Obviously. In countries where we are the minority…the government is unlikely to be Catholic, and so the State would not execute heretics.I think that today it is not, because 1)there are often more of them then there are of us,
And that’s fine for them personally, and we’ll leave them alone, as long as they don’t try to SPREAD their heresy, at least not to Catholics. If they were never Catholic in the first place, we really have no authority over them as long as they don’t try to proselytize to Catholics2)most heretics are material heretics only,
If you read, throughout this thread, I have ALWAYS advocated prison over death. I am only saying it could be justifiable IF at the time or place there was no good isolation system to protect people from the harmful ideas.3)even if the conditions were right, we have better and more effective ways of dealing with heresy,
I don’t really care what we “give them” as long as we protect our sheep from the wolves.4)no need giving heretics a “martyr complex” and
Sure, “we” can show our strength, those of us who would like to think that we could ignore and not be convinced by the heretics arguments.5)I think that you truly get more flies with honey than with vinegar, we can show our strength more effectively by ignoring the harangues and diatribes of heresy and by simply debating the more intellectual polemics and arguments.
But we also have a duty to protect those too weak in mind and faith. Those who perhaps could not ignore it, who would be swayed easily.
Personally, I’m not judging anyone to hell. All we’d be doing is taking a dangerous idea out of circulation. Subjectively, their relationship with God in the internal forum…is between them and God.How about we leave the judgments of people up to God?