the Great Rift Valley opens up?
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WHY is planet Earth so perfect for “our form” of life? [Distance from our star, atmospheric composition, diameter & volcanic & tectonic activity, WATER!!!, rotation & the wobble, edible plants,
That’s just the way the cosmic dice rolled. :roll_eyes:
How can “man” in Genesis 5:1 be translated as "mankind? It appears to me to refer to one man, Adam.
KJV Genesis 5: 1 and 2. “This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”

The English Old Testament is a translation from the Hebrew, where Adam seems to be a plural noun. It is normally translated as people, mankind, humanity, or ‘man’ in its collective sense, and even when singularised, can usually be taken to refer to any one of a community rather than an individual. In some places, such as the “Adam and Eve” story, it appears to be treated as the proper name of an actual man, but in terms of the whole bible, this is an exception.
Dawkins and many others have gone on record stating the interviews were intentionally edited in a dishonest way to misrepresent what they said.

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Our IQ is limited.
Where… What… Why… How…
Some IQs are more limited than others.

If you want to know the answer to any of these questions, cut and paste them one by one into a search engine, where each one will bring up any number of articles explaining all there is to know.
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