And exactly what do you know of what Joseph of Arimathea actually did in his life? How do you know what his ‘function’ was? Why do you assume it was limited to his offering a tomb to Christ? Don’t you think it is remotely possible that his wealth was instrumental in helping the early church, not just in a one time ‘sell everything and give to the poor’ but over a lifetime of working hard, generating wealth, and using that wealth wisely to help the poor by donation, to help the poor by providing long term jobs, to help all people by providing good example, trade knowledge, opportunities for those who worked for him to develop their OWN services and wealth and thus continue to ‘spread things out’ etc.
Honestly, as I have mentioned, the whole, “Jesus is ONLY a poor man and the gospel is ONLY to be as ‘poor’ as possible by offering gimcrack worship, supposedly ‘sell everything’ (not that anybody here, including Pope Francis, has done this), and only offer MATERIAL GOODS to the poor. . . Is a gross distortion of the gospel.
Do you really think that thousands and thousands of those early Christians who supposedly lived that ‘perfect life’ you think PF is ‘bringing back’ suffered torture and death because hey, everybody in the world needs to give up everything and then just sit back and urge ‘help the poor’?
No, they suffered torture and death to spread the Good News of the God who offered them forgiveness of their sins, who told them to love one another, while not demanding some kind of false egalitarian communism of “nobody better own nuthin so that we all be living at subsistence level because material ‘life on earth’ is the be-all and end-all, but rather, to know that God is Love whether one is rich or poor, male or female, ‘chosen one’ or ‘outcaste’, and to do the best one can with what one has, and to offer that ‘best’ to God.
Honestly, as I have mentioned, the whole, “Jesus is ONLY a poor man and the gospel is ONLY to be as ‘poor’ as possible by offering gimcrack worship, supposedly ‘sell everything’ (not that anybody here, including Pope Francis, has done this), and only offer MATERIAL GOODS to the poor. . . Is a gross distortion of the gospel.
Do you really think that thousands and thousands of those early Christians who supposedly lived that ‘perfect life’ you think PF is ‘bringing back’ suffered torture and death because hey, everybody in the world needs to give up everything and then just sit back and urge ‘help the poor’?
No, they suffered torture and death to spread the Good News of the God who offered them forgiveness of their sins, who told them to love one another, while not demanding some kind of false egalitarian communism of “nobody better own nuthin so that we all be living at subsistence level because material ‘life on earth’ is the be-all and end-all, but rather, to know that God is Love whether one is rich or poor, male or female, ‘chosen one’ or ‘outcaste’, and to do the best one can with what one has, and to offer that ‘best’ to God.