Archbp Vigano praises Trump, warns America

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Amen! This has been my prayer from the get go.That we may remain a Sovereign Nation Under God,for the sake of our children and grandchildren…
Truth will out!🙏
Neither candidate is perfect. One supports abortion and one wants to be a dictator.
It is obvious that what he wants, is to DO the promises he made to America that he would DO, if elected. The President is not an “emperor” or “dictator” - the Constitution gives us a divided rule in three Branches - and this structure requires co-operation, compromise and a common “end”: the true Good of the Country!

The Dems have been true to their ugly and unAmerican “promise” - to resist him at every possible opportunity, to impeach him and remove him from office if at all possible - to tear down his reputation and his stature with every sneer and insult in their “quiver” of hostile arrows, to allow him NO success so as to GET HIM OUT ASAP. They want their well-oiled swamp back, asap!

Trump wants to serve the country as he promised, in the ways he promised, on the promises he ran on and was elected on! He wants to actually DO what every “politician” claims to want - to DO what he promised, once in office. He is different - and thus he is so hated in Washington. He is disturbing to their little kingdom, their bureaucratic web of waste and stagnation.

So he works to advance in his well-publicized agenda, by whatever means open to him. The Dems block the way of the intention of the Founders, cooperation, so what is left? Executive Order? Legislative gymnastics? Hard-ball politics? This is using the ways of the swamp to defeat the swamp and to do the work he ran to do.

“Dictator” is a cheap shot; it really does not apply.
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I’m thinking of starting a drinking game, every time the “deep state” or “new world order” or similar phrases are mentioned take a shot.
Have another. Saint Pope Paul VI, Encyclical Populorum Progressio (1967)
To All Men of Good Will
83. Finally, We look to all men of good will, reminding them that civil progress and economic development are the only road to peace. Delegates to international organizations, public officials, gentlemen of the press, teachers and educators—all of you must realize that you have your part to play in the construction of a new world order. We ask God to enlighten and strengthen you all, so that you may persuade all men to turn their attention to these grave questions and prompt nations to work toward their solution .
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Sidesteps away from an invitation to places we ought not go, are not merely “nice”, they are appropriate and prudent.
He has his own style, which I will gladly take along with the urgent and essential priorities he continues to address.
****This is friendly reminder for those posters who may not know that Archbishop Vigano asked the Pope to resign in 2018. Among others ***

Callista, a complicated situation, isn’t it?
Have a cup of tea :coffee:.
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Thanks so much, Jeanne! Let us continue to pray with attention and devotion for God is our Father and He knows how to give good gifts to His children when they cry out to Him. His Word remains eternally True for He cannot lie:
We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
A goal, an intention, is not justified by its opponents or its proponents. It is just if it is true, if it is good, if it is in the holy will and plan of God.

Trump is working to promote good.
The Dems have only the goal of blocking and obstructing him, no matter what goal he is working toward. Their Supreme Commandment: “Allow Trump No Success, At Any Cost to America, Period, Full Stop.” This is evil. What they do to advance such evil, is evil.
“Dictator” is a cheap shot; it really does not apply.
You are the one who introduced the term!

Trump has claimed dictatorial powers, arguing in Court that the President cannot be held accountable for his actions in any way. He has refused to provide documents requested by those responsible for oversight of the government. Now he is saying he will not accept the results of the election, the classic move of dictator like strongmen like Kim, Putin, Lukashenko, etc. He has used his office to enrich himself.

You used dictator to describe Pelosi and Schumer, I assume because they have kept their caucuses united. That is what Speakers and Minority leaders are expected to do. They are good at their jobs. “Dictator” is a cheap shot at the way Congress is run, not at the leaders.

Wasn’t it Mitch McConnell who said during president Obama’s first term “block everything obama does even if it helps the country!"? Aren’t your objections against the Dems just projection?
God wants us to understand the horror of evil, of sin. Evil wants to kill God - to remove Him from Being - so that he, the evil one, can be king. Jesus took into Himself mortal manhood, “knowing full well” (so to speak) that He was walking into a death trap. God permitted this to take place in His time, in the way and circumstances consistent with all else in His plan of final victory, and union in His Kingdom.

God has permitted what is not of Him, and uses it to bring to perfection what is of Him.
Dictator is a good word when applied rightly; it is a cheap shot when misused.
King Cyrus was “merely a man.” Doing what God empowered and sent him to do.
(see post # 47 above).

That doesn’t make him infallible, or perfect, or God! It makes him a man actually doing what God wants done. And many are on the opposing side to such purpose, always.
This seems like a lot of wishful thinking.

Yes, I believe in repentance. Yes, there is hope that anyone, including Trump, can repent and come to the truth. Yes, his administration has objectively done much good to combat abortion. But I don’t get this belief that Trump is personally a champion of the Lord raised up to save the world…which is how the archbishop’s letter reads. He publicly stated in 2016, during the last election, that he has never asked God for forgiveness and sees no need to do so. His wife may be Catholic, but she’s not fully practicing her faith to my knowledge (they don’t go to Mass right? when they have gone to church I’m pretty sure its typically been Episcopalian…their wedding wasn’t Catholic…their son wasn’t baptized Catholic).
Since 2016, when he said that he’s never asked God for forgiveness, he’s continued to act and speak in a way that often is in conflict with Catholic charity.
Again, I fully get and support that his administration is combating abortion. That is wonderful. It truly is. What I don’t get is this NEED for this man to be a hero or even righteous. Its bizarre…and it just reeks of cult of personality to me. There isn’t a politician on this planet who I would praise in the way the archbishop, yourself, and others are praising this man. Not one. Not a single one.

What I see is that “traditionalists” are very harsh with other politicians…and rightly call out their public sins. Trump violates Catholic charity in a public manner on a routine basis and its a constant chorus of “hail to our chief! hail to the champion of the Lord!”. The fact that he’s truly doing wonderful work in regards to combatting abortion doesn’t just eliminate his other faults.

Biden may be promoting mass genocide of the unborn. That is truly evil. That must be stopped. If you feel you must vote for Trump to stop that, fine. But that doesn’t suddenly eliminate his public sins and faults and make him a saint.
No, it doesn’t but the BIshops have told us, the Pope too I believe that abortion is the preeminent issue not Trump’s personal life. So, I just hope no one is influenced by your statements, don’t really talk about the Democrats, dwell on Trump.

Remember, Trump has probably done more for the Pro-Life cause than maybe ourselves, maybe more than anyone we’ve ever met.

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God wiould have us be fair, it is not fair if someone has done good deeds, for all we know, Trump has saved lives in his position.
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Expanding the Mexico City policy to defund abortion more.

Gripers about Trump should recognize these things, not carry on class warfare or want to infer that some are racists or something.

These things are very valuable to Pro-Lifers, versus the Left, that will have us paying for abortion and has such liberal, liberal policies, it’s a disgrace to America.
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