Archbishop Chaput: Denying Biden Communion is ‘Pastoral’ Not ‘Political’

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The time for Chaput to intervene in this would have been when he was abp in the archdiocese next to Wilmington. He may have done it for all I know, as it would have been done quietly if it was pastoral.
He may not have juridical authority outside his diocese, but, as a member of the college of bishops, even a “Bishop Emeritus has the right to manifest his solicitude for all the Churches” (Apostolorum Successores 229).
Chaput has consistently, throughout his career, aligned himself with Conservative political voices. It’s his thing.
I would say that he has consistently aligjned himself with Catholic teaching, which is his job as a bishop.
As a matter of curiosity, let us take our friends Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Cardinal Tobin, and Cardinal Cupich. Throughout their careers, they have consistently aligned themselves with Progressive, Democratic Party political voices.

It’s their thing, no?
Certainly not 100%…but certainly more than a political party that has the support intrinsic evils in its platform.

You seem to think if something overlaps between Church teaching and “rightist politics” that its by default a political issue first.
You seem to think if something overlaps between Church teaching and “rightist politics” that its by default a political issue first.
To be fair right wingers tend to think the same about some aspects of overlap between Catholic teaching and liberal or left politics.
So, from a theological perspective, is what he wrote wrong? What, theologically, do you disagree with?
I disagree with the extent that Archbishop Chaput has inserted himself in all sorts of political issues; always from a conservative viewpoint. This is not about theology – it is on prelates being involved in politics.
It’s not a political issue, it’s a moral issue. Isn’t it a bishop’s duty to teach on moral issues?
It’s not a political issue, it’s a moral issue. Isn’t it a bishop’s duty to teach on moral issues?
He commented on far more than moral issues. Archbishop Chaput crossed the line to political partisanship. IMHO
I don’t know about rightist politics. Certainly abortion, same sex marriage are moral issues on which bishops ought to speak out. Requiring Catholic nuns to provide contraceptives is also a moral issue on which they should speak.
Do leftist policies?

You know, abortion ‘right’, ‘right to die’, forcing businesses to provide services against their religious beliefs (Little Sisters of the Poor), ‘gender therapy’ and surgical procedures/pills for children, ‘gay marriage’? Are those all paralleling Church teachings?

With regard to “Rightist’ i.e. republican policies, do the policies themselves oppose Catholic teaching? Truly? Or are they just different ways to offer help?

With regard to the last 55 years or so since the War on Poverty, much of the Democratic Party platforms, with the exception of the sexual (i.e. abortion, gay marriage, gender ideology) have been in place and have been spectacularly unsuccessful. Out of wedlock pregnancies have soared along with abortions. Fatherless families have skyrocketed. The poor get poorer and the crime rates jump. Despite countless ‘Educational’ packages the SAT scores nosedive further each year, and despite STEM the dropout rates rise, and to top all, our students cannot communicate. Debacles like ‘whole language’ have led to the generation between ages 20-45 being on the whole functionally illiterate as they cannot distinguish between the ‘letter pattern’ of word, world, and would! Most HONORS HISTORY students in grade 12 cannot tell you who fought against us in the Revolutionary War, come within 50 years of the dates of the US Civil war, find a given country on a world map, and the few ‘factoids’ they retain are either feminist trivia meant to demonize “white European history’ or other revisionist claptrap and Dan Brown “history’.

The Democratic Party platform planks keep throwing money at programs which simply DO.NOT.WORK.
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Archbishop Chaput has always been the voice of a good Shepard.🙏
God bless him for doing so.
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What would St. Paul have to say about Joe Biden being a proponent of abortion for 40 years?
Has he been for all 40 years? I honestly thought this was a position he changed to though I don’t know when that occurred.
Your post reminded me of how far education has fallen in the last 50 years or so. I think it got worse when the Department of Education was started in 1979. The U.S. got by without an Education Department for 200 years and people were better educated. Then the war on poverty was started and poverty became permanent while families collapsed.
His position has evolved somewhat, most recently with the Hyde Amendment, explained HERE.
he U.S. got by without an Education Department for 200 years and people were better educated. Then the war on poverty was started and poverty became permanent while families collapsed.
As the Jesuits ask: “Post hoc ergo propter hoc?”
Oh, I don’t know that the DOE was the chief cause of educational decline, but it sure doesn’t seem to have made anything better.
Oh, I don’t know that the DOE was the chief cause of educational decline, but it sure doesn’t seem to have made anything better.
Well, GOP Senator Jesse Helms said that schools had deteriorated after 1954. You know, after de jure segregation ended. I guess there are all sorts of theories.
I cant imagine biden attending mass
He attended private Masses as Obama’s VP. No cameras.
He will likely continue to do that.

Also, he’s been attending Mass at his parish in Delaware for some years while no one was paying any attention to him.
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