Are Catholics better?

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I just get sort of confused and distressed sometimes when I witness non Catholics (Muslims,lutherans, secularists) behaving with more integrity and kindness than Catholics I know.

Could this dispairty I see be explained by the parable of the Good Samaritan? In it, a Samaritan ( a member of a despised heretical group) was better behaved than the priest and the levite.

Is the lesson of that parable those who aren’t part of the Church sometimes do God’s will more than some within it?
I think collectively as Catholics we do our best to help others in need. Catholic charities come to mind. I have posted the info from wiki below in bold. Catholics don’t claim nor teach to be better than others when it comes to behavior. We do claim we have the fullness of truth in doctrinal teaching. We as Catholics sin, fall, pick ourselves back up and avail ourselves to the sacraments and try to go and sin no more. The Bible teaches we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Catholics included of course.
(Romans 3:23)

Catholic charities refer to a number of Catholic charitable organizations
Catholic spiritual teaching includes spreading the Gospel while Catholic social teaching emphasizes support for the sick, the poor and the afflicted through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The Catholic Church is the largest non-governmental provider of education and medical services in the world.
Wikipedia. (via google search)
But are the faithful…better than the heretic,schismatic, pagan or Jew?

…it would necessarily go with what the “faithful” means… an atheist is faithful to his religion (though some of them don’t recognize/know that they are practicing), so is “xyz”

…then there’s the measure of “faithfulness.”

I’ve known Catholics that have subscribed to “los tres toques” (the three chimes): 1) intro to Faith (Sacraments of Baptism, Confession, Eucharist, and Confirmation), 2) Sacrament of Marriage, 3) Extreme Unction… these are faithful to the core of their practice.

…then there are the various religious groups and sects–who knew God was so conflicted?

…perhaps the definition should be faithful to God (of course, the can of worms here would be one or hundreds/thousands)…

…so you must define the Revelation of God as Who He is and How He has made a people onto Himself… it is this faithfulness to that One God that would determine that which you seem to be seeking.

Maran atha!

No, we are not better. No human is better than another, we are all sinners. Some of us sin more than others, or are guilty of more grave sin’s but we are all sinners none the less. People who think they are better than other’s based solely off religion or what educational institute they attended, or anything else equally as shallow, strike me as insecure and I want nothing to do with them.
I admit I am put off by some of the “better than you” attitude. I sometimes go to the Lutheran Service where I have kids in school (our church has no school), and I really enjoy it. There is a lot of energy, and I praise Jesus through beautiful music and get a lot out of the speaking part. How to love others. Pretty darn simple. 🙂

And a lot of Catholics frown on their members going to a Lutheran service. Jesus is Jesus. There is not a Catholic God and then a Lutheran God. I understand there are difference in the faiths. But when someone has a problem with a Catholic feeling a connection to God at the Lutheran service, and wanting to be a better person and help others through that, well…I think we’ve lost some perspective. It’s about loving God and others!
Hi, KC!

…but aren’t you talking about a shopping for fellowship faith/belief?

…it was said that all roads lead to Rome–the simple truth was that Rome built roads to provide their military campaigns with quick mobility (much like today’s tanks, submarines, carriers, jets…); the same cannot be said of “goodness” and “religious groups.”

There are many wealthy people financing attacks on the Church… not because they think she snubs them but because they fear her Teachings. Some of these “good” people also give to the poor, civic entities… and, oh yeah, they finance abortion and homosexuality (ditto with some of the religious, all inclusive God, groups out there).

There are religious and non-religious groups and individuals who remain silent when atrocities are committed against Christians–just recently the new President enacted a law to halt the entrance to the US of people from 7 nations suspected of supporting terrorism… a mess ensued as protestors sought to circumvent Presidential mandates… a reasonable person would think that these same people would have raised hell if the President would have enacted an order to finance the murdering of children in their mother’s womb, world-wide… but when that did happen (Obama’s new world order) these and millions with them were fully silent and complaisant…

not all Paths Lead to God!

Maran atha!

I just get sort of confused and distressed sometimes when I witness non Catholics (Muslims,lutherans, secularists) behaving with more integrity and kindness than Catholics I know.

Could this dispairty I see be explained by the parable of the Good Samaritan? In it, a Samaritan ( a member of a despised heretical group) was better behaved than the priest and the levite.

Is the lesson of that parable those who aren’t part of the Church sometimes do God’s will more than some within it?
Don’t you see the Saints like Mother Teresa as a witness for the Catholic faith? The Catholic Church is not a museum of Saints, but a hospital for sinners. When you realize that then you understand what the church really is. Are you perfect? If not then you belong in the Catholic Church because you need all the help you can get. Jesus welcomed sinners into his company. He did not berate them. In fact he died for them. Do you think the devil is not trying to drag you down the moment you become a Christian? He doesn’t want Christianity to succeed. He is going to Make things harder for us. If he can drag the church down he will. Don’t forget that our warfare is not against flesh and blood. It is a spiritual warfare. Look to Jesus not to man. Also, last time I checked Lutherans are Christians too. Do you know what is in their hearts? Can you judge others? Of course not. Let God worrying about judging others.
Don’t you see the Saints like Mother Teresa as a witness for the Catholic faith? **The Catholic Church is not a museum of Saints, but a hospital for sinners. **When you realize that then you understand what the church really is. Are you perfect? If not then you belong in the Catholic Church because you need all the help you can get. Jesus welcomed sinners into his company. He did not berate them. In fact he died for them. Do you think the devil is not trying to drag you down the moment you become a Christian? He doesn’t want Christianity to succeed. He is going to Make things harder for us. If he can drag the church down he will. Don’t forget that our warfare is not against flesh and blood. It is a spiritual warfare. Look to Jesus not to man. Also, last time I checked Lutherans are Christians too. Do you know what is in their hearts? Can you judge others? Of course not. Let God worrying about judging others.
This is very wise.

The Church teaches that we have the fullness of faith.

Maybe so. But does being Catholic make us better people than the non Catholics of the world?

Are we more worthwhile people than (nearly) the entire populations of Japan and China?

Are we automatically kinder,more tolerant, and more level-headed than non-Catholics? Are the above described values even worthwhile?

It just seems to me that with a lot of people being Catholic is just a matter of identity or tribalism in a sense. They will pride themselves on having gone to Boston College or Notre Dame (the Catholic Ivy legue) , and be somewhat dismissive of people who either did not go, or are not Catholic or much of anything at all.

I enjoy the Catholic faith, but I do struggle with it at times, since it seems mostly that it can create a sense of “false pride” in its adherents. I see Catholics who do not treat other people well, and non-Catholics who are more kinder and open minded than other Catholics.

We might have the Truth compared to the other 5 billion people on the planet. But are we… better?😊🤷
It all depends on what you mean by better.

I think we are certainly better off because we have the fullness of truth. To be a Catholic means you have to believe that or else you doubt the words of Christ. Whether certain individual Catholic are morally superior to certain individual non-Catholics is a different matter altogether. Being a Catholic does not of itself guarantee moral superiority. The guaranty is in the possession of truths that ought to make you morally superior if you will yourself to cooperate with those truths.
I think collectively as Catholics we do our best to help others in need. Catholic charities come to mind. I have posted the info from wiki below in bold. Catholics don’t claim nor teach to be better than others when it comes to behavior. We do claim we have the fullness of truth in doctrinal teaching. We as Catholics sin, fall, pick ourselves back up and avail ourselves to the sacraments and try to go and sin no more. The Bible teaches we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Catholics included of course.
(Romans 3:23)

Catholic charities refer to a number of Catholic charitable organizations
Catholic spiritual teaching includes spreading the Gospel while Catholic social teaching emphasizes support for the sick, the poor and the afflicted through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The Catholic Church is the largest non-governmental provider of education and medical services in the world.
Wikipedia. (via google search)
I agree, Concern for the poor and downtrodden is a
top priority for the Catholics, which is at the heart
of the Gospel, when John the Baptist sent his
disciples from prison to ask whether Jesus is
the Christ, Jesus told them “Report what you see,
the blind receive their sight, the lame walk,… the
dead are raised and the GOSPEL IS PREACHED
TO THE POOR” to confirm the genuineness of
His Messiah-ship!! See Matt. 11:2-5
The Church teaches that we have the fullness of faith.

Maybe so. But does being Catholic make us better people than the non Catholics of the world?

Are we more worthwhile people than (nearly) the entire populations of Japan and China?

Are we automatically kinder,more tolerant, and more level-headed than non-Catholics? Are the above described values even worthwhile?

It just seems to me that with a lot of people being Catholic is just a matter of identity or tribalism in a sense. They will pride themselves on having gone to Boston College or Notre Dame (the Catholic Ivy legue) , and be somewhat dismissive of people who either did not go, or are not Catholic or much of anything at all.

I enjoy the Catholic faith, but I do struggle with it at times, since it seems mostly that it can create a sense of “false pride” in its adherents. I see Catholics who do not treat other people well, and non-Catholics who are more kinder and open minded than other Catholics.

We might have the Truth compared to the other 5 billion people on the planet. But are we… better?😊🤷
What I love about our faith is that it recognizes that order and goodness and love lie at the very foundation of our universe. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that* we’ll* follow suit and align ourselves with this truth, with this goodness, it certainly gives us justification and impetus to do so. And this is knowledge is great news for the whole world.

Another general truth that we possess, concerning human nature, is that concupiscence doesn’t stop reigning within the human heart so easily. IOW, knowing the truth and acting upon it are two different things; sometimes we prefer darkness to light whether or not we admit to it.

But either way the light has entered the world, and will continue to have its effect. Inspired by the great ideals given us by Christ, the Christian world went on to develop education and the university systems, hospitals, orphanages, feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, making altruism and humanitarianism authentic human values, often loving an enemy rather than conquering him as has generally been the norm in our world. Or at least knowing of and tending towards favoring and acting on these values as they have their influence in the background.

Christianity is the true light; its core message being,“Thou Shalt Love”. The world would be much darker without it.
Christianity is the true light; its core message being,“Thou Shalt Love”. The world would be much darker without it.
North Korea is a sterling example of being darker without it.
The Church teaches that we have the fullness of faith.

Maybe so. But does being Catholic make us better people than the non Catholics of the world?

Are we more worthwhile people than (nearly) the entire populations of Japan and China?

Are we automatically kinder,more tolerant, and more level-headed than non-Catholics? Are the above described values even worthwhile?

It just seems to me that with a lot of people being Catholic is just a matter of identity or tribalism in a sense. They will pride themselves on having gone to Boston College or Notre Dame (the Catholic Ivy legue) , and be somewhat dismissive of people who either did not go, or are not Catholic or much of anything at all.

I enjoy the Catholic faith, but I do struggle with it at times, since it seems mostly that it can create a sense of “false pride” in its adherents. I see Catholics who do not treat other people well, and non-Catholics who are more kinder and open minded than other Catholics.

We might have the Truth compared to the other 5 billion people on the planet. But are we… better?😊🤷
Not at all. Its like saying just because someone knows right from wrong they will do it.
Nope. Often we are just as horrible as the next guy. We do however have the means, given to us by Jesus via the sacraments to become holy. WE have to put in our share of the work too, but He is here to help us with that.
The Church teaches that we have the fullness of faith.

Are we automatically kinder,more tolerant, and more level-headed than non-Catholics? Are the above described values even worthwhile?

We might have the Truth compared to the other 5 billion people on the planet. But are we… better?😊🤷
Actually, I am only concerned with being the best Catholic version of myself. As to the rest of Christianity and the other 5 billion you cite, they are on their own. I pray for them, but my worrying about the question is a waste of energy.

You used the wonderful and proper term - fullness. As to what we do with that fullness, that can only be judged on a case by case basis. And by the judge who has the authority to judge.

It depends on what you mean by better. It is true that we have the full truth while other religions only have part of the truth, but that doesn’t mean we are the best or holiest people. We can be very bad sinners like everyone else. However, because we have that full truth, we know the path to holiness, heaven, and eternal happiness. Naturally, we would want everyone else to believe as we do so they too can have a place in heaven. This can give some Catholics a feeling that they are better than others. They are on the path to heaven while most others are on the path to hell. Instead, they should have a sense of pity or sorrow for souls that probably will not reach heaven. They need to replace their pride over their holiness with love for those souls that are potentially lost. This would hopefully move them to make extra effort to give a good holy impression on others and encourage them to believe.
We MUST pray AND witness to one
and all that they will believe in the
Gospel, it is Christ’s Last Commission
in Matt. 28:19, we must be about our
heavenly Father’s Business of saving
True ministry is a four-way thing. If we (the disciples) potentise the gift of other Catholics (the inconsiderable boy with the inconsiderable couple of loaves and fishes) (you can reverse those two roles) to minister to yet other Catholics to receive fullness then they in turn can give to the nations (the baskets).

If we help others to gain a crown, our crown will be our share in their crown.
When these questions pop in your head, contemplate ‘the Church is a hospital for sinners’.
True ministry is a four-way thing. If we (the disciples) potentise the gift of other Catholics (the inconsiderable boy with the inconsiderable couple of loaves and fishes) (you can reverse those two roles) to minister to yet other Catholics to receive fullness then they in turn can give to the nations (the baskets).

If we help others to gain a crown, our crown will be our share in their crown.
Hi, Vic!

…this is exactly what St. Paul states:
8 For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever modest, whatsoever just, whatsoever holy, whatsoever lovely, whatsoever of good fame, if there be any virtue, if any praise of discipline, think on these things. 9 The things which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, these do ye, and the God of peace shall be with you.
(Philippians 4:8-9)

…because when we do such things (imitate Christ and pass the Faith to others), those we bring to sound Faith will be our gain:
1 Therefore, my dearly beloved brethren, and most desired, my joy and my crown; so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved.
(Philippians 4:1)

Maran atha!

North Korea is a sterling example of being darker without it.
Indeed. I doubt if anyone could think of any Catholic countries that, I dunno, perhaps committed genocide and caused the death of millions. Being Catholic would surely prevent that.
Indeed. I doubt if anyone could think of any Catholic countries that, I dunno, perhaps committed genocide and caused the death of millions. Being Catholic would surely prevent that.


…can you cite any nation whose regime is Catholic that has practiced mass murder of their own citizens or have gone to war to gain “xyz”?

…the Crusades were a response to the Islamic threat that would envelop the West… these poor Muslins, after hundreds of years of the occupation of Spain, prepared their theater of conquest, sighting St. Peter’s Basilica as their next great mosque remake. Their invasion was evaded as their flotilla was swallowed up by the sea!

…the Protestant-Catholic wars are usually rooted in political movements by England and other powers who, under the guise of Christianity, perpetuate the battles… but even when all wars related to Christianity are accounted only a few millions have perished and been expatriated…

Atheist and non-Christians wars not only are not a thing of long past history but have accumulated over 300 million deaths and millions more enslaved and forced into exile.

Reason falls short when atheism seeks to enlighten the world!

Maran atha!

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