I don’t have an axe either, and I believe its up to each person to believe as they think is correct - not my fight. My beef is with those that tell others, often folks seeking to learn the faith, that the Church teaches something it does not. That is why you will often see me chime in on threads on various topics with links to official Church documents - so that people can see for themselves. Its also why you don’t often see me say what I believe (which sometimes is at odds with the Church). I am not hear to sway people to my viewpoints (well, not usually).I don’t have an axe to grind against you @TMC, but I do believe that the language used in certain VII documents has lead to these types of issues and misunderstandings.
As to VII, I don’t find the VII documents to be different in clarity or accessibility than other similar Church documents. I think that people are struggling to agree, or struggling to make the documents say something they do not, rather than struggling to understand. That may be my own prejudices, however.