Are Catholics Bound to Assent to Vatican II?

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The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions.
Paraphrasing, that could be a maxim for Catholics struggling with V2:

“We reject nothing that is true and holy in the Second Vatican Council”

My own view is that all the problems of Vatican II are distilled in a single word: Subsistit
My own view is that all the problems of Vatican II are distilled in a single word: Subsistit
That one is confusing but mathematically speaking, if something subsists in something it is part of something or whole thing. Empty set subsists in everything and everything subsists in itself. It does not say that there is Church of Christ outside Catholic Church.

However it fails to emphasize that there is no Church of Christ outside Catholic Church and that whole Catholic Church is Church of Christ. First one is never implied and is achieved by reading into it… Second conclusion however is much more logical when you read the text.

Funnily enough word “subsists” would support idea that there is small True Church in communion with Pope and so on which is part of Catholic Church (lets say Tridentine Catholics) but not entire Catholic Church is True Church (Novus Ordo part not being it? ). It is of course again false when we look at it from Light of Tradition but it’s funny that text actually defends this traditionalist idea.
It would be great if “subsistit” was a mathematical term but unfortunately it is not. It is a philosophical term with connotations of “underlies” .
I see. Does “underlies” not include itself? In other words, can we say something underlies in itself?

Though again it would be extreme interpretation of word “underlies”. Council Fathers actually had draft to be saying “is” without any “subsists” but document was changed on last minute apparently. Not sure why and it does breed quite confusing stuff.

In reality, I think there are like 4 times Vatican II seems to either be very ambiguous or use wrong language. Does that mean we reject entire Council? No, of course not. But what we do is that we understand two things;
  1. It is not infallible.
  2. It is to be understood in Light of Tradition.
If 2 is impossible somehow (as is the case if subsists really doesn’t allow what I stated above or about Buddhism part), we understand that 1 applies. That is a great guide on how to never misinterpret Vatican II.
I was presenting an article, not asking. I don’t think you read it.
Your OP asked a question and I answered it. And, I don’t have to read an article when I already know the answer. Nobody should read OnePeterFive because they are toxic to faith.
Your OP asked a question and I answered it. And, I don’t have to read an article when I already know the answer. Nobody should read OnePeterFive because they are toxic to faith.
They actually defended Vatican II pretty well there. At the same time, this was discussion about article. If you mean to engage in discussion without reading some view it’s strange at best. We also ought to judge opinions by opinions. Martin Luther said great things about Virgin Mary and we don’t condemn those things… but that does not change fact he is heretic. You can’t dismiss something just because certain people said it. This is about actual arguments and points being made not about who makes them.
We are bound to the Magisterium and Vatican II is part of it.

However, we have to be very careful because unfortunately some parts of it are problematic
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At the same time, this was discussion about article.
No, read the title. “Are Catholics Bound to Assent to Vatican II?”
Asked and answered. OnePeterFive is right down there with Church Militant, LifeSiteNews, and the Remnant. Catholic bottom feeders.
No, read the title. “Are Catholics Bound to Assent to Vatican II?”
Yeah exactly- it’s the title, not the post. It’s akin to reading half of the post to answer. You can’t seriously engage in conversation like that. Notice that you can’t even quote the title in your posts meaning it isn’t supposed to be what you actually respond to.

Actually what OnePeterFive says in the article is that we are bound to assent but we can make historical observation (such as Pope Benedict did) on whether Vatican II was effective. I don’t read them very much, I don’t dislike nor like them in particular but this seemed like good article. Again, you judge opinion by the author.

If you want to judge opinion by the author, Vatican II document Nostra Aetate was written by Priest who was later laicized, lived in openly homosexual relationships and supported LGBT. Do we disregard that Vatican II document because of that?
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Yeah exactly- it’s the title, not the post. It’s akin to reading half of the post to answer.
There was no commentary in the OP other than that question. I don’t need to read OnePeterFive and I don’t read LifeSiteNews and I don’t need to listen to Taylor Marshall or the Remnant or the Fatima Center or you name it to answer this question.

I am a traditionalist just as Bishop Robert Barron is a traditionalist.
I don’t need to read OnePeterFive and I don’t read LifeSiteNews and I don’t need to listen to Taylor Marshall or the Remnant or the Fatima Center or you name it to answer this question.

I am a traditionalist just as Bishop Robert Barron
No one is forcing you to do that, but in discussion about certain article this is probably not helpful approach. Anyhow if you mean to judge opinions by their authors and not by content…
Vatican II document Nostra Aetate was written by Priest who was later laicized, lived in openly homosexual relationships and supported LGBT. Do we disregard that Vatican II document because of that?
Do you dismiss Nostra Aetate because of this priest’s behavior?
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Do you dismiss Nostra Aetate because of this priest’s behavior?
No, not because of that. I don’t think it’s logical to judge content by the author. Protestants helped to create current Mass and I don’t reject it either- it doesn’t actually matter who helped create it.
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No, not because of that. I don’t think it’s logical to judge content by the author.
I don’t judge OnePeterFive because of their personal behavior either. I judge them as they are toxic to the faith just as the other groups are that I have mentioned.
I don’t judge OnePeterFive because of their personal behavior either. I judge them as they are toxic to the faith just as the other groups are that I have mentioned.
Thing is that you judge their post by fact they wrote it. Priest who wrote Nostra Aetate became toxic to faith also… parallel here is that you have problem with author and judge their content by that.
Your OP asked a question and I answered it. And, I don’t have to read an article when I already know the answer. Nobody should read OnePeterFive because they are toxic to faith.
No it was the title of an article. I do the same thing with news articles for the most part. If you had read the article you would have seen a balanced perspective, one I think makes a lot of sense.
Thing is that you judge their post by fact they wrote it.
No, it’s not about any of them individually. I am talking about the content/purpose/ slant of OnePeterFive that is toxic. Noestra Aetate isn’t toxic to the faith. The priest’s personal witness became toxic.
Micahel Voris is also toxic to the faith. He is an Catholic muckraker. I don’t mention his sins that became public to dismiss what he says. I dismiss him based on the overall purpose and content of his videos.
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When the link displays the title of the article I don’t feel the need to.

If you haven’t read the article I don’t see the point of continuing this conversation.
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