Archbishop Chaput: Denying Biden Communion is ‘Pastoral’ Not ‘Political’

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Apparently,Biden’s new Secretary of Health and Human Services,is not only unqualified for the position,he also is a radical leftist.He argued for babies being killed after surviving an abortion.He relentlessly went after the little Sisters of the Poor and others in regards to abortion…
Hang on everybody.If Biden prevails,we will circle the drain in rapid speed.
Apparently,Biden’s new Secretary of Health and Human Services,is not only unqualified for the position,he also is a radical leftist.He argued for babies being killed after surviving an abortion.He relentlessly went after the little Sisters of the Poor and others in regards to abortion…
Hang on everybody.If Biden prevails,we will circle the drain in rapid speed.
The truth hurts.

I don’t think Biden won, that TX lawsuit is saying the odds of that election going the way it did meaning late at night and all of those votes coming in is 1 in quadrillion.

Missouri joins those other states, Louisiana joined it and I thought they had a Democratic governor.

Jesus commands us to defend the right to life. I will take my commands by him, not by some easily offended for standing up for Christian values.
He attended private Masses as Obama’s VP. No cameras.
He will likely continue to do that.
One of Canada’s former Prime Ministers is a member of my parish. When he was Finance Minister, I would frequently see him at Mass when he wasn’t in Ottawa or abroad. He would leave immediately after communion (before the dismissal) though. Presumably to avoid the swarm of folks wanting to shake his hand. I assume he continued as Prime Minister, but at that point I started going to Mass at the local Benedictine abbey and rarely went to the parish.
Well, perhaps that’s the best for US.
To him his fate, and to us, Salvation…
It will take a straightup collapse for such fantasies to be put to bed permanently
Greetings to you @TepeyacTraveler
Writing to apologize for a mixup in comment reply.
I am Boanergos
I cant imagine biden attending mass 😆 only if there s a camera following him
It is probably more like this

I can’t imagine Trump attending Mass or any Church Service 😆 only if there is a camera following him.

Now that makes much or sense and reflects the reality of the current President.
Has he been for all 40 years? I honestly thought this was a position he changed to though I don’t know when that occurred.
He saw which way the winds were blowing as he grasped for more power?
Catholic Answers doesn’t seem too concerned about their rules or an honest discussion, and hasn’t for a long time. 18 days and they go away.
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