Anyone watching PresidentTrump Rally in Tulsa Oklahoma Live

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Correct! Everyone should praise and complement Dear Leader no matter what he does, as he was annointed to his position by the Divine Right of Kingss and that darn First Amendment is an affront to his magnificent reign.
Yeah that’s exactly what he wrote. :roll_eyes:
No one said that. I didn’t say that at all. I didn’t say anyone wrote “exactly” that. Projection, much?
As I’ve said many times: Sarcasm never behooves anyone or convinces anyone.
No one said that. I didn’t say that at all. I didn’t say anyone wrote “exactly” that. Projection, much?
Dude if you’re gonna be snarky, I suggest going back to the drawing board as you’re failing terribly at it.
Lamenting the state of US politics most often amounts to a complaint of “not enough people agree with me.” Or even “too many people vehemently disagree with me.”
And yet, that isn’t what I said, not the argument I made, and not the question that was asked.
If Trump could put people in concentration camps and murder people wholesale, persecuting and jailing, political opponents, the press, and black and brown people, he most certainly would. He’s hinted at it several times. He has an affinity for strongmen and dictators. He and Jared Kushner gave their blessings for the torture and murder of American journalist Khashogi. Edit: Donald Trump Jr. called black and brown people “animals” at the rally last night. Nazi’s called Jews animals, and that’s exactly how the road to ethnic cleansing and extermination begins once one starts dehumanizing other human beings.
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And Obama killed more with drone strikes than Bush. But is that something we can’t talk about?
I’m not falling into that trap of trying to get me flagged or kicked off. I’m not being “snarky” at all. I’m just defending myself and expressing my 1st Amendment rights. There is no drawing board to go back too, as I am not good at drawing, nor did I try to draw a picture. Bless your heart.
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I don’t have any hooves to “be”, and I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic. Besides, sarcasm, when used, which I didn’t use, isn’t mean to convince anyone of anything.
Correct! Everyone should praise and complement Dear Leader no matter what he does, as he was annointed to his position by the Divine Right of Kings and that darn First Amendment is an affront to his magnificent reign.
That’s sarcasm, pal.
I hadn’t noticed, nor was it my intent. But did it hurt that badly? No offense intended, I promise.
And furthermore, I had a Lutheran pastor who told me as much. So I’m not being sarcastic, but brutally realistic and truthful. I was told that Trump was personally appointed and annointed by God to be the U.S. President and that I must not criticize Trump because of that and that it is unChristian to do so.
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Then by that logic abortion is justified for someone who was raped. Which I do not agree with. Therefore, it is more complicated.
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The civilians certainly couldn’t. The onlookers were threatened several times, one once when the cop who had his knee on George Floyd’s neck pulled out a can of pepper spray or mace and pointed it directly at the civilians and threatened to use it. That was on the video. And if they had tried to intervene, no doubt those murderous cops would have had them arrested or worse, brutalized.
Correct! The cops actually threatened the bystanders. The one who was killing George Floyd pulled out a can of pepper spray and pointed it directly at the bystanders and threatened to use it on them.
Sick. These men entrusted to serve and protect used their power to hurt. Entire country is at least united there. Justice should be served quickly but fairly.
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