:crying: I’m laughing so hard I’m crying!
I’m going back to LA’s Cathedral at the end of June so maybe I’ll change my mind however I love the building but here are my complaints:

It reads like a federal building from the street.
Jesus in Tabernacle is banished to a small room off to the side (guess the architect decided to send HIM to His room…)
One Marian image shoved in back corner
Acoustics are haphazard
Niches surrounding the main church feel like mini-galleries, no intimate spaces to interact with God and Communion of Saints
Where are the stations?

Tapestries are GORGEOUS-some in Poster Print form, buy one if you can.
I like the light filtered through the Alabaster
Open Plaza spaces are great but only if they are PUBLIC(it’s. semi-private)
I’m gonna try to hit confession to experience the confessional. Confessionals in Churches are like Bathrooms in Restaurants in that it makes or breaks the design of the church for me.
I visited Eliz. An. Seaton in Ft Worth last year. Thats a new contemporary curch and I really liked the design.