AP Calls the Election

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Al Gore took 37 days before he conceded following the 2000 election and that was over just one state’s coun
You do understand that that it was because it was just one state, right. If it is more states, then the win is more solid. Closer races are less certain. Math.
there are serious allegations of electoral fraud this time around
There are always allegations of fraud and that is always serious. That does not mean there are substantial allegations of fraud.

Trump has sued. It is just that none of his suits so far have any legal merit. This is not conspiracy. It is the frivolous nature of the suits so far. The are nuisance suits designed to muddy the waters. If any have merit, they will go forward. If any votes are reversed, that one count will be revised. Biden will still win, unless there were multiple, provable cases of severe fraud in several states, something that has never happened, or even come close to happening.
If the allegations are for nought, then no one should have a problem making the Democrats prove it in the courts. It’s not for nothing they hired all those lawyers months ago, it’s like they knew this was going to happen.
That’s not the way it works. That’s not the way any of this works.

The Democrats don’t have to prove anything. The Republicans have to prove irregularities. Fraud. And, that fraud has to turn the results of several states.
Al Gore took 37 days before he conceded following the 2000 election and that was over just one state’s count.
And Al Gore, bless his heart, decided to gracefully concede for the good of the country.
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Trump has sued. It is just that none of his suits so far have any legal merit. This is not conspiracy. It is the frivolous nature of the suits so far. The are nuisance suits designed to muddy the waters. If any have merit, they will go forward. If any votes are reversed, that one count will be revised. Biden will still win, unless there were multiple, provable cases of severe fraud in several states, something that has never happened, or even come close to happening.
That’s not the way it works. That’s not the way any of this works.

The Democrats don’t have to prove anything. The Republicans have to prove irregularities. Fraud. And, that fraud has to turn the results of several states.
Then neither of you should object to letting this play out. If the suits truly are frivolous then let that be shown in court. What is so wrong with that? What are you so afraid of? That there might actually be something to these allegations?

Let’s get it all out in front of the judges.
Then neither of you should object to letting this play out. If the suits truly are frivolous then let that be shown in court. What is so wrong with that? What are you so afraid of? That there might actually be something to these allegations?

Let’s get it all out in front of the judges.
I’m not saying that the Republicans shouldn’t have their day week month in court. I’m just saying that it’s just sore loserism and they should just concede defeat after the votes are certified.
I’m not saying that the Republicans shouldn’t have their day week month in court. I’m just saying that it’s just sore loserism and they should just concede defeat after the votes are certified.
Agree 100%.
No it’s not…have you seen the tapes of voter fraud in plain site by poll watcher.Filling in ballots etc kicking out republicans and then taking in thousands of ballots in the wee hours of the morning,C’ man ,this is the deal…fraud!
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No it’s not…have you seen the tapes of voter fraud in plain site by poll watcher.Filling in ballots etc kicking out republicans and then taking in thousands of ballots in the wee hours of the morning,C’ man ,this is the deal…fraud!
This is all made up, or, above board.

Allegations of people committing federal offenses on camera are not credible.
I was listening to the local conservative talk radio stations yesterday and it was funny listening to commentator after commentator on both stations begging their listeners to stop believing and spreading obvious lies and baseless conspiracy theories.
We get the government we deserve ,too bad those of us who cherish our freedoms will be dragged down the drain with those who feel otherwise. I’m sad for our grandchildren etc.
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What are you so afraid of?
That question assumes fear where there is none. However, if a judge deems a suit to have no merit, he does not have to hear it. That is what I meant by frivolous. Not all suits are, but some have been deemed, playing out in court, to be legally frivolous.

It probably is only an issue because of Trump’s history of excessive litigation. He represents the worst of what is wrong with this country legally, suing over the most minor of things. I know this is not minor. That is just the reputation one builds. It is the cry wolf syndrome.

In Pennsylvania especially there may be one case with some merit, though I doubt it will be enough to prove it, much less flip the state, much less flip the election.
We get the government we deserve ,too bad those of us who cherish our freedoms will be dragged down the drain with those who feel otherwise. I’m sad for our grandchildren etc.
Exactly what I felt fours years ago.
Ahhh but is was so good for all of us.Let freedom ring! Truth will out!
This is what I fear, Jeanne.

Joe Biden has said he wants to unite us and OK I take him at his word.
But what about AOC and the squad with their “accountability” project?
Even Rod Dreher on his blog has called this straight up totalitarianism!
This isn’t just about going after Trump and his cabinet, but those who worked on the
campaign and even those who voted for him.
Ditto others on Twitter: Robert Reich, Keith Olbermann, Eric Swallwell, Beto O’Roarke, and so on. Each has called for punishment in some way for conservatives/Trump supporters. Is Joe Biden strong enough to tamp these guys down?
If the shoe were on the other foot and some far-right congressperson were demanding this from
an outgoing Democrat administration, and voters, the Democrats would be up in arms and rightly so.
I hope I would be, too!
So yes, I know Joe Biden has said he wants to be President of the whole country and I take him at his word.
But I don’t trust the radical left, and even Kamela Harris.
I just hope the Republicans keep/ get the senate, to put the brakes on this crowd.
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Is it a done deal that the Republicans have the senate? I hope so.
Agree100% AOC has already gone on record saying she feels confident they can push Joe farther to the left.If it were just a more typical election year,like elections past,we could just say ok,have your term we will vote again in another four yeats .However,given the hard push to the left by so many in the Dems is,very concerning. There may be no second chance.
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Is it a done deal that the Republicans have the senate?
Well, there will be a runoff election for two Georgia Senate seats next month. The Democrats could have 50 seats next year. Only one possibility though.
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