LOL! Maybe if the Pope were Pius IX…
No. I know that the current Pope wouldn’t support me. I know that the past 5 or 6 popes wouldn’t support me. BUT there have been about 260 who would have.
I think we might have previously discussed this difference between you “neo-conservative” Catholics and us traditionalists.
Neo-cons accept what the Church teaches…but judge the past through the lense of the present, and seem to give more authority to more current popes. They often find a need to “explain away” the past and if there is a conflict between the past and present teachings coming (non-ex-cathedra) from the vatican…they will usually choose the present teaching as thus more correct.
Good traditionalists accept what the Church teaches…but judge the present in proportion to the weight of the past, and on non-ex-cathedra matters give equal authority and consideration to the teachings of all popes throughout history. I don’t need to “explain away” or apologize for the past just because of the present “enlightened” liberty-worshipping paradigm in the world…and if there is a conflict between the past and present teachings coming non-ex-cathedra from the vatican…I will usually choose the teaching from the 1960 years of previous history over the 40 past years. Not that I don’t accept the present opinions and spins on things…but they are only 1/50th of christian history and I give them proportional weight accordingly. There have been many authoritative teachers throughout history, saints, bishops, and Popes most of all. And sometimes, when not speaking infallibly, they go directly against each other. It is my job to listen to this inter-centuries debate, weigh all the opinions and judgements, and come to a conclusion on such non-infallible things. I certainly do not give absolute defference to the current opinions of the current pope as if he is the do all and end all of everything. Because there have been Popes in the past of equal authority who have disagreed, and may be Popes in the future of equal authority who will disagree.
First, I doubt that the bulk of the popes back to Peter would agree with your idea of killing heretics. Or at the first few. So I reckon the last few have something with the first few (time lapse to an acqusation of “antiquarianism,” 5-4-3…). I’m okay with the last few popes agreeing with the first few.
Second, if you want to call me a Neo-Con and yourself a “good” traditionalist, I at least deserve the benefit of the doubt and thus the epithet of “good” Neo-Con.
Third, I’m not actually BEING a neo-con. It’s isn’t about believing the last 40 years posited against the 1960 before it. It’s about believing that the Church alone can determine what she believes, how she believes it, what it means THAT she believes it, etc., and not leaving that determination of what it means to be in line with that belief to people who about a decade ago were still figuring out how to go to the bathroom by themselves (honestly, I envision their parents treading on their Dungeon and Dragon bits in the dark, biting their lips, and praying for patience).
And in the conflict between the past and present, in this particular area, I’m perfectly comfortable with the concept that we’ve gotten beyond the idea of burning heretics. HH Pope John Paul II, of happy memory, did the faith immeasureable good (though I doubt you agree) with those apologies of the millenium (and I mean apology in the sense of sorrow, as opposed to apologia). You and Caesar won’t ACTUALLY damage the faith, since the Church herself would regard the concept you’re putting forth as being absolutely nutters. You might, however, prayerfully consider that positing such horrific absurdities my cause harm to the faith that might be growing in the people who are being gradually lead by the Holy Spirit into the fullness of the Truth that is in the Church. Hopefully, they understand that every faith, even the True One, has its lunatic fringe.