Anyone catch O'Reilly yesterday?

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Unfortunately I do not think they are going to do anything…I think thye have already shown their hand and it is quite weak. Me thinks I will be an independent voter next time through. If the repubs do nothing, then they are really no better then the dems.

Unfortunately I do not think they are going to do anything…I think thye have already shown their hand and it is quite weak. Me thinks I will be an independent voter next time through. If the repubs do nothing, then they are really no better then the dems.
Yes very sad. I am hoping a grassroots movement will get them off their tushies. Many are suggesting we withhold contributions as well. I know I get frequent requests for funding, local party, senator, national party etc. I will definitely respond with a letter not a check

Lisa N

It is shockingly sad and frustrating to me because they have control of both houses of congress and the white house–yet they let the dems push them around. They seem to have forgotten why they were elected.

I have a sinking feeling that prolifers are going to have to start new.
Our home is a “No Spin Zone”

Which means its free from ALL Fox News Programs…except for the Fox and Friends in the Morning. Its tolerable. :tiphat:
Our home is a “No Spin Zone”

Which means its free from ALL Fox News Programs…except for the Fox and Friends in the Morning. Its tolerable. :tiphat:
I assume you mean free of ALL MSM channels then, right?
I love Laura Ingraham. She is a good Catholic voice on secular talk radio.
Laura is my favorite on the talk radio circuit. I’m a long time listener and have somehow got through for her soundbite of the day( on fridays ) contest about 4 times! She does stand up for the faith. She’s the best. She is a convert too (as I am).
I saw it too. Father Murray did a great job. 👍
I loved Fr. Murray’s responses. It was awesome. I was relieved that Bill actually had and orthodox priest on to respond.
Our home is a “No Spin Zone”

Which means its free from ALL Fox News Programs…except for the Fox and Friends in the Morning. Its tolerable. :tiphat:
In my home “NO Spin Zone” means NO : NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC if we want news. Fox is number one in my home.

I agree completely…Bo and Matthews are horrible examples for Catholics, which is why I tell people all the time not to watch them and to tell them why. We already know the MSM is against the faith, we should not tolerate an entire new group (BO, Matthews and the like) to do the same. The best way to change them is to stop watching them.
I don’t know if I can stop! They’re like passing a bad wreck, I have to look…
Lisa N said:
:amen: I used to be a big fan but you nailed it. He’s become a legend in his own mind. Thank heavens our local station replaced Clark Howard with Laura Ingraham. I listen to her in what is also O’Reilly’s timeslot.

Lisa N

I’m so glad Ingraham is on in the AM!! Too many times I would be on the way home from work hoping to catch her but some Blazer round table blah-blah is on instead.
I have noticed many times that Bill O’Rielly cultivates criticism regarding artificial birth control. I wonder why that is??.. :rolleyes: …hmmm…
I suspect the same from Sean Hannity who also is catholic - but seems less conflicted then BO.

Thank God for Laura Ingrahm and Raymond Arroyo.
I have also contacted EWTN’s “Journey Home” encouraging them to get Laura Ingrahm on the show. She is so cool.
I did not see this segment of the O’Reilly Factor.

Maybe it was a good thing that O’Reilly asked those irritating questions. He could have done it purposely for the controversy. Thank goodness that the priest Gerald Murray gave such great answers. I bet ya there are many who think the same questions O’Reilly posed, and now they heard what the real catholic position is.
In my home “NO Spin Zone” means NO : NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC if we want news. Fox is number one in my home.
In that case, my apologies for your extremely limited view of whats going on in the world and trying to decipher it ALL thru the filter of soley FOX News. :ehh:
In that case, my apologies for your extremely limited view of whats going on in the world and trying to decipher it ALL thru the filter of soley FOX News. :ehh:
They do a pretty good job of reporting BOTH sides of a given story which is probably why they’re leading the other cable news stations in viewership.
SInce when do higher ratings equate with being the best representative of the truth?

Missed it. Of course, I don’t like O’Reilly very much, and I refuse to watch/listen to any of the propaganda on Fox “News”. I will give him a little credit though, unlike most of the RW talk shouters, he occasionally makes a good point and is truthful… Only occasionally, however…

SInce when do higher ratings equate with being the best representative of the truth?

now I understand why you used the confused smilie 😃

:ehh: looks like you need to consult more than your average kook fringe news…Fox is good at least they give both sides…perhaps your’e not used to hearing it.
In that case, my apologies for your extremely limited view of whats going on in the world and trying to decipher it ALL thru the filter of soley FOX News. :ehh:
Thanks but no apologies are necessary. My views are limited because I prefer to get my news from Fox. Your views are unlimited or more broad than mine because you get yours from where? As the other news channels seem to be clones of each other, how does that make your views more unlimited than mine? While I don’t pretend that Fox is perfect it’s the best choice for me and I’m pretty sure I don’t have to worry about them attacking The Catholic Church on a constant basis either. I’ve seen the anti-Catholic bias in the msm. It is the last acceptable predjudice and they attack her with glee. Thanks but no thanks. With all due respect, I find people who think they are more enlightened than others because of the news channel that they watch quite tedious.
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