Archbp Vigano praises Trump, warns America

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This election is so very important, fellow Catholics! Listen!
The letter is posted HERE, but it is brief - so I include it below:
September 23, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – With deep emotion I have learned that President Donald J. Trump will be taking part in the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on 23 September.

On this occasion, Attorney General William Barr will receive the NCPB’s Christifideles Laici Award (Christ’s Faithful Laity), named after the Apostolic Exhortation On the Laity by Pope John Paul II.

I would like to make myself present on this memorable occasion, in which I participated with great enthusiasm as Apostolic Nuncio during the years of my mission in Washington, D.C. (2011-2016).

I therefore join all the participants in this extraordinary celebration and all American Catholics, who see in President Donald Trump the greatest defender of the supreme values of Christian civilization: of life, from conception to natural death; of the natural family composed of one man and one woman and children; and of love for the homeland: One Nation under God! And, most importantly, he stands for defending the right to freely practice our Faith, thus allowing us more fully to honor God.

The presidential elections in November represent an epochal challenge, a biblical challenge, the outcome of which will be decisive not only for the United States of America but for the whole world.

It is necessary that all of you Catholics of America are well aware of the role that Providence has deigned to entrust to your President, and that you are aware of the extraordinary battle that He is preparing to fight against the demonic forces of the deep state and against the New World Order. I am at your side with fervent prayer, together with millions of Catholics and with all people of good will throughout the world.

Our trust rests in God, the Almighty, whose right hand always works wonders.
  • Carlo Maria Viganò,
    Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
    Former Apostolic Nuncio of Washington, D.C. (2011-2016)
I’m thinking of starting a drinking game, every time the “deep state” or “new world order” or similar phrases are mentioned take a shot.
I’m thinking of starting a drinking game, every time the “deep state” or “new world order” or similar phrases are mentioned take a shot.
You know, there really is a demonic fallen angel at work in this world - a real satan - if you can trust Jesus, believe Him: satan exists and is at work NOW. And he has angelic followers. And there IS a “deep state”, and there are lovers of the Lie who are planning “a new world order.”

Satan’s greatest accomplishment is to make a joke of his very existence. And the existence of those he leads in the world today.

The final proof that his “joke” is no joke at all promises to be very bloody. Read the apocalyptic chapters in the Gospel, and the Book of Revelation. If you can believe Holy Scripture.
It’s really not funny at all.
I’m thinking of starting a drinking game, every time the “deep state” or “new world order” or similar phrases are mentioned take a shot.
You know, there really is a demonic fallen angel at work in this world - a real satan - if you can trust Jesus, believe Him: satan exists and is at work NOW. And he has angelic followers. And there IS a “deep state”, and there are lovers of the Lie who are planning “a new world order.”

Satan’s greatest accomplishment is to make a joke of his very existence. And the existence of those he leads in the world today.

The final proof that his “joke” is no joke at all promises to be very bloody. Read the apocalyptic chapters in the Gospel, and the Book of Revelation. If you can believe Holy Scripture.
It’s really not funny at all.
Actually I agree with everything you said. It’s just that Donald Trump could not be further away from being the supreme defender of Christian values. The very idea of that is absurd, canonizing as it does someone who is notorious for lacking a central moral core. His current supposed embrace of “pro life values” is transactional at best and utterly opportunistic.
of the natural family composed of one man and one woman and children;
Can anyone understand why the Archbishop believes that President Trump upholds this as a value in the Catholic sense?
Can anyone understand why the Archbishop believes that President Trump upholds this as a value in the Catholic sense?
Possibly he knows things, as a priest, that we do not know - for example, that President Trump (possibly) believes that annulments are part of divinely revealed Truth. Possibly Melania helped him to come to know that, and to experience marriage in a new and holy way. God does admit of New Lives among people, in HIs Son.

You do believe that new lives are possible in Christ - right?
You do believe that new lives are possible in Christ - right?
No point asking such questions of unbelievers. In general I think people can change their minds and behave differently from their past actions.
President Trump (possibly) believes that annulments are part of divinely revealed Truth
Has President Trump had an annulment?
Possibly he knows things, as a priest, that we do not know
Agreed. It is possible. Do you agree it is also possible he is just plain wrong?
Actually I agree with everything you said. It’s just that Donald Trump could not be further away from being the supreme defender of Christian values. The very idea of that is absurd, canonizing as it does someone who is notorious for lacking a central moral core. His current supposed embrace of “pro life values” is transactional at best and utterly opportunistic.
How can you possibly know that? You are assuming the most cynical of viewpoints as factual. That cynicism is wide-spread, I sadly admit. This is a dark, cynical, disbelieving age we live in. But Christ can actually CHANGE people, you know? Everyone is NOT after nothing but advancing “number 1” the Self.

MAYBE God had mercy on this hedonistic, self-serving culture we live in, and moved a non-politician in his heart to DO things to give this faithless nation another chance.
You do believe that new lives are possible in Christ - right?
No point asking such questions of unbelievers. In general I think people can change their minds and behave differently from their past actions.
President Trump (possibly) believes that annulments are part of divinely revealed Truth
Has President Trump had an annulment?
Possibly he knows things, as a priest, that we do not know
Agreed. It is possible. Do you agree it is also possible he is just plain wrong?
  1. People can change their minds. God can change their hearts. Whether you “believe” it or not.
  2. Annulments can be kept private - I have seen this for a fact.
  3. Things can be conceptually “possible”, but in reality not possible. But - In this case, it is certain that as a priest he knows things that we do not know.
Can anyone understand why the Archbishop believes that President Trump upholds this as a value in the Catholic sense?
Oh I don’t know. Maybe it’s because He sees that the Democrats believe that it’s right and just to rip babies from the womb right up to the moment of birth. And they push teaching children, kindergartners for Pete’s sake, the LGBTQ catechism. To Archbishop Vigano, in comparison to them, Trump’s on his way to sainthood.
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Oh I don’t know. Maybe it’s because He sees that the Democrats believe that it’s right and just to rip babies from the womb right up to the moment of birth. And they push teaching children, kindergartners for Pete’s sake, the LBGTB catechism. To Archbishop Vigano, in comparison to them, Trump’s on his way to sainthood.
And to add one more factor - Vigano, from his experience as a Vatican diplomat, knows very well the influence and power of the U.S. on the rest of the world. The world without the U.S. would without doubt fall to socialist/communist/dictatorship - or Islamic dictatorship - and satan’s rule would be horrific. The Dems would enable that, Trump will block it.

I hope and pray that another “Trump” is in the wings somewhere. - another man not sold out to the swamp, with the money and guts - and heart - to do what is right because it is right.
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There have been a lot of saints who did not start out the way you’d want them to. On the other hand, even more
“good Catholics” who were neither.
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