Are husbands the leaders of the family or when did it change?

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Honestly husbands are supposed to be the leaders of the family and treat their wives as equal importance to themselves. Somewhere between in the deviance of time that changed! What is going on why are men husbands not respected as leaders of the households anymore. This is a direct attack on the family by feminism. How to counter this ? How is a family going to last with no leader!? Or a challenge for leadership frequently. The culture vultures are rubbing off on catholic wives and causing women to act dominate!
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Honestly husbands are supposed to be the leaders of the family and treat their wives as equal importance to themselves. Somewhere between in the deviance of time that changed! What is going on why are men husbands not respected as leaders of the households anymore. This is a direct attack on the family by feminism. How to counter this ? How is a family going to last with no leader!? Or a challenge for leadership frequently. The culture vultures are rubbing off on catholic wives and causing women to act dominate!
My wife is a whizz with money. Who should make the financial decisions in tbe family? We’re buying a car and I don’t really mind what we get. Should I leave the decision to her? I’m not the one that went through two traumatic pregnancies. Who should make the decision on how many children we have?
That is the popular view the world seems to have. No leader , wife is equal to a man. Whomever is good when at the circumstance can lead the situation. Sets the stage for emotions to lead and whomever feels like leading can. No that is actually the enemy destroying families by forming societies pressure to attack a husbands main role. Trivial decisions most men ignore. It’s the big decisions in the marriage that don’t get made because their is no direct leader role anywhere anymore. Most women dominate their husbands because of societies pressures tell them they should and it feels good for them.
Most Catholic marriages fail. And marriage itself is a dying breed everywhere. All this embracement of deviance and role switching in society confuses people including my wife. I’m not saying men are perfect leaders but in a marriage they are born to lead.
Lumine do you think I it’s rite to acknowledge a leader in a family? And what about the structure of groups in general would they require a leader? What about the Church. I think that is where structure comes from right?
That is the popular view the world seems to have. No leader , wife is equal to a man.
My wife is better than me at most things domestic. And I do not mean cooking and cleaning. So she leads. I’m better at some other aspects of tbe partnership. So I take charge.

So while I’m building the deck out the back, she’s managing the finances. She’ll decide on what we do with the spare room and I’ll be the one putting in new floorboards.

It’s an equal partnership. There is no ‘leader’

Edit: I just asked her who she thought was the ‘leader’ in our marriage. And she rolled her eyes and went back to finishing the list of things she needs me to do around the house next week.
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Leader. One word that is confused. As far as catholic marriages. Last I heard 3 out of 4 fail but it may have been 50 percent. Obviously the Church needs to do something different when this many marriages are failing. Teach leadership bc the husband is born for the position of leadership with authority within the sacrament of marriage. Surely you would agree bc its Gods design. Why are so many people confused with the meaning of equality. A female is not equal to a male… a wife is not the leader of the family. Maybe the children. Really she shouldn’t even be blessing her husband he needs to be blessing her. And her following and being g subordinate peacefully and joyfully obedient.
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Ah yes “servant leadership”, the only type of leadership that involves being subordinate. The idea is unbiblical and has nothing to do with real leadership.
To what degree a leader leads is up to the leader. Of course complaints can be addressed also. But now of days it’s getting rare to see subordinate wives. Let alone freedom within the family for a man to live out his God born right to bless his family with his leadership bc he is a man , the husband, the authority. And the placement of leader in the family is Gods design.
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Ah yes “servant leadership”, the only type of leadership that involves being subordinate. The idea is unbiblical and has nothing to do with real leadership.
“Whoever would be first of all must be last of and servant of all”. Our Lords own words.

Sounds to me like servant leadership is entirely scriptural.
Leader is a simple term. A husband embraces that leadership by serving his wife. Yet when a leader gives direction that direction naturally demands obedience. Theis is where subordinate thinking from a wife not only saves lives but saves marriages from degrading to mediocrity of oh you lead when you want and I’ll lead too and we can compromise… but no clear cut leader anymore. Bc a man naturally has the ability to think of the group as a whole better than a women and you add grace on top of that and you over power the Devil.
Leader is a simple term. A husband embraces that leadership by serving his wife. Yet when a leader gives direction that direction naturally demands obedience. Theis is where subordinate thinking from a wife not only saves lives but saves marriages from degrading to mediocrity of oh you lead when you want and I’ll lead too and we can compromise… but no clear cut leader anymore. Bc a man naturally has the ability to think of the group as a whole better than a women and you add grace on top of that and you over power the Devil.
Saves lives? Unless the husband is a medical doctor (in case of a medical emergency), a firefighter (in case of a house fire) or similar - no.

And what happens when it is the wife who is the doctor or firefighter? Or both are (as my parents are both doctors)?

My mother has a diploma in obstetrics which my father doesn’t, why would or should she defer to him on an issue where her skills are superior?

Women aren’t team thinkers or leaders? What sort of rubbish stereotype is that? Women having historically played more of a day-to-day role in childcare than men, so it can be just as easily be argued that they are MORE apt to think of and lead groups of others, because they have to spend more tine actively doing so.
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They must have said fine you Christian’s want marriage and families with heads of the households like the structure of the Church then have it and take it seriously bc now its law…
I suggest you make your point, because otherwise you appear to be suggesting that husbands have the authority to kill their wives and children.
Maybe in certain cultures and religions such as (some) Southern Baptists and Mormons, men are expected to lead the marriage on big decisions, but in many other cultures, there is a partnership between husband and wife. And don’t blame feminism for this. Equality of roles has been part of many marriages way before the feminist movement was born. My grandparents, for example, both Orthodox Jews, worked together in and outside the home to support and care for their six children and each other. And this was in the early 1900’s. You did and do what is practical in order to survive.
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Ok now let’s look back at Roman Law. A man had absolute power over his family. He could put them all to death if he so wished. He could divorce his wife for any reason.

What happen here we think well Christianity impacted Rome. Yes it did but most Roman officials were not Christians.

They must have said fine you Christian’s want marriage and families with heads of the households like the structure of the Church then have it and take it seriously bc now its law…
What are you saying here? Clearly early Christian men did NOT go around arbitrarily doing wives and children to death, or arbitrarily duvorcng .

So the Christian ethos was ANTI the sort of “leadership” that consists of arbitrary exercise of power which is only possessed by one “leader” to tge exclusion of all others.
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Husbands are leaders and their placement of authority is Gods design. This fact should restore peace to their families so there is no longer a struggle for control.

An small group, any family, any military group, any business are one hundred times more successful in general with a clear cut leader.

It is very new age and feminist for a women to declare her own leadership or deny her husbands clear cut leadership position in the family. It’s also feminist for the husband to not acknowledge his leadership.

As well it should not be undermined leadership saves families, lives ect. A good leader leads at his discretion. Some men are better leaders than others but All Men Are Born To Lead. Yes.
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Husbands are leaders and their placement of authority is Gods design. This fact should restore peace to their families so there is no longer a struggle for control.

An small group, any family, any military group, any business are one hundred times more successful in general with a clear cut leader.

It is very new age and feminist for a women to declare her own leadership or deny her husbands clear cut leadership position in the family. It’s also feminist for the husband to not acknowledge his leadership.
Lots of female saints who were queens, noblewomen or even businesswomen, who often had to take day-to-day charge of affairs while.their menfolk were away for years fighting or trading, or abbesses who singlehandedly managed large monastic communities, would beg to differ.

Not to mention successful military leaders like St Joan of Arc, who defeated the Enlglish while the male “leaders” were dithering and stalemated, or Queen Katherine of Aragon, who won a serious and bloody campaign against the Scots whike her lord and master Henry VIII was off posturing and achieving nothing worthwhile in France.
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