It is acknowledged that only God can judge the fate of an individual. Whilst we may be able to state what is “objectively” mortally sinful, we cannot know whether an individual fulfils those conditions, nor can we judge the culpability of an individual.…How could a supposedly kind and loving God condemn someone with a disease like this 14 year olds or my aunts or a child with butterfly syndrome and let them suffer a terrible existence on Earth with little to zero quality of life (which I know the Catholic Church doesn’t actually care about) and turn around and say, live with the pain and suck it up because if you end your life you go too Hell. That is NOT loving AT ALL!!!
One has to come to grips with the reality of the human condition. Presumably you question the kind and loving God’s motivation not just in the present age, but in all ages past, when debilitating diseases were far more common, treatments far less available, easy drug induced deaths not readily available, and horrible deaths more commonplace. As one who has said s/he believes that the Bible is the Word of God - do you hold that God is mean and vindictive to have delivered his people into such challenging conditions through the ages?
I note you single out the Catholic Church and charge her with having “zero concern for quality of life”. To be fair, do you charge all who oppose euthanasia (which includes other Christian Churches) similarly?