Supporting the heretics can lead to accepting the heresies.
Let us put the clock back some 2000 years, and consider what the Pharisees had to say about Our Lord.
On the whole, they admired his moral teaching, but his spiritual teaching was heterodox in the extreme.
What! not washing hands before eating!
What keeping company with publicans and sinners!
What! this man claimed to be in Unity with Elohim!
Not just heterodoxy, not only heresy, but also blasphemy.
And so they judged, and handed him over to Kaiser, on a not so trumped up charge of treason. Strictly speaking, the treason charge was valid, but Pilate knew that he was being used.
Now is that what our two heroes want to see us return to?
Remember every new revelation is seen as heterodox. New is different, that is what the prefix ‘hetero’ means.
Teaching what is different is heresy.
There can be no doubt that what Our Lord taught, in defiance of the Pharisees was heterox, and heretical.
We ALL accept though, that this was a new revelation.
If the revelation is of God, then we believe it will grow: if it is of error, then it will wither.
We were told to expect daily new revelations, and to test them, for as a good tree bears good fruit, it will be known.
Just because a doctor comes not from our school, we should not reject him out of hand, for who is not against us is for our part.
Let us also remember that though Aquinas was Sainted, he was not the Pope, so his words are fallible, as are the words of any ordinary human.