Wow, Evolution is my very least favorite thing to talk about!This post is more of a “Frustration Vent” then anything, but my son came home from school yesterday CONVINCED that man started out as an ape.
My son is new to the Christian Faith having been raised in an Atheist home, so he is shakey at best when it comes to the “invisible”. He told me he would believe in God ONLY if he could see Him with his own eyes. But because we “share” so many DNA traits with primates, it makes logical sense to him that we evolved from them.mad: thank you schools for teaching human evolution).
Yes, I know that when a child is 13 they doubt many things and are searching for their place in the world,but this has upset me and left me frustrated and not just a little angry at the public school system.
I am responding to this out of sympathy as a mother because this would be a nightmare to me too.
The people who don’t believe in evolution of people from apes (or ape-like creatures! whatever you want to call them!) and those who do can argue ad nauseum, both absolutely sure they are right. The debates goes nowhere. Abortion debates often seem to be the same way, although somehow abortion debates don’t bother me like evolution debates do.
There is no way I believe that people were once animals. God made animals, then He made people. He made people fresh, not gradually, and he started with two and named them made Adam and Eve. They alone are our most distant ancestors.
Some animals look like people. (Sometimes my cat looks just like a baby to me!). I don’t care what science says (and really, its just *some *of science). Science has been wrong before. I don’t care how well anyone can argue it. I don’t want to argue it; I never will believe that people once were animals.
Ask God to give you His peace and patience with this with your son. You need this because if you come down too hard with your opinion he may dig his heels in and the two of you will remain as endlessly polorized as an evolution thread on CA forum!
Show respect for your son’s opinion. Thats actually possible. He could tell you a Martian delivered your mail today, and you can actually respect his opinion - you just have a different one!
Respect is imperative to him as a teen who is yet green at his power of reasoning and thinking. One wouldn’t criticize a baby making his first steps. Also one must show regard for the fact that he is the male of our species. Respect goes a long way with those creatures.
To do this in the face of hot-button issues, you need the supernatural gift of God - His peace. Ask Him and He will give it to you. He says, “The peace I give is not the Peace the world gives. It is the peace that passes all understanding…” Gods gives the peace that makes no sense!
Since the place of peace is also the place you meet God, and God is first in your life, it is more important that you protect that than just about anything else.
So you can give up some of the angst to God, asking Him to fix it, and asking Him for His peace.
And then:
- pray for wisdom,
- ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words to say, and
- listen more than you talk.