Archbp Vigano praises Trump, warns America

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How is that for evidence.
He’s been saying he’s pro-life for quite some time. It’s only “evidence” of which side of this issue he decided to draw.
An actual "change of heart would affect the lies, the disrespect, the constant name-calling.
for example, that President Trump (possibly) believes that annulments are part of divinely revealed Truth. Possibly Melania helped him to come to know that, and to experience marriage in a new and holy way.
That’s a baseless hope and there is more reason to think the opposite than anything else.
I don’t get it.
Can’t you “get” repentance and a new perspective - a new commitment - a new life? He is supporting and promoting and working for GOOD in this country! Doesn’t that say anything to you about what he believes and wants and wills? And for me, the fact of Melania, a believer and a good and strong mother for their son - that she is with him still - says MUCH about him.
Because undermining our system of voting, viciously slandering people who disagree with him, cynically attempting to co-opt the military, encouraging racist sentiments, and putting his own re-election and supposed legacy ahead of 200,000 American lives is clearly “working for good,” eh? To say nothing of being a champion of “Christian values.”
Sorry, this is not a perfect world and none of us are perfect. We need to look at the whole picture. We’ve had presidents in the past who weren’t necessarily stellar in their personal or even public behaviors, but our country ended up better off for their having been our presidents. They still loved their country and ours, and did good things, policy-wise, that made life better for our citizenry.

We need to decide what’s more important, here. Do we want a socialist country where private property rights are usurped by the government, where we are denied our right to defend ourselves when threatened with imminent danger, where we are taxed out of house and home, and find ourselves under a single-payer healthcare system where THEY decide, and not us, which doctors we get to see and whether or not our particular needs will be covered, depending on whether or not THEY feel treatment is warranted (and discrimination against the elderly would be the norm, since we shall have outlived our usefulness, in THEIR eyes.)

Is THIS the kind of country we want?

Or, are we willing to acknowledge that we have a president who, as a flawed human being, still stands up for our basic Constitutional rights and will also protect us abroad? A president who will help keep us free and honors our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Do we want a president who loves this country and has her best interests at heart?

WE have to decide, and we had better think it over very carefully, because if we choose wrongly, there won’t be any second chances. Under a socialist dictatorship, I predict an end to free elections in this country, and we shall no longer have a voice.
An actual "change of heart would affect the lies, the disrespect, the constant name-calling.
The absolutist view to comfort us in our judgement of others. How refreshing.

Of course, the truth is that sin enters each of our lives in different ways and one can never truly make a claim as to the condition of another.

One can continue to struggle with sins in one area of life while also making great strides in other aspects.
What’s really sad is that people aren’t seeing Vigano’s commentary for what it is: hero worship. And claim Trump is pro life when his handling of the virus was the opposite of that.
On the contrary, Julius, Archbishop Vigano has God for his Hero and it is God Whom he worships. It is God Who has given this Archbishop the wisdom to see the good President Trump has done in the last 4 years, especially his protection of the unborn, and now his seeking to protect babies born yet who can have their lives taken by doctors and mothers who desire those babies to die.

It becomes increasingly sad to see persons in this country and all over the world failing to recognize the horror of killing innocent and defenseless babies!. I believe Archbishop Vigano is absolutely correct in writing:
…I therefore join all the participants in this extraordinary celebration and all American Catholics, who see in President Donald Trump the greatest defender of the supreme values of Christian civilization: of life, from conception to natural death; of the natural family composed of one man and one woman and children; and of love for the homeland: One Nation under God! And, most importantly, he stands for defending the right to freely practice our Faith, thus allowing us more fully to honor God
May God in His Mercy preserve and protect the USA enabling us to be “one nation under God”.
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This seems like a lot of wishful thinking.

Yes, I believe in repentance. Yes, there is hope that anyone, including Trump, can repent and come to the truth. Yes, his administration has objectively done much good to combat abortion. But I don’t get this belief that Trump is personally a champion of the Lord raised up to save the world…which is how the archbishop’s letter reads.
Not only Vigano, but the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, saw this in Trump. Netanyahu knew of Cyrus - the (pagan) King of Persia, whom God sent to rebuild of the Temple in Jerusalem after it had been ruined by enemies of Israel. HERE is a summary.

The Scriptural record is in several places (2 Chron 36:22-23; Ezra 1:7-8, and further).

There is a remarkable parallel, between Trump and the U.S., and Cyrus and Israel. God chose the most unlikely man in the eyes of the world, to do His will! Now, men of this world, what will YOU DO with this work? What will YOU hear, of the Voice of God among men? Will you, finally, TRUST HIM? I believe that God has sent a sword of division upon this dark culture, to separate and divide us so as to make it clear, whom will we serve - the only true God, or the gods of this world? See the light shining so brightly on and into the swamp of Washington DC - the same swamp infiltrated into both parties!? Trump is a much needed “bull in the china shop”. Surprise. A man driven to DO something right, in this mess.
Do you think it is a valid marriage? Or are you expecting repentance and a new perspective to happen some time in he future?
The question is answered, ultimately and without error, by God who knows the heart, and His own grace given. I trust Him, and have no need to draw conclusions of my own.
On the contrary, Julius, Archbishop Vigano has God for his Hero and it is God Whom he worships. It is God Who has given this Archbishop the wisdom to see the good President Trump has done in the last 4 years, especially his protection of the unborn,
And caused the deaths of others by not listening to his advisors and not taking the virus seriously, and lying to the American people about it. Vigano instead of having God as his hero has merely created an idol. I’d except no less from one who maligns the Holy Father.
LOL. Is that it? Not very charitible, is it?
Dear Paul, the infirmity, “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is in itself lacking in charity. I am not infallible in my diagnoses, thus I said, “Sounds like a case of TDS”, and I added in hopeful compassion, “I’m sorry to say.”

It is curable! Vulnerability to the affliction is a pre-existing condition of bias - prejudice - which itself is enabled by a lack of due charity toward another, in this case the man Trump.

My diagnosis is based on your comment,
“No, I will never praise Trump.”

That is a commitment to a very, very hard judgment upon any human being.
Luk 15:7 Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
Luk 15:8 “Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it?
Luk 15:9 And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.’
Luk 15:10 Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
But Christ can actually CHANGE people, you know?
That is absolutely correct beyond doubt. But such change generally includes visible changes in behavior, especially of persons who were previously notorious for less than righteous behavior. What changes in the behavior of the person under discussion do you see?
And caused the deaths of others by not listening to his advisors and not taking the virus seriously, and lying to the American people about it. Vigano instead of having God as his hero has merely created an idol. I’d except no less from one who maligns the Holy Father.
TDS, evolved to include a related affliction, the impulse to throw under any near-by bus, any who would speak well of Trump and against the near-idolatrous worship of the “Derangement Syndrome” itself.

Let’s hope this is not too contagious. Isolate! Distance! Back off!
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@fide , I wrote a long response to your post but just decided to drop it and let you have your say.

evolved to include a related affliction, the impulse to throw under any near-by bus, any who would speak well of Trump
TDS correctly applies to those who would leave out unflattering truths about Trump.

Case in point, you.
Dear Paul, the infirmity, “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is in itself lacking in charity.
How convenient that one believes he can shut down debate by crying “TDS”. Yes, there are some who react like rabid dogs whenever DJT is mentioned. It is also true that some react in a similar way to Pelosi, Biden, AOC, and Harris. The mere mention of Trump doesn’t derange me, but his public behavior and blatant lying disgust me when done as President. If he were still just another sleazy businessman I wouldn’t care a bit.
@fide , I wrote a long response to your post but just decided to drop it and let you have your say.

Dear Paul, The situation in this country - and in the world - is very grave, very dangerous. And America - the one nation strong enough to serve as a barrier to the many anti-human regimes currently thirsting for more - indeed, for the world itself - to consume and to dominate.

America itself is teetering on a precipice - dividend within itself with a chasm between the sides, as different as life is from death, literally. The difference could not be better illustrated than by the issue of abortion: the intentional murder of the most innocent, the most vulnerable, the most defenseless of victims: infants, babies, tiny helpless babies.

If we do not get this issue right, before God, we will never get any issue right, with God. Intentional murderers of the innocent are dead before God, no matter how “charitable” they may attempt to be in other matters. If they persist and continue to defend their “right” to kill innocent and defenseless persons, they are dead; their souls are without life. This crime is indefensible.

The Dems hold this “right” as dear, as precious, as non-negotiable, as “holy”. This is insane! They cannot be supported!
The Dems hold this “right” as dear, as precious, as non-negotiable, as “holy”. This is insane! They cannot be supported!
You can take a page and not support both, instead of glorifying a person whose actions aren’t pro-life in the slightest.
America itself is teetering on a precipice - dividend within itself with a chasm between the sides, as different as life is from death, literally.
The very Republic is at stake.

Neither candidate is perfect. One supports abortion and one wants to be a dictator.
That is absolutely correct beyond doubt. But such change generally includes visible changes in behavior, especially of persons who were previously notorious for less than righteous behavior. What changes in the behavior of the person under discussion do you see?
I see what he has done in the Office - in spite of the rabid, frothing disgust toward him and anything he says or does, held by the in-lock-step Dems, headed by the dictators Schumer and Pelosi, who vote to block him in every way possible. Very patriotic. Very noble.

I will take his lack of swampy “tradition” - not “acting Presidential” enough for the swamp creatures, not playing the “game” as they demand - I will take his common-sense and directness and perseverance toward his promises to America any day, over the pharisaical and self-righteous hypocrisy of the swamp, with its commitment only to self-reelection.

Look, without TDS bias, and see if you cannot begin to see the difference that he has brought - and the many accomplishments that we need.
I see what he has done in the Office
As do I, and without partisan blinders of any sort. He has promised to “drain the swamp”, but he rather imported his own pet alligators, among many other harmful actions, which is plain to see by anyone not blinded by Trump Worship Syndrome. It is more than “not Presidential” to encourage his supporters to attempt election fraud; it is more than “not Presidential” to repeat multiple lies that were proven as lies so many times that he now has his own unique category of “false” related to fact checking; it is more than “not Presidential” to imply that he may not accept the results of the election if it doesn’t suit him, or that he “deserves” a third term contrary to the Constitution.
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