Are husbands the leaders of the family or when did it change?

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According to your profile you’re not even Catholic or Christian, you give your religion as “Shindigger22”.

So why would we care about your view on husbands or anything else? You seem to be making it up as you go along, or else trolling.

Sorry but it’s hard for me to take anyone seriously who makes a profile with some nonsense words as their religion and then makes a first post on some big hot button topic. If you’re so into “Our Blessed Mother” then why aren’t you representing yourself as a Catholic on your profile and establishing yourself in other ways as a Catholic on here?
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As I recall, Jesus delegated tasks to His followers, ensured that those tasks were accomplished, and instructed them. That is actual leadership. That is what St Paul instructs husbands to do.
WingedHussar, I’d be interested to see your response to LumineDei about how this actually works in your own marriage. Assuming of course that you are married.
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I’m reminded of what a Spanish lady told me once when I was studying in Spain for a year in college (many moons ago). She said words to the effect, “Man is the head of the household, but the woman is the neck that influences and turns the head”.

I’ve never forgotten that saying and it’s kind of been true in my experience.
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I believe there was another thread that got pulled for some reason…maybe it too was “a wind up.” 😉
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