Beng, Quite a fad when the Holy Spirit came down on the appostles and they began to speak in tongues, but thats not for today,right…
Sorry, during the Pentacost the tongue was the type when all believer could understand. The more advanced type. Unlike in most charismatic which are mostly fake (and might even violate Mat 6:7). And they don’t clap, wave hands, do sugar coated speech/prayer.
The practice of tongue so prevalent in charismatic is so abusive and wrong, exactly why Paul make a strong warning on 1Cor 14
Newadvent entry on Tongue
There is enough in St. Paul to show us that the Corinthian peculiarities were ignoble accretions and abuses. They made of “tongues” a source of schism in the Church and of scandal without (14:23). The charism had deteriorated into a mixture of
meaningless inarticulate gabble (9, 10) with an element of uncertain sounds (7, 8), which sometimes might be construed as little short of blasphemous (12:3). The Divine praises were recognized now and then, but the general effect was one of confusion and disedification for the very unbelievers for whom the normal gift was intended (14:22, 23, 26). The Corinthians, misled not by insincerity but by simplicity and ignorance (20), were actuated by** an undisciplined religious spirit** (pneuma), or rather by
frenzied emotions and not by the understanding (nous) of the Spirit of God (15). What today purports to be the “gift of tongues” at certain Protestant revivals is a fair reproduction of Corinthian glossolaly, and shows the need there was in the primitive Church of the Apostle’s counsel to do all things “decently, and according to order” (40).
The biggest flaw in Charismaticism tongue is that they practice it within the prayer group and even at church whcih is wrong. The gift is for unbeliever, not for the believer. If one wants to speak tongue and couldn’t interpret it, then might as well do it themselves in their own private time.
But seem like Charismatic people want to flaunt it and do it anywhere even to fellow Catholics. And if ask what are they saying, they probably couldn’t understand themselves. Contrary to what Paul said that if spoken to believer there should be somone to interpret it to edify the church.
I suggest anyone who encounter tongue ala Charismaticism challange them to interpret it if they do it in front of you. If they can’t, then it’s either fake or disobedience to what Paul said
As far as clapping and waiving hands lets do away with the book of palsms because thats what it tells us to do.
Why don’t you do a study of being silent and reverence to waving hands and clapping. Tell me which practice is more prevalent in the Bible. Give me ratio.
Sugar coated prayer is sweet to the Lord.
It’s like words spoken by a dumb blonde meaningless and empty. (Disclaimer: not all blonde is dumb).
Beng to much theoligy and not enough intimacy

Let me tell you that I’m so much more intimate with God through adoration, Mass, Rosary etc. It’s very uplifting and energized me. A true peace.
Unlike those clapping bla bla that only flaunt emotion. Or do we want to become The Church of Holy Endorphin like what most Protestantism has became?
If I’m not emotionally stimulated then I don’t have relationship with God.
Padre Pio was once asked how did he distinguished between devil visitation and the spirit of Good’s visitation (he experienced both alot). He said that he followed the simple formula of St Theresa Avilla. If the spirit give him sudden joy, excitement, then it’s the bad ones. If the spirit gives him peace and calm feeling then it’s the spirit of good.